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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Man MJ is the reason I dance! And I'm good at it and if it wasn for me dancing I wouldn't had got so much ass! Thank you MJ


    I agree with you . If it werent for Michael, I wouldnt be able to enjoy the dancing of Brandon...


    And I wouldn't be able to enjoy little boys.... Too soon?




    Seriously though, I'm not going to hate on the mans tallent. He could sing and dance, it's a shame he went so nutty. RIP!

  2. Lastly I also suspect I feel a little vulnerable because this is ground I have never certainly never covered before - so if you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."



    :wtf: Ummm is it really that hard. Either you're going to sneek around on your wife and family or you're going to break it off then hook up with your new woman...

  3. my last tweets:


    "omg he came out of no where! who bikes at 11pm? i guess i shouldnt drink and drive??"


    10 mins later-


    "he is not moving... i'm leaving"


    i cant wait in a few im just gonna tweet - "time for another beer"


    :lol: + Rep!

  4. How the hell did we make it 2 pages with out a F&F quote? I guess I'll be the first...


    "Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning."

    - Dominic Toretto

  5. Be excellent to each other.


    A truly great sentiment. Too bad people will discount it because of its source....









  6. Yeah, but it's elite...Most of us arent rich enough... :p


    I already asked for the kitchen to return...I'm hoping it does ASAP.



    I heard you had to kill a man to become a member. :ninja:

  7. you know, for all these people blaming me for the drama around here. there sure are alot of people wanting the drama center back. a good 70% of drama, gets started in the kitchen.


    this place has been nice the past 2 weeks or so. i hope it stays gone.


    You know I never really got involved in the bull shit drama since it doesn't have anything to do with me personally, but I would have to agree. The kitchen started to get out of hand and started to drag people down with it, it was annoying IMO and I’ll just leave it at that. Besides it’s gotten the forum back on track, there are more car related topics, people are actually getting along and there is less pointless bitching. +1 for leaving it gone.

  8. Hey new guy.. You wouldn't happen to have some stickers on your back drivers side window would you? I can't tell from the pics. If so I tried racing you along with a black Rx-7 the other day (on a closed course with professional drivers). The Rx-7 played but the red evo didn’t :( Oh well welcome to CR.
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