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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I just sold mine in Sept. Sorry.
  2. I'm thinking flames belong on firewood not motorcycles. But if they are hot enough to keep you nice an toastey and warm an fuzzy inside, go for it.
  3. cOoTeR

    wrecked bike

    I thought that but I think we should call the dad out and have him post a video of how long the engine can be held at redline while in neutral. I've always wondered that but never been squid enough to test it out.
  4. Yeah and it probably has mangina juice on the seat.
  5. Get ahold of ninja dad on here. Make him an offer for the f4i he has. If I was him I'd sell it wicked cheap just to teach his son a lesson.
  6. It's not in exarchs dads garage is it? If so he may ride it.
  7. First indication of that was the stupid helmet he was wearing.
  8. Imagine the call to the boat owners insurance company. "do I have coverage on my boat that'll cover a motorcycle falling on it?"
  9. Hey you must be new here. LMFAO. Yeah and they'll screw you over.
  10. cOoTeR

    wrecked bike

    Paid cash for a bike to put it in someone else's name? Why, what benefit is there? Your sense of entitlement is amazing. You've put the cart way infront of the horse on this one. Bought a bike when you apparently couldn't put it in your name. Don't have a place to store it. You don't have the ability to ride a bike. Then you knew your dad was riding the bike yet you kept storing it there. If money wasn't an issue why not get a $40 a month storage unit to keep it in? Dude sell the bike or just cut your losses get over it and MTFU (Man the Fuck Up) and get a big boy job. Be responsible and pay off your debts then get a place with a garage. Make sure you can own a bike without any assistance then buy one. My dad totalled a bike that I had for less than a week. It was a 2007 yamaha stratoliner quite a bit more expensive than a cbr mirror. The worst part was I watched him do it. Yeah I was upset but I didn't get pissed at him. I was just glad he was relatively ok, broken ankle and shattered collar bone. I was mad that I let him ride it and put him in danger, mad at myself. You should be mad at yourself for 1. Not being able to own the bike on your own but getting it anyways. 2. For not storing it elsewhere after him riding it against your will. One day your dad won't be around for you to keep blaming for your screw ups. One day you'll wake up and realize that everything in your life is a direct result of choices you've made. Quit blaming others for your fuck ups. It's a mirror Mr. $300 bucks a month in cigs not like he firebombed your house. Get over it. If I were your dad I'd get ahold of your licence take it and the bike to someplace launch it into something expensive and leave your id at the scene.
  11. Maybe if you had a katana it would cut right through.
  12. I think next year a few bear traps are in order. Go back out but instead of spending money on deer tags use it towards a ghille suit and a shovel. Then as they say in the desert shoot, shovel and shut up.
  13. I used to live on klondike the further north you go the more narrow twisty and gravely those roads get. Take it up to route 4 then get on 203 and follow that south some decent turns on that or 257 up that way. Next time your near 37 and 71 find hogback road I think you'll love that one. There's a parking lot that is off of it park there look for the trail. I think its a horse trail but about 25 yards in it comes to some cliffs that over look the water pretty neat.
  14. Follow the sciota river north from the zoo. Try both sides east and west. Not really twisties but some nice scenery and curves.
  15. I've figured it out. The reason Kawi kid took the generator is he's jealous he had to sacrifice his bike in order to get a deer.
  16. Blipping the throttle is what brought it up. It was funny the opinions of the track guys were the same as here blip. The opinions of the guys who claim to be the fastest ever but never been on the track were the guys saying just mash it down. They honestly think blipping slows people down because its wasted movements/time. But they are the same ones that get pissed when they get tickets for riding like morons and equipment violations.
  17. It can be done I could do it on my cbr but not in a race type setting just lower rpms when coasting to a stop in a similar manner to the clutchless upshift. Just slight pressure. I wouldn't try the way they are saying over there its basically push on the shift lever hard until it pops down. I see no benefit in it like I said its becoming the new squid bike.
  18. Yeah I still haven't gotten used to having it. I have trouble getting the TC to kick in on purpose. My first street bike was a CBR 1000rr so managing the throttle was a must. It's odd but like a lot of people say my real traction control is my right hand. I still ride like I don't but that's the attitude of a lot of guys on the zx-10r forum. Some of the guys on there will argue that since the bike has a slipper clutch you should takes advantage of it and just down shift from high RPM's without using the clutch at all just mashing on the shifter. Some of the guys over there are mad because their wheelie control doesn't work and they almost looped the bike. It's a result of people not understanding how the system actually works and listening to what the salesman says. Heck the guy I bought my bike from said yeah you can just pin the throttle back and the front wheel will lift it'll kick in and set you down nice and smooth. Well that all depends on how hard you rolled the throttle if you slam it back the bike will be near balance point before the system realizes the front wheel isn't spinning as fast as the rear. But if you roll on properly the front will lift slightly and instead of backing off slightly like you need to on most liter bikes you can hold steady and the bike will ease its self down. Basically its nice to have as a back up but not something to rely on. The ZX-10r is becoming the new squid bike sadly because of its ease of use. Some of the guys that ride need the systems that are on it to ride. My response was more of a sarcastic jab at how people see the traction control.
  19. Just pin the throttle now, well if you have traction control.
  20. Oh crap. I think with the amount of firepower the members of this forum have this kind of act could trigger a battle resulting in the start of the apocalypse.
  21. Or use it to hang used rubbers as trophies. You should get 2 one for your house and another for your car.
  22. I liked the trigger on the two we used. We had just qualed with the our M4's, our HK P2000 .40, and the 870. Compared to those guns the trigger was smooth short and light as long as you only let the trigger go back to the reset instead of all the way out. The only full auto we did was from the 15 yard line and we were told to do it in burst. Full auto is fun but wasteful unless you've been trained in how to use it for cover while moving. It was a pretty good training day they rotated the instructors so a more junior one was there. His philosophy is that quals are not training its just administrative BS. So we hurried through the quals and then did malfunction/clearing drills then shot a steel knock down target course with the 870.
  23. Or if you decide to shoot it anyways make sure there are a couple cameras filming it. (Scruit can help with that, he's got more cameras than a porn studio). Make sure you start out saying "Hold my beer, watch this shit". So we all can enjoy the excitement.
  24. I wouldn't do it. Even if the barrel holds up to it I'm not so sure the stock will being that it is 100 years old. My biggest worry would be the chamber holding up to the pressure generated.
  25. Yesterday I qualified with a UMP .40. That was fun for shooting an oversized pistol. The rate of fire on it is crazy fast and its super easy to control.
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