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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Lots of good responses, thanks guys! You definitely bring up good points about the reliability and history of the bike. I certainly don't want something that I have to fix that I didn't intend and have it go bad at an inconvenient time. Bad: We live close enough, I'll try to motivate you to go. I intend to go as much as time and the wallet provide. Which is why I need to sell one of the current bikes. Revelstoker: If I could buy I track bike now, I certainly would. Unfortunately I don't have the $$ unless I sell a bike first. I don't even have enough for some of c7fx's goodies! I don't have too much emotional attachment to the bikes as is, crashing is sort of expected for me so I know they will go down (the 600rr has by me, the gsxr by the PO). TwiztedRabbit/c7fx: I was planning some modification like this headlight one to make it easy to switch between street and track. Is it really that bad to switch a couple lights and a plate? I NEED to sell one bike so I can afford to go to track days next season. I could make a bigger profit off of the gsxr, but it might be the better track bike. Either way, one of them needs to go or I need to make more money somehow (poor college student is not conducive to expensive hobbies)
  2. My car is for driving long distances, my bike is for making it enjoyable; the quote "4 wheels moves the body, 2 moves the soul" come to mind. I personally hate the trip down to any good roads, in fact anything over 30 minutes starts to make me bored out of my mind and I start to cramp up and get uncomfortable (I might have add as well, which could play into that). When I am in the twisties I move enough and get comfortable. Between the curves I usually have enough time to enjoy the trees and wilderness. The highway is just too much concrete and I tend to get complacent and daze out, which is highly dangerous when I'm on my motorcycle. In a car, I expect long distances so I really don't mind (I've done 17:45 hrs straight before and only the last hour and a half started to get boring).
  3. Haha, these conflicting opinions are why I would like to have a little reasoning as well. I would assume each of you did that for your respective track/race bikes? If so, do you mind me asking how much you invested in what bike?
  4. The 750? You still don't have a price in the old FS thread haha. I'm not sure what the racing rules are for a 750 though, so I'm not sure if I'm interested. Depending if I take a year off before graduate school, I might race the 2nd have of the next season or something along those lines.
  5. Where is $3K worth of parts?! I know headlights, street bodywork, pipes if you get new ones, but I'm not sure where the other $$ would come from. I want to make it track, and then turn it back into street with removable parts (I have a couple ideas now, but they all start with track bodywork). My first round of modifications will be bodywork, braided brake lines and getting rid of the cat/SET/PAIR stuff (and possibly headers/slip-on to remove some of that stuff). In terms of paint, I'm fine with doing a DIY crappy job with a paint gun I have at home. I am also thinking of some diy captive stuff for shits-n-giggles if I get bored and still want to do some stuff on the cheap. Since next season will only start my 2nd track day, I don't want to spend too much initially, so I would prefer to have the money available for that actual track days.
  6. I know you can get track bikes pretty cheap, especially when you factor in all the upgrades done to them, but how much does it really cost to build one from a street bike? You can customize the upgrades you want, but it seems like most upgrades are pretty universal. What has everyone done here, build a track bike from street/stock one or buy a decked out track bike? I currently have an '03 600rr and '07 gsxr600 with about $2000 and $3000, respectively, wrapped up in each. It might be a nice winter project to make one into a track bike, or I could just wait till spring and sell both to buy a dedicated track bike (that I intend to convert to barely street legal). I know I couldn't get a cheaper track bike than what I have into them, but I would be getting upgrades for that price.
  7. It was good meeting you Al Z. Heimer, bambam and NinjaDoc! It was a good last ride (especially 646), I just wish the temps would have been more like today; would have made the slab a little more tolerable. I saw a lot more bikes out yesterday than I thought I would, especially on the way home. A little bit poor of a showing from OR though , I was hoping to meet a couple more I was using 3rd and 4th mostly; practicing upshifts while still leaned over. There were a lot of houses around so I didn't want to make it too obnoxious going through the whole upper rev range in 2nd (or being too obvious for that one cop haha). Haha, I would have been a little upset to ride all that way just to ride back (since I didn't know the route). bambam might have been able to teach me a couple roads in his "territory" for a small toll though I made it home just fine, no other developments with it. I probably wont be able to really look at it for a while. I am just guessing but since that was the first full tank I have ran through it, it might not like the 87 octane I was putting in it. I put some 89 in it when I filled up around my house, so if its majically better after the next tank, I know why. You were smooth enough through the turns, I'm sure you had some more left, those tires probably didn't help either!
