Is this a credit card, or a credit/debit card? You MAY be able to get a money order from somewhere with a straight cc, but I wouldn't count on it (giant eagle might do it, but USPS and banks will not). If it does go through, then your cc company might also charge it as a cash advance so you would still pay the %. As far as I know (and I don't own a cc, so take that FWIW) someone, somewhere, will always be charged a % (3-5) to deal with a credit card. Companies allow that to make themselves more available to customers and cc companies do it to get paid. So if you are getting cash from the cc without a % charged to you, then whomever you are getting the cash from will be losing it. Paypal charges you 2.75% on a gift because the person receiving the money expects all of it. They don't charge you when purchasing because they charge the merchant, so even if you had a friend with a business to give you cash for a transfer it would be a % less than your original $3k. Honestly, I would do the gift option myself. The 2.75% isn't that bad of a hit ($82.50 on $3k) considering the percentage charged on a lot of different other options, like the cash advance. Haggle the guy down another $50 bucks, which shouldn't be hard, and then you are only out $30 which is cheaper than a night out with a pretty lady. Yes it is still wasted money, but that is the cost of having something sooner rather than later. You can also just eat ramen noodles for a week and break even, even with the charge.