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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Iron pony has a blue one with a starburst pattern for like $80. Color wouldn't be my first pick, but I really like my exo 700. I'm generally not too worried about appearance, but I'd pass on Rocky Horror Picture Show lid.
  2. There are several places along 270, 70, 670, 71 and 315 that have some serious curves and then open up to some phenomenonal straights.
  3. C-bus

    New bike!

    Perfect do-everything bike!
  4. "Got"="purchased" or "got"="I have one for sale"? If the latter, send me a PM.
  5. I do Craigslist to avoid shipping.
  6. He said the "G" word.... the apocalypse is near. I've owned a full-size 1911 and loved it. However, no matter what fantasy was in my head, I didn't reach for it when it was time to carry. The 1911 is inherently accurate, but does take skill and focus to shoot well. The 3" models are known for problems, but in many cases, the problems are due to improper technique. Buy a 1911, enjoy stroking it, cleaning it, and shooting it..... after you find yourself a carry gun. Just my opinion. I know there are many experienced shooters on this board who carry 1911s every day. Key word being "experienced". Good luck.
  7. It wasn't my gangbang and my only investment was the time it took me to read the posts and some insults directed at some people who have my respect. That apology took thought, time, and energy. Welcome back.
  8. That or he was trying to tell me that the Shifts were crap. Regardless, I didn't believe him either and bought the riding jeans.
  9. I have the $80 Shift jeans. I haven't crashed them, but was told by the salesman at iron pony that a pair of Carhart jeans offer the same protection.
  10. Thoughts and prayers are with the family. Thank you for your sacrifice.
  11. I heard they are bigger ...
  12. Regulating a pink gun is as bad as going after black guns. I don't want regulations, but I'll defer to my own judgement.
  13. +1... free market and all, but not in my house.
  14. Don't Harleys appreciate? Looks like it on Craigslist.
  15. Thou shalt not interfere with video.... so let it be written, so let It be done.
  16. To be young again.......
  17. I'm a week late and about 20 minutes north but I'm enjoying the steady stream of bikes flowing in front of the house on the A1A.
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