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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. . They have a leftover red and white HammerS just calling to me. I can't believe it hasn't sold. Prettiest bike at the Pony IMO.
  2. I went to Blackwing in Deleware. It's a good learning environment as they showed me how to work the equipment and let me shoot without an audience.
  3. Coming from a man with one wife, I do not want two.
  4. When I bought my Victory, my intent was to find a California. I just simply could not find a dealer in Ohio. There are only a handful listed and none if them had them in stock (looking to purchase new). They all wanted me to order one (one was near Wooster, the other Toledo). I just am not willing to order something on which I've never laid eyes. Now I'm seeing the 2014 California and really would love to own it. But alas, the victory has everything I want and need.
  5. Took the day off and tried skeet for the first time. I've been shooting recreational trap for 25 years, but never shot skeet. What a game! I shot seven rounds and scored anywhere from a low of 9 to a high of 18/25 with 15 being mode. I chose to use my 26 inch Citori with an extended IC on the bottom and skeet up top. Capped it off with a $207 speeding ticket. My bad.
  6. Kiddie-fucking religious zealots. Apples/oranges. I actually cancelled my NRA membership for ten years following a pro-Waco article. Nevertheless... Good for Bundy. Fuck the Feds.
  7. Thought I could mount my bike like a ten speed. It didn't work.
  8. I have the Glock and Sig versions. Very handy.
  9. Just go straight and you'll eventually get there. Not sure you need a GPS to navigate a track. I'm just a cruiser guy though.
  10. Tried it out at the trap fields this weekend. I was really amazed at how well it shot. Hit 91/100 first time out. For me, that's a great day.
  11. It was legal for me to take a 50 yard bow shot last year. I didn't because I couldn't do it with certainty. I don't think this new change will open the floodgate to a new breed of unethical hunters. Those who hunted will hunt. Those who didn't hunt, won't suddenly hunt. We have a code. That hasn't changed. Take the game if you have the good shot based on your range, experience, and load/means. This change in law isn't exciting to me....I'm not going to change anything I do.... But if I come across a steal on a Winchester Trapper in .44mag, I'd buy it and use it. Until then, I'll use my bow, .50 Cal Hawken, 12 gauge slug gun, or Spr Blkhwk. I'd be shocked if more than a dozen Ohio hunters shoot a deer with a factory .38 spl load. Hot-rod? Sure, some will out-perform a .357.
  12. If I can shoot a deer with a Ruger Super Blackhawk, I should be able to take one with a lever .44 carbine. No? This is all this is.
  13. I call "bullshit". No way this happened. Not with all of those posted gun signs and all.
  14. I expected to see a documentary on homeless oil barrons. :-(
  15. Immediate to the right when you walk in. I think clearance used to be there. Nice wood floors... Spacious.... Really quite nice.
  16. Visited the new showroom today. Well-done.....well-done.....
  17. I certainly would not advocate carry during basic training. I think current age restrictions on civilian carry can address that for the most part, but once you are in the day to day operations of a base, why not? Are you less capable than in a deployment situation?
  18. Gotta admit.... I wasn't expecting to like what I saw. That is a very nice bike.
  19. What does "mitigate" mean? Here is what it will mean..... Soldiers come back from battle having witnessed shit you and I can't imagine. They do the right thing and go talk to somebody who diagnoses them with PTSD (must have a dx to be paid). Then we will mitigate by prohibiting their firearms ownership via mental instability. Slippery slope. Shit happens, people die, other people kill... We can't prevent everything.Allow carry on base.
  20. I'm becoming a big fan of this tacti-cool thing. My Supernova Tactical for this gently-used (likely <100 rounds through it) Beretta A303 Special Trap.
  21. I can't think of a better all-around bike than the Fz6. I think the mfgr HP is 98 at the wheel. I think I remember the Dyno reporting 88 or so. That is my favorite ex-bike.
  22. Steps up are generally for those looking for that 2nd bike. After the feelings of inadequacy are alleviated, you focus on what you want. Do you want comfort? Touring capacity? Track-capable? What does "up" mean? OP.... Hope the sale goes through.
  23. Did my part and purchased the tickets, but only slight chance I'll actually make it. Been on airplanes for 2 weeks straight..... Wifey has a different idea of a Friday night date.
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