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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. It appears these people were held hostage in their home by their firearms. Then some how the guns made the man take the rap for it. Becareful guns are scary and you can't trust them. http://m.abc6onyourside.com/news/BREAKING_NEWS:__Standoff_in_Delaware_County_Ends_Peacefully
  2. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    But the sound of a shotgun racking a round when you don't expect it will scare the crap outta most people. Most will run after hearing that, if not you'll know you have to be ready to use it.
  3. It depends on the branch of law enforcement on when and where they can carry. Some basically just have to follow the CHL laws while off duty while others can carry just about anywhere any time.
  4. I you kill someone be ready to explain why that was the best option. You will talk to an investigator and possibly even a prosecutor. Even if you shoot and miss then the guy gives up your going to need to answer for it. I do know that the standards for LEOs are much more strict than civilian standards but just having a CHL doesn't mean you can go wyatt earp on some bad guys w/o explaining why. Then there's also civil court where the persons family comes in and paints the bad guy like an angel who'd never hurt anyone. Their attorney is going to point out all the specialized knowledge and tools you have. You will need to explain all your choices. I'm not saying you will be wrong I'm just pointing out that you will have to prove that you were right. It's similar to if someone breaks into your barn and gets severely injured falling on some equipment. In todays world you'd be taken to court and have to explain why your dangerous equipment was there and that it was not there as a trap. If the time comes do it to it but never shoot to kill shoot to stop.
  5. I didn't say you wouldn't be justified just that your going to have to explain more. Ability is a big part of justifying any type of force used. What one person would be justified in doing another wouldn't. If you've ever used a type of force on someone and had to explain it you would understand. If you were carrying in that church and shot the guy with the knife you would be explaining why you chose to shoot him to a prosecuting attorney. If you had the ability to safely disarm him with a lesser form of force ie taser or specialized martial arts training you'd better be able to articulate why deadly force was the only option you felt you had.
  6. So how does the new bike feel?
  7. But the more you know the more you are liable for. If you need to protect yourself with deadly force and you know lesser effective forms you will be asked why you used deadly force instead of the lesser forms of force you know of.
  8. Or you can become above it and not limited by the gun laws.
  9. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    All the people in my class that dropped rounds low and towards the weak hand (anticipating the shot) were instructed to practice dry firing.
  10. This falls under the "I'd rather be judged by 12 than be carried by 6" clause.
  11. Shit nevermind on the double post. Carry on.
  12. Not sure how legit this is but it seems interesting. http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/01/journal-news-hires-armed-security-guards-153103.html
  13. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    I wonder if the dry firing rule is a result of firearm safety because very few guns can go off without the trigger being pulled. My guess is it was started to prevent negligent discharges based on "I thought it was empty".
  14. I think its a gangland issue he's a blood I bet it was a crip church.
  15. cOoTeR

    Dry Firing

    A lot of people don't know why its just one of the things they've heard you don't do. So instead of really looking like a Jackass and making stuff up he just said no.
  16. The ending of that story would have been better if someone beat him with a cross.
  17. To give the attention whoring a place to run free without destroying other threads.
  18. People get drunk and this thread gets whisky dick. It's always ready to go.
  19. Yeah that excuse is bullcrap. That safety would be depressed with a proper draw regardless of the thumb release. I don't know how he thinks he draws the gun with his thumb on the backstrap. My duty H+K is in a double retention holster with a thumb and index release so its a combo of both holsters he has. The reason he shot himself was he was trying to rush the shot by getting his finger on the trigger before having the weapon on target. He thought he knew more than he really does. But that's probably why his show is on YouTube and not the outdoor channel.
  20. Who does he think will be dumb enough to go and get those guns?
  21. I'd like to hear this plan they demand. Or are they just demand that someone else fixes the problem like they with all real life situations. Here's a good one of Jesse Ventura stolen from another thread. http://youtu.be/eg-AhuA_6lY
  22. Gotcha thought you were generalizing the M4 and the M4A1.
  23. I've been digging around on this subject and it seems that the feed ramp is different on the M4 than most ar's. When they use the M4 style feed ramp ramp it seems to allow them to call it an M4 for marketing. But that's what I've gathered thru Google searches and gun forums. Nothing official. .
  24. The M4A1 issued to me for work has safe semi and auto. The auto is full auto not burst unless its a 30 round burst.
  25. cOoTeR

    Helmet Recall

    Nice heads up! Who woulda guessed the cheap helmets weren't up to par?
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