  8. Im in akron now... I hope someone else shows up because I only looked up directions to here
  9. Mmmm, only a year since they became released from HD too. from xe.net: 7,999.00 GBP = 12,822.00 USD
  10. That's not to bad of a price. Its getting close to the point where I want to do my ar build, maybe I should start shopping around. I know they were doing awesome group buy kits on afcom for a while, but I don't see those anymore. It used to be Stag everything, with a lpk, upper, 6-pos stock and buffer assembly for like $500. This would come out to the same price or thereabouts too (I always ballpark lpk's and the 6-pos tactical stocks with buffer assemblies at $60 a piece). Looking at the bolt on CMMG's website, it looks like their standard conversion bcg. So theoretically you should just be able to put a standard bcg into their upper and it would shoot .223/5.56 (and it says it "maintains compatibility with all the same parts and accessories that fit your full caliber AR's")
  11. Really? The things listed, "paint, chrome, exhaust, handlebars, seats, wheels, front forks" can all be changed on a sportbike as well. Generally these are performance upgrade, but that is kind of the point (along with the riding position). I really didn't find it that funny; it sounded like too serious of a comment to take as a joke, and too ignorant of both Harleys AND sportbikes to take as a legitimate argument.
  12. True, you take what you can get at the end of the season, I was just comparing between the two proposed routes. I have tried exploring new routes before and found that one road that seemed to be straighter was much more fun that the one google showed to be more twisty. I'll be riding a new to me bike that I will be (hopefully) changing the suspension a little on Friday so I will welcome a little less intense of a route
  13. Over double that of the normal rate, whatever that may be source:http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2010/01/many-cash-for-clunker-buyers-have-higher-repo-late-payment-rates/1
  14. Love the scrambler type on cafe racers. If you were going more simplistic I would say peashooters with 1 on either side, but the triumph is so unique. What paint are you thinking? For cafe's, my theory on paint is "less is more"
  15. Lego stores are open till like 9pm in the mall! I wanna bang...oh wait. By the map it does look like its more twisty, they only question is are they real twists or just slight direction changes (curves). I don't remember riding too many roads that NE so I'm down for whatever; make it a coin flip if you have to
  16. Is al z heimer not coming along? I don't care either way as long as we have a nice pace, getting lost is a way of life when I am on my bike haha.
  17. Link's - 155 mi, 3 hours 48 mins Doc's - 138 mi, 3 hours 33 mins
  18. When/where are the Akron people meeting up? I will probably be riding 271s through there anyway, might as well tag along
  19. Intel or not, generally people bidding on apples don't know the difference and just want one that has the soft white light apple on the top. The point is you didn't intend on reselling it, your intention was to cause it to go for more hoping yours would as well. I akin this to making a fake account and bidding on your won product, thus making others bid for higher on it. Yes, people could buy a different laptop, but who says you are the one who gets to decide whether or not their "luck" plays out that day and someone gets something for cheap? I heard not too long back about someone getting a lotus for <$20, solely because of circumstances and luck. If others bid on that who didn't want it/couldn't fill the requirements (immediate, day of, pickup) then they just screwed the point of the auction. /rant, I just agree with the whole "sell things because you don't need it anymore" philosophy
  20. 35mm camera and some developing chemicals? That will get her out of that phase right quick
  21. Hand cycling usually doesn't tell too much, but I figured it was worth a shot! What does the brass look like? Even though it was worked on I still am not ruling out the extractor (general lack of trust towards people maybe?) but my gut tells me mag. I know you said you tried your friend's mags, but how do yours feel, do the feed lips look bent or do they retain the round well? I have heard the same issues from FEG guns before, they don't cycle well, but I don't know a solution.
  22. Haha, I didn't even see anything to begin with. I open like 20 tabs and get to them eventually. I guess since he is lip-wristing it like a girl we can call it case closed
  23. It might also be too strong of a return spring and the slide is shutting too close, feed ramp or a few other things I can think of unfortunately (if I am understanding the problem correctly). What weight return spring do you have in there now, is there any damage to the case when its finally extracted or any differences from a properly extracted case or excessive copper fouling on the feed ramp? Also, can you hand cycle it fine?
  24. Weird, never saw them before, possibly because they are so new. I have seen the 100 and 90 round drums plenty of times, just never these quadruple stack mags. I wonder what the reliability of that is, I would have thought that there would be severe feed issues
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