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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. If you heat it, the uneven expansion rates is what will loosen it up. I don't know if that is good for a titanium system though. Is it welded onto the midpipe?
  2. Wow, harsh for apparently not reading beyond the first sentance. Lane splitting is not specified in Ohio as being illegal or legal, I didn't comment on any other laws. I specifically said it wasn't explicitly legal in Ohio as well. If people want to use my one post as legal advice I think they have far larger problems then my opinion on the subject.
  3. Wow, good looking out man. I would take the cover and signals if anyone decides they are uninterested.
  4. Lane splitting isn't illegal here in Ohio at least. It isn't explicitly legal either so its more of a discretionary thing. It should certainly be speed regulated if people do it so no one abuses the privilege. I don't do it under most circumstances because there are too many people who would pull that door stunt like the video above, but I am certainly in gear and edged towards the split in case of an emergency.
  5. So...no rear brake and no way to cool the hot electronics? If anything, I think its a way to get as much attention as possible, not to make it disappear. I really don't understand how looking into a mirror makes it looks like it isn't there.
  6. I have done just as shitty of burnouts (one wheel, barely any smoking) with a ~120hp car. So yes, I do think that could be possible
  7. Neither should matter more, but someone has to make that decision to cut the funding and they will forever have it on their conscious that their actions directly resulted in deaths. I wouldn't hold my breath... -edit- woah, ninja edit, you definitely said death before (I think)
  8. As easy as it is to say we should suspend all foreign aid, it would actually cause more problems then help. Too many nations and people rely on us for help at this stage. Taking that away at this point would directly result in the deaths of probably thousands due to starvation alone. I'd love for things to get better, but I sure as hell don't know how to make it that way. We're deep in it and for the long haul because it took so long to get here in the first place
  9. Is it doing a burnout or is that just an excess of exhaust fumes?
  10. "margin of error at just 10 nanosecond" If we are using standard practices, that means with 95% certainty the particle traveled between 2.997986123e8 m/s and 2.998010747e8 m/s (did some math, it only says 60 nano seconds +/-10 and 730 km, so the uncertainty is actually much greater but I am assuming the distance is exact) vs the speed of light which is 2.997924563e8 m/s (in a vacuum). That is substantially faster at 6156-8618 m/s (or about 240mph). I'll believe it when I see something that is reproducible. A lot of things come out as "breakthroughs" but then are never substantiated further, and with CERN's track record of building the damn thing and just getting it to run I wouldn't be too surprised if they needed to recalibrate some of their instruments as well.
  11. +1 It sounds like you want sport touring, you have had bikes and a sport touring 600 isn't too powerful, and expect to pay about $3K. Its a reasonable price for a low mileage, good condition bike like that. Go to a dealer and test ride one if you really want to; its not like you will be wrecking or putting on 100's of miles
  12. My first couples bikes I bought to flip. It gave me experience buying, selling and fixing. All which have been invaluable. The more I have gotten and gotten rid of, the more I want a bike for longer term. The benefit is now I know almost EXACTLY what I want and why. I also know what to expect from seeing and hearing a bike that I go look at and how much it will cost in both time and money to fix if there is a problem. You should first determine what kind of riding style you want to do, then what kind of maintenance you will want to put up with/put into it. If you are very mechanically inclined like I am, spend a little on a cheap bike to fix up and play around with; it will leave you with knowledge on where to go next. You can then flip it for a profit after you fixed it and move up. If you don't want to put time and money into fixing something, then spend the extra $$ on something you know looks good. The cheapest bikes are going to have the most problems (not saying expensive listed bikes are immaculate, but the buyer will know their bike is nice and not come down as much so you will have to know what to look for). What do you plan to do and what is your experience level? Be honest and don't include an engine size
  13. If you decide to keep it, the connector can be fixed and you did not check the stator with that measurement. You checked the end of the charging circuit, mostly the RR (assuming you did all measurements at the battery). The stator will be AC voltage btw.
  14. This, plus didn't you say you had the OEM stator and R/R still because you misdiagnosed the problem before?
  15. If you put the voltmeter leads on the battery in such a way you can hold them in one hand its easy to rev the throttle with the other. If the bike is running, you do not need to rev the throttle to read like 13-14v, but once you hit 5000-5500rpm it will jump up. You also do not need to read multiple hands (or the bike running for that matter) for continuity testing on the stator lead. I didn't read it, but that looks pretty helpful. I would say though, that 90% of electrical problems consist of RR/stator and starter relay problems. Luckily they are the easiest to check and fix
  16. You said you replaced both the stator and R/R with aftermarket ones. My guess would be thats where to start (if you don't want to check them with a voltmeter, it didn't seem like you wanted to). Did you check the voltage at the battery while running? What kind of stator did you get and were there directions? Race ones are not meant for the street because they are lighter and less coils, and therefore need a higher RPM to get to the same volts/amps and therefore charge which you might not have been hitting if just crusing around on the street.
  17. I am saying to cycle it with the tach needle off. Once it has cycled through you can put the needle back on the 0 marking. As long as the motor/connection to needle is not messed up the calibration will make that 0 marking correct. With the needle on, the calibration will cause the needle to spin on the shaft of the motor if it is beyond ~2000rpm off or so and make it unrepeatable. -Open cluster, take off needle, plug in and turn key, put needle on, test and then re-assemble. With the key on, the motor will have some resistance when putting the needle back on to make sure you don't spin it accidentally.
  18. Just take the 3 screws off the back, pop the needle of and place it back on pointing at the 0 position after it runs through a start up. If you turn the key, it should run through the start up procedure and the pin will be set at 0 and unless something is loose or the motor is broke, it should be fine.
  19. I am pretty sure its a re-toast as well. I know for a fact I have seen this and I doubt it was when I was just around on youtube.
  20. It looks like everything is up in the air; people, guns, date. Update soon, I hope?
  21. Should have made a bearskin rug out of him; that would be a conversation piece. And is it bad that immediately upon seeing the topic I thought would be kawi kid would be the op?
  22. I highly recommend Frame Oddities in N. Royalton (13001 Abbey Road). You can call him at (440) 582-0240. He has extremely reasonable prices and top notch work
  23. I think if he ACTUALLY served 6, then it would be reasonable. Since he wont serve the full term, it is too little. If he gets out early, then he should have to take some sort of anger management classes and I would call it even. The death of the puppy isn't what bothers me, its that the guy thought it was an appropriate outlet for his anger to brutally and physically kill a living thing. That is a strong sociopathic tendency if you ask me
  24. Yup, just one ride! It would definitely be difficult to turn though. Did anyone else catch this? "Ghostlight took roughly six weeks to construct the six motorcycles it provided for the film." That's pretty good, doubt they were doing many other projects at the same time
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