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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus


    You Brits chop up our language so badly, the kid probably couldn't understand you. Learn to speak English already!
  2. Fin's regular price is $9.99 for 9mm Blazer. On sale about once a quarter for $8.99. I like that Blazer. It shoots much more cleanly than other cheap stuff.
  3. Cabela's club visa + business travel = discount on lot's of stuff.
  4. Absolutely agree, but we know that won't happen. You watch... they'll get Jack-shit for jail time, if any. Substitute "25 year old stranger" for "15 year old daughter" and they both get life. Look at these fuckers who scald their infants on purpose. They get relatively light sentences. You shove a disabled adult into scalding water with intent to cause injury and you're in jail for a while. Maybe I watch too much TV, so someone in the know is welcome to argue.
  5. Crimes against children are so under-punished. Both parents need life in prison at minimum.
  6. I will be on my second renewal. Per usual, I don't research stuff that doesn't apply to me. I'm planning on using my certificate, but wouldn't be sad if I had to do more training.
  7. I'm pretty sure that our advanced class certificate from November will count for your renewal. You may want to contact our instructor.
  8. I historically haven't found good deals at Walmart, but stopped there at the Macedonia exit off of 271. Federal 9mm fmj (not steel) was $19 and change for a box of 100. Tula was a little over $9 for 50. I picked up 1500 of the federal. Other than the occasional $8.99 sale for blazer aluminum, this is about as cheap as it gets for non-steel (am I spelling the right "steel"?).
  9. Honestly, that's why I've sold a few on this forum. Although anyone can lie on the interwebz, I can weed out the douchers in a few posts and choose not to sell to them. On this forum, I've never regretted a gun sale and feel that I've actually made a few friends.
  10. Yup... made in China. Not saying "junk". I don't know if it is or not.
  11. Don't get in trouble by sharing too much, but I'd be interested to see today's same-store sales numbers.
  12. I think my AA went to Wrsterville for it.
  13. Four boxes of Pike's for the office.
  14. Not shocked by most of those, but there are some rural communities on there. I bet their constituents wouldn't appreciate it.
  15. From a guy who carries 5 rnds of .38+P a good portion of the time, if 5+1 of .45 feels right, so-be-it. Although the XD line has a record better than most, I wouldn't wait in line for that first run. Let 'em work out the kinks (I think I read that the first run of M&PS gave the users genital herpes). I wonder how this measures against any of the small 1911s out there.
  16. Have you met her? Kidding. Nice work!
  17. 20 would be fine for HD or anything else for that matter.
  18. C-bus

    First gun

    Welcome to the cul..... I mean "club". Just make your tithing checks out to the Church of Glockentology. Nice grab. You won't be disappointed.
  19. I find Chebby's mockery of Glock to be highly e-insensitive.
  20. If you have any success let me know. I have a set of balls and a spine that I no longer use. I'll have to ask the wife where she put them though.
  21. The Glock Holsters above are Cow Hide. The M&P, although out of stock, only come in Unicorn foreskin. It is softer, more supple for the sensitive hands of the effeminate user.
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