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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. That’s defiantly a beater; do you have any cars lined up in the future to mod/ work on? Don’t mean to sound like an ass but I’m not quite sure what you joined for… Do you race anything? Are you into racing in any form? Or do you just want to learn how to fix things that break on your car? Either way good luck