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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. You should shoot for five miles per day.... Maybe not all at once, but buy a pedometer and get those miles in.
  2. My condolences. Any chance you can take the company into a different direction?
  3. That is hot!!!!! I could be talked into that as my CCW.
  4. R&R has been a disappointment this winter.
  5. Me too! Just had about 15 minutes to burn.
  6. Jewelry has its purpose. I've added three Browning Citoris to my safe in past months. They have their implicit prices as well as their retail prices.
  7. Quick fuckin with Korean Jesus. He busy.... With Korean Shit.
  8. More range time with the PPS. For those looking for "the perfect" carry gun, you really should take a look at the Walther PPS. It is incredibly accurate and nearly 500 rounds down the pipe without hint of failure. Downside is mag capacity of only 7, but the thing just melts into your wardrobe when carrying.
  9. Jesus: buy your kid a sandwich instead of a fucking pack of cigarettes for your own fat ass.
  10. C-bus

    Sounds fair.

    Very different indeed. Our constitution actually protects our right to carry. And our right to carry protects our right to mary and express all kinds of things. If you are reading this as anti-same-sex marriage, you're doing it wrong.
  11. Was at the IP a week or so ago. These bikes look fantastic!
  12. I'm finally through my shooting stash. I need to find someone to sell to me by the case. I miss $8.99 Blazer.
  13. Did a little shooting today. Practiced rapid fire drills at 7 yards with the PPS and the PCR. Wife joined me today. Very relaxing.
  14. I feel that old! I was in a play in 9th grade. The play was the weekend of May 10th. I was loaded at the after party, was in a hot-tub with the cast, some 40 yo mom was rubbing my leg, and it snowed while we were in the hot tub. So much fail in that sentence.
  15. I remember snow in mid-may back in the late '80s.
  16. There are definitely a few different ideas of what a good time consists of. A spirited ride through the twisties is fun for many. Me? I found it exhausting to finish a ride and find myself relieved that I survived it. I find very little more pleasurable than a slow cruise through a wooded road on a cool fall day. To me, that's the essence of riding. I find it laughable that we've established a hierarchy of dooooosh-baggedness based on how many miles you ride/weather you ride in/helmet-style/leather color/tassel length. I love my big bagger. It's the first bike that I haven't immediately started thinking of my next immediately after purchase. Will I own another sporty bike? Possibly as a second, but I don't feel that urge any more.
  17. I hear this, but any time I'm on the road (nearly 40,000 miles of work-driving last year) and the sun isn't warming vaginas, all I see are HD Baggers, GoldWings, and Beemers.
  18. Definitely interested in supporting your business.
  19. Would have hot-glued a spoiler to an Impala.
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