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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I heard kasich Just installed separate (but equal) drinking fountains at his office. seriously though, straight white guys have no business in public positions of authority.
  2. That's my bucket-list bike. Some day when I have $4k disposable income.
  3. EDIT: This gun is no longer for sale.
  4. C-bus

    Range Visit

    Gotta get on the used market though. "We don't have a registry" my ass.
  5. Other than being a smart-ass, I have little to offer to this thread. I would get bloody defending the right to OC but choose CC as my personal preference.
  6. Hard to tell. I'm not a bad guy, but as a pussy, I'd go for the guy who isn't going to shoot me.
  7. Bump.... stock sights remain. $575. I'm in Cleveland Wed and Fri. Columbus Thursday.
  8. He's wrong. But the instructors put the fear of God in me that my rig might print and I could induce panic. Not accurate either.
  9. Is that a Glock 33rnd high-cap magazine in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
  10. C-bus


    You profiteering bastard. How does one respond to that?
  11. C-bus


    One of my sites filled out a capital request for a new ice machine because the current one was old and the paint was pealing. Well, the morons did the same thing. The protective sticker was pealing off of the brand new stainless machine. Gotta love it....
  12. Reasonable price, nice gun.... GLWS.
  13. I lived at McMillan Woods about 15 years ago. I think it was $500+ then. Nice, quiet place though.
  14. I haven't purchased them yet. My meeting went late Thursday and I didn't have time. If I put a few hundo into the sights, I'll keep it. The stock fixed sights shoot true, but I want some dots, maybe night sights. It's kind of like bikes and cars... aftermarket upgrades often exceed the value of the gun. Like the jokers who add $5k worth of chrome to a $12k Harley and expect to sell it used for $17k.
  15. I'd Dead Milkmen Rep you, but I just repped your "pussy" post and they won't let me unleash more. I asked a pizza shop why they had the sign the other day and the guy said that they would be sued if someone came in shooting and there was no sign. :lol: I suggested that perhaps a prohibition on murder might be implied. Just sayin.
  16. WWW.clipdraw.com/combat-handguns Glock doesn't, but these guys do.
  17. 1) this is you brain 2) this is your brain on drugs 3) this your brain on drugs while listening to NPR
  18. You're right, I edited a little. I don't think that was the intent either. The sick, hypocritical thing about it is that I was thinking of picking up a G19 this week.
  19. A little girl lost her life. Too many people will not get the joke and tie it to making a mockery of the shooting.
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