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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Kevin randleman is a bad-ass ultimate fighting competitor also from sandusky. Wonder if related? Law enforcement is dangerous business. My thoughts and prayers to the officer's family.
  2. Commute - boots, helmet, gloves, jacket, sometimes overpants. Recreational - boots, helmet, gloves, jacket, reinforced jeans or overpants. Trip to the store - helmet, gloves, long pants, shoes at minimum.
  3. Keep posting. I'll hit one of these eventually.
  4. Mold doesn't grow where the sun shines.
  5. C-bus


    Cool store, but I generally only buy from the bargain cave when I have coupons, free shipping, and bucks to use because of price.
  6. Nice grab. The nightsights and extra mags make that a good buy for sure.
  7. $$$$$$$$$ that's it. Nothing more. 30 years ago, it was about pride, championships, trophies, titles. Now these f-ing punks sell their gold pants and championship rings for $$$$$. That's all it is. Crying little bitches. I've gone 15 years without the NFL, so what's one more? I can't wait to hear someone's rationale for their need for a union.
  8. Good info. I'll get my Florida next week when I'm down there.
  9. What is the benefit of having the PA permit?
  10. I'll never say "never" on that one. March...sun....motorcycles...........................................nudity......alcohol ......drugs.
  11. I have, but I'm not quite there yet. I still prefer a degree of discretion. However, when I'm riding, and I don't plan on eating at a forbidden establishment, I just carry owb and don't worry about it. I find iwb on the bike pretty uncomfortable. I'm absolutely for the concept and applaud those who are consistent with it.
  12. C-bus


    Welcome to the forum!
  13. Perhaps he's French and meant "Le curve"?
  14. Did he wake up one day and find it gone?
  15. I always thought 4", but it isn't important enough to me to Google that answer.
  16. I've carried a pocket knife since I was 10. Just part of the gear in the morning. I never thought of them as weapons though.
  17. C-bus

    R.I.P Mike Starr

    That's too bad. I hate to see talent self-destruct (making the leap that it was drugs or a function of a life of drugs).
  18. Throwing away a perfectly good gun and a bag of bud? Book-em Danno.
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