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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. My FZ6 isn't for sale, but let me know if you ever want a test ride.
  2. That would also fit your needs well.
  3. Riding position lends itself to long trips, but definitely upgrade the seat. I did a 7 hour ride a while ago and was fine.
  4. Research the Yamaha FZ6. It fits your description well. Several on Craigslist right now
  5. That was a dick-head thing to write.
  6. No question about it. My company's union-avoidance policy is totally structured around solid HR and the easy reporting and removal of ass-hat supervisors who place us in jeopardy.
  7. A company gets the union that they deserve. Treat people right and they won't organize.
  8. And for you, I wish those fuckers weren't extorting your paycheck so they can play golf and blow politicians. Legalized extortion. The American worker deserves better than that.
  9. The OR-bay business and lack of bike makes it all possible.
  10. I had some concerns as well.
  11. Anything that gets you outside with your kids is cool with me.
  12. 4599 would be even better.
  13. Gas is a consumable product. A motorcycle is a durable good with a resale value. The math was simple. I drove an F150 at the time. I got around 18 MPG. Gas went up to $4.00 per gallon. I purchased my bike for $1800. I commuted 3000 miles on it at around 65 miles per gallon. I saved $482 in gas. Then I sold my bike for $1800. So I saved $482. If you want to make the case that I used that $1800 towards a new bike, then I would argue the benefits of having a durable, sellable item while at the same time conserving energy, reducing demand, and fucking the goberment out of gas-tax money. All the while, I've picked up a great new passion which allows me to cap my work day on both ends with a smile. Ok, and I had to sell my wife on the gas thing in order to get permission.
  14. I'm in dress pants. If it's wet or cold, I'll wear some armored mesh overpants. Generally, it's jacket, gloves, boots, helmet. Shoes in the backpack. I slab 15 miles or so.
  15. 1. PBR 2. Natural light Usual beers: 1. Shiner Bock 2. Anchor Steam 3. Tap Room 4. Sam Adams 5. Yeungling when my SE Ohio connection comes through
  16. Welcome! Love those Victories.
  17. Enjoyed meeting all of you. Let's do it again!
  18. I'm going to watch this thread a bit tomorrow. My office is one exit over off of Cleveland Avenue. If no one decides that their urgency needs to become my emergency, I may try to hook up with everyone.
  19. C-bus

    Thanks for the invite for tomorrow. I think the family's going to take advantage of the weather and hit the water at Indian Lake. I do appreciate it though. I haven't done much OR since my week o'freedom a couple months ago.

  20. If you have a great offer, sell it. Bank half and buy a cheap sport bike so when you're ready to make a larger investment, you'll have a better idea of what you want. You will regret not having any bike. I'd also make the effort to commute. Use it as transportation instead of purely recreation. IMO
  21. Just got in 1500 rnds of 9mm and 500 rnds of buckshot. I'm good.
  22. I think I might have some leftover .233 that I can throw in to cover your debts. I have to learn to shoot up my Armageddon stashes before I sell my shit!
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