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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Check these guys out for optics. They've got some good deals on optics if you order their paper catalog. It's free. http://www.countersniperoptics.com/
  2. And the homosexuals are upset because there are straight people opposed to them getting married.
  3. I said earlier I'm not opposed to weed being legalized just that regulations for it need sorted out. It's the other drugs I'm saying shouldn't be legalized.
  4. Last I checked 30-06 was cheaper.
  5. The main reason for not doing drugs for me was they were illegal. I could justify to myself drinking because it was legal for most people. It could be picked up by an older friend in the grocery store easily accessible. The reason I tried weed was the whole its ok for you its not addictive its not a big deal if you get caught. Coke on the other hand would be a big deal if I got caught. Heck I wouldn't be able to have my current job now if I had done coke. They looked past pot but coke would have made me unsuitable. Also no one ever offered me free coke so your argument there holds no weight. The illegality was the biggest factor in not trying the drugs. If the others were legal I probably would have tried them. Same as I like most people tried cigs and booze without a second thought. The punishment for the hard drugs was greater than the punishment for weed cigs or booze.
  6. The 3 added up make up the reasoning together so they are related.
  7. cOoTeR

    new toy

    I was expecting a picture of something that vibrates and runs on batteries. But that's cool too.
  8. Mall ninjas can't arrest people. I'll pm you about what I currently do. I used to work in prison and I saw the effects that drugs have had on peoples lives. While some smaller cases and crimes could have better punishment you can only help those that want help. On the flip side the serious consequences of simple possession should be enough of a reason to not do it. If you do the crime you've accepted the risk of the punishment. A lesser punishment would make people more willing to commit the crime. People still rob banks making it legal will not make the problem go away.
  9. Doing drugs is not the only illegal part of doing drugs its the actions people take while under the influence of drugs and the actions people take to fund their drug habit. The majority of people my co-workers and I arrest are commiting the crime to get money to pay for drugs. Whether the drug was legal or not people will still need money for the drug and will be looking at the quickest way to get that money which is normally crime.
  10. In 8 sentences? You must have read into it and misunderstood the point. I tried it and it being illegal and not cheap were the two reasons I stopped. The reasons I never tried the "hard" drugs were, 1 They were illegal with greater consequences for getting busted. 2. I had no idea where the hell to find them. If there were no legal consequences for harder drugs hell I probably would have tried them. With the extreme addictive qualities of most of those drugs I probably would have gotten hooked. Legalizing all drugs is a bad idea period.
  11. Gear up there are plenty of days in Ohio that are dry enough to ride in the winter. Is ride 45 miles one way to work as long as the daytime temps were over 30* and it was dry. (no ice).
  12. Yes the gun companies love this stuff. I would be willing to bet they have a major hand in these types of rumors.
  13. I heard it takes at least three pilots to launch a predator at least for federal agencies. It takes the guy controlling it, a plane to take off with it and a third to observe it until it gets to a certain altitude.
  14. Who would decide who can use the drugs? How would you know how its going to effect a person. There are plenty of cases of people being high on pcp meth lsd and such that have committed crimes that horror movies are made from. Like the lady who ate her babies brain or the rapper "big lurch" who ate his friend while high on pcp. It's obvious that the effects of these harder drugs make it impossible for a lot of people to use them responsibly. If 100% of the users could do it and keep to themselves I'd be all for legalizing all drugs. But I can't say something that makes people so out of touch with reality they'd kill their children should be legal. Then there's also the effect of not being able to work when you get so hooked on certain drugs that you need to steal to support your addiction. I see a lot of metal get stolen from people out here because some tweeker wants to get high. I know a rancher who had to replace a 1/2 mile of fence because tweekers stole it. There's more to people just getting high when it comes to drugs. What about the children of these druggies that enjoy it responsibly in their house. When people get addicted they can real screw up the lives of others supporting their habit. Their kids don't deserve to have to live in a run down house not knowing when they are going to eat again just so their parents can get high. The argument that people do crazy shit on alcohol is irrelevant all it does is say that the legal system is hypocritical. The main reason a lot of people don't "try" most drugs is its illegal especially in their teen years. The reason people are ok with trying underage drinking is eventually it will be legal so it can't be that bad. Atleast that was my mind set. I drank in high school but only tried weed once in high school. The reason I only did it once was it was illegal for anyone. I tried a couple times after high school and decided it was a waste of money and to risky. If these harder drugs were legal they'd be more readily available and easier to get. Kind of like prescription pills kids are more likely to try those because of 1. They are not 100% illegal and 2. They are easy to get.
  15. No. what's your point? It was stated that all drugs should be legal.
  16. So it should be legal for people to do things like this? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GFpxFzaouZo
  17. No because every teen has that older friend sibling cousin friend of a friend that will buy them beer. Makes it easier for people to become middle man dealers. In Arizona the law states that if there is a dispensary within 30miles of your home you can't grow your own plants. The Town of Bisbee (yes the same town in 3:10 to Yuma) is full of hippies and medical marijuana users. They have voted against allowing a dispensary in by over 90% every time it comes up for vote. Just a little fun fact.
  18. It's not the effect it has on the user its the people they effect. If a person is stoned their reaction time is reduced. That reduction in reaction time could be the difference between running a child over that runs into the street and stopping in time. So by your logic all drugs should be legal?
  19. Mexican military has driven into the united states more than once and fired upon Federal agents. That was just written of as a navigational error. Other countries may be like a chihuahua nipping at our heels but they know we are the big guard dog that won't be let off its chain. http://www.wnd.com/2000/11/2205/
  20. This movie really sealed the publics opinion on marijuana early on. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=ny5SUdLIBV4 It think it can be ok in moderation but like everything else some people will over do it. Most people thing weed should be illegal due to the effects of people that over do it. Same as alcohol its fine until you over do it. Just because your able to moderate it doesn't mean everyone can be as responsible as you.
  21. My point is some people, most stoners I know would choose pot over their future. What's to keep them from still making bad choices because they want to go get high? Saying its ok/harmless for everyone to use is untrue. Now I'm not opposed to legalizing it but first they'd need to figure out reasonable regulations. How long until you can drive after smoking etc? How are they going to test your level of stonedness to see if you should be ok to drive?
  22. True he's a dumbass but he choose weed. He wouldn't have gotten kicked out for alcohol. He could go a week with out alcohol easy and only drink on the weekends he didn't have drill but he smoked everyday. The habit he developed he couldnt kick even for a little bit while he was on his last chance with the military then his job.
  23. You can also get in trouble for possession of criminal tools. In the right persons hands they are the tools if their trade, locksmiths and tools for picking locks, contractors and demolition equipment, alarm installers and some of their tools, certain types of card readers. But possessing these things without reason can equal possession of criminal tools. It's not illegal due to what it is, its illegal because of its intended use. That's why you can but pipes and bongs and whatever else you choose but they are sold as intended for tobacco use only.
  24. I think what we all can learn from this video is, don't use a dash camera or bad shit happens around you.
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