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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. OMG she had to clean a bathroom!! I really hope that was a joke, if not then that is the reason shit is going downhill; people just want everything handed to them. So she had to work at a busy "restaurant" for $3 over minimum wage and she gets tips at the end of it. Oh, you have to memorize all the drinks? She probably already knew how to make over half of the stuff in the first place and she better know how to make it, that's her job! "My initial idea of working a leisurely part-time job was completely false" So you wanted money for not having to do anything? I hope your writing career fails as much as your motivation to work
  2. On a side note, dude on the left is totally gay; looks directly at her then quickly turns away
  3. We should have to report all geocaching locations to the police so they can avoid further complications such as this
  4. Take pictures when you get the green, I might be interested in a black outer with green inside bracelet/key chain.
  5. Hmm, I see sugru and see a new custom Hogue grip in my future
  6. I had a shift rod break and go missing so then my shifter just fell limp. I had been slabbing it out 1.5 hours out from my house and went to downshift on the exit ramp and there was just nothing there. I kicked the shit out of the shifter after I looked down and was able to get into 1st somehow and limp to a parking lot. Thanks to the American Legion Riders Post 103, we scrabbled some duct tape and a brass rod so that I could get back home. It was an early day unfortunately
  7. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2011/12/06/bullet-compensator-compbullet/ Their website is in english here. I don't see how this can have any of the advantages listed. They bullets will be more precise because they look lathe turned from a copper alloy, so I wouldn't consider that having anything to do with the holes drilled in them. The videos they posted under their products just look like low power reloads to me, simulating lower recoil. Calling shenanigans on this with the lack of scientific evidence they give to support their claims :bs:
  8. I ran out of gas when a fuel gauge went crazy and said I still had 1/4 tank left. After about half a mile I was taking a break and someone stopped by and gave me like 1/4 gallon of 2-stroke mix he had for his chainsaw. Worked perfectly and got some real gas without having to push it up an inclined exit ramp . Happened another time in my car, just locked it up and walked a mile and came back, no biggie there.
  9. Impressive! How much roughly are you investing in the electronic bits of the conversion? It would be very interesting to do a project like this. And because of your name, are you associated with the magazine at all?
  10. I had to look that up, but it might have go on an application now if I am feeling cheeky enough.
  11. You are fine. You are using the same resistance, which is what is important. If it was a higher voltage/amperage system then it would require a larger Watt resistor, but since these are electronic components you can get away with low watt (read: cheaper) resistors. The code that gets thrown might cause the ECU to go into a "limp mode" where the map is tweaked for less power. If you are following a tutorial, I would follow it to the T without knowing the system well. What were the last things you changed since the fuel pump stopped working. And stupid question, but is it wired up (you said you were doing a lot of re-work, sometimes things slip by when putting it back together)
  12. Not saying Time made a good call, but its ultimately 1 person's decision and, as stated before, they get it wrong sometimes.
  13. imprez55

    $599 ar

    ^^ yup, except I think you mean it will come apart with a faster twist barrel. Here is a good article on accurate long range shooting with 223. A little way down it shows the twist rate and max/recommended bullet weight associated with each. It probably doesn't make much of a difference, especially when high pressure reloads aren't used, but it makes me warm and fuzzy to have a little math behind my reasoning.
  14. 127th with 159 while the leader has 390, we certainly do need a lot more
  15. imprez55

    $599 ar

    You're not missing anything. You buy a kit and a stripped lower from somewhere and put it together yourself. In fact come companies sell just kits instead of lowers because then they don't need an FFL. The time you are saving the company from putting together the rifle is passed onto you in reduced cost. If you are doing it for customization or hobby reasons, then the time you spent isn't wasted money but for fun and you just saved $$$. There are blems in stock at AIM from Spikes for like $65 if I remember correctly. I looked into the PSA kits and the 1:7 twist barrels and cost keep me away; you can find them cheaper with a slower twist rate elsewhere.
  16. imprez55

    What BS!

    It doesn't make sense from a logical standpoint, but when has that every stopped anyone in politics? Nick Clark explained it pretty well in that article: "...if I was anti-gun and I wanted to chip away at the law I would want to do it right away because in a year, reality will be well established that carry by the law abiding will present zero negative side effects."
  17. :werd: If the guy has an extra battery and is willing to top the coolant off then make sure it runs so you don't get screwed. Otherwise, the pics looks like a pretty standard crash except for the rearsets and clip-ons being clean.
  18. Can't you exit out of those and not have them pop up? I never really paid any attention to it
  19. It doesn't sound like that much to get it to work. Get creative and wire a push button ignition in place of the key (and have a separate key switch somewhere else like under the seat that already requires the key), do the standard water bottle coolant reservoir, get new brake/clutch reservoirs for like $20, and finally get a new shock adjusting screw. That sounds very doable to me for a $1500 rvt. Lets see the pictures
  20. I have been as well, but I'm not quite sure yet how it records clicks. I am clicking it at least 5 times a day just to make sure though! We are 169 with 110 hits. If someone has clicked yesterday, click again and see if it is at 111 or if it has stayed at 110. If they want unique id's for each hit then it might be time for a little wardriving...
  21. imprez55

    $599 ar

    If I get mine built during break as planned, then for sure here! After finals are over, a couple friends and I might do a build party with some custom lowers.
  22. Clicked, but its currently 37 vs 276
  23. How did you end up doing? I was going to offer my help, but it was already 4:30 and I am sucking in my Biochem II class right now
  24. :repost: still funny/true though http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=85608 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=85081
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