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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I got the blow-off 2 weeks ago driving south on 71 through Delaware and into Columbus. Old drunk was spending more time on the rattle strips than on the road. OSHP couldn't have given two shits. CPD either when they transferred me. I followed from north of 36/37 to the Broadway exit.
  2. If we're considering only what we actually own, it would be my 30-30 Marlin (don't have a good rifle selection ), Nova HD 12 Gauge, and my Beretta M9 (my highest capacity and I can hit what I'm pointing at). I really need an AK/AR... actually researching a Steyr AUG right now. We'll see.
  3. Membership to Aim-hi NASR. Decompression from a shitty work-day just got easier.
  4. That advanced training class that we took did wonders for me. Did it train me up to an expert? Not even close. But it showed me how underprepared I really am. Knowing what you don't know and understanding your vulnerabilities are huge steps. As for this video, although the points are valid, it exaggerated the points in an attempt to make us look stupid.
  5. If memory serves me, either of those 1911s can be had for around $750 to $800. I don't know much about your AR, but there's your bar. Personally, I'd do the Smith but I am NO 1911 expert.
  6. Thursday it is then. Will firm up then. Happy birthday! Midget hookers in jello tub?
  7. Me too. Wed after 4:00, Thursday after 3:00, anytime Friday.
  8. Sweet! I'll pm some possible mwet-up times once I nail down my schedule this morning. Wednesday will probably be as soon as I can.
  9. C-bus

    Kim Jong Il Dead

    Daddy set the bar pretty low, so I'm not sure that we'll see drastic changes... unless he tries to earn his international man-card somehow. I, honestly, am not sure what I think our role should be in this. I'm tending to lean more towards the isolationist, but how much rope do we give a nuclear power with an unstable leader (as we have been led to believe)? I tend to feel that a country's treatment of its citizens is none of our business, but we can't sit back and let another 6,000,000 (insert oppressed peoples here) be slaughtered. Where is our line? Not that I have any impact on what happens over there, but I have to search for that compass-reset.
  10. If you can't work a deal with the scull crusher, I'll take all of the ammo for $40.
  11. Helpful. My music tastes stopped developing in 1995 when I entered the workforce, exited the bar-scene, and turned on AM radio. When did Axl Rose get old and fat?
  12. The fact that I can't answer confirms that I'm not ready for a new bike. I'd like a Road King, but I'm not ready to give up the performance. I'd like a Striple, but I wouldn't ride hard enough to enjoy the upgrade and it gets worse mileage. I'd like a Guzzi, but do I want one just to say that I have one?
  13. Over $600 is too much. You should be able to get a Gen 4 for $550 or less just about anywhere. Try the Fin up your way. 8mmdale had some great prices as well, but the drive may eat your savings.
  14. I think I'm in a good place with my "need" guns. The right tools in the right places. So now I'll look for a few wants... I'd like a CZ75, a Beretta 84fs .380, and a HK P7 to name a few. I'll likely treat myself to one or more of those in the next few weeks.
  15. I find the 19 easier to shoot, hold, and carry IWB. Either way, you can't lose with either.
  16. C-bus

    out of gas

    My Nighthawk ran out of gas on Livingston avenue. Fortunately, I ran out about 30 feet from a gas station and was able to coast in without missing a beat. That wont happen twice.
  17. C-bus

    What BS!

    Guns should be banned in bath houses.
  18. My friend started a magazine called "The Garage Slab". You guys should check it out. Cool stuff. Can't post the link from my phone, but Google will be glad to help.
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