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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Great video! Thank you for sharing.
  2. It's the heart of our freedom FROM government. 1st amendment doesn't protect Don Imus's job, it protects him from prosecution. The 2nd amendment doesn't protect my right to hunt, it protects my right to defend against tyrannical rule. The bill of rights is simply a codified "don't tread on me".
  3. Beck makes some solid points, but he's an entertainer and a zealot. I honestly can't listen to him anymore. But I don't need him or any party to lead me through my belief in a free society in which we can make a living, raise a family and enjoy/suffer the repercussions of our actions.
  4. You do realize that the bill of rights is just that .... a big "fuck you US government ". Protection from an overbearing federal government was and still is needed. The founders saw that propensity and protected you from it. "Don't tread on me"....
  5. Yes, surrender is quite the patriotic thing these days. Many strong nations have surrendered throughout history. History is written by those that pissed themselves and turned in their arms. I'll fly the flag and fucking mean it. Wake up! Do you have any idea how close we are to the destruction of this great nation? From within. Oh, and if your HOA has rules about flags, you signed up for it. Either change the rules or move out. HOAs are not the "government" and don't necessarily fall under the protection of the Bill of Rights.
  6. Too late my brotha. A toy for a toy. The Bushmaster went towards the bike last year. Now my assault rifle options are my trusty .30-.30 or my. 308 Argentine Mauser. I'm screwed when the zombies come.
  7. This doesn't sound like an insurance issue. The hospital failed to pre-cert so they get half. I would look up your coverage. If it states that PT is covered at 100%, you should not pay. Bring your coverage summary to the hospital. They'll write it off.
  8. Tell the hospital that you are waiting on the insurance EOB (explanation of benefits) to tell you what you owe. If you didn't/ can't get one, it's because they didn't file. If they do file and the EOB states "denied due to timely filing ", you don't owe.
  9. Buy something that you will carry. For carry, it's my 642 in .38 Special+P or my PPK .380 because they are comfortable as hell and will stop an attack. For home defense, it's my Sig 229 9mm because it happens to live in the Gun Vault next to my bed. For Zombies, it's the 1911 in .45 ACP because I shoot it the best and it transfers more energy. I tend to stay away from these conversations simply because we are dealing mostly with opinions. Is a .45 more powerful than a 9mm? Yes, it is. Is a 9mm ineffective as a defensive/offensive weapon? My opinion is that it will do the job and the ammo is far less expensive leading to more practice, leading to better shot placement. Is a .38 or .380 ineffective? Don't know. I've never shot anything with a heartbeat with those rounds. I'd sure as shit rather have my .38 in my waistband than my .45 in my safe though. To the OP... Glock- I've owned a 17 and a 26. Both very accurate, very reliable, but were not comfortable in my hand. XD- I've owned a compact XD-40... very accurate, very reliable, more comfortable than the Glock, but I didn't like the trigger. PX-4... no experience with it, but I've read good things. M&P... no experience with it, decent reviews. My all-time favorite sub-compact 9mm was my S&W CS-9. I sold mine and they don't make them any longer. Too bad, it was perfect. Flame on with the pecker-measuring, but just carry something. The good-guys need more firepower out there.
  10. Download the vanceoutdoors.com flier. I use that as a pricing barometer.
  11. Same argument was used to chastise my AR ownership.
  12. E85 pumps are clearly marked and are separate pumps like diesel. I've only used e85 at some select Kroger stations. But that was when it was $.30 cheaper and I had my F150. Mileage decrease was a big issue and now that the difference is only $.10-$.20, it no longer saves money. Only the kool-aid drinking greenies use it now . So to answer your question ... what they ^^^ said.
  13. Scorpion exo 700. I'd get another in a heartbeat.
  14. C-bus


    Welcome to the site!
  15. Every time Bush, Clinton, or Obama is mentioned on OR, an alert is sounded at the secret service and tracking is initiated. Shit, did it again. Maybe impersonating a war hero isn't unconstitutional, but either is Code Red ....... a well deserved ass-beating. You're goddamn right he gave the order. carry on.
  16. Generally, there's been some communication before the guy shows up. I've always allowed test rides and I haven't had a problem. If the guy sounded shady, I wouldn't. I've had guns for sale on many occasions and have turned away potential buyers just based on phone conversation or email. Now if I had a $10,000 liter bike, I would probably tighten up my rules.
  17. I'd advise him to buy a used Shadow for a first bike. If he's still liking it after a year or so, sell it for what he paid for it and then buy the new one. I also think they're overpriced right now.
  18. C-bus


    I read Ghost Rider last year. Decent book, great band. Not going to the show though.
  19. Queensreich/Def Leopard 1988 was by far my all-time favorite. Other good ones: James Taylor, Stones, Blues Traveler, and Poison.
  20. Let's see...... my tax dollars that usually go to shit-bag leaches have the opportunity to go in the pockets of someone who left their home, job, family and dog in order to VOLUNTEER risking his/her life to defend me and my way of life... Please accept that money as a tiny piece of what I owe you.
  21. The bitch got pimp-slapped, then the pimp got bitch-slapped. Love it!
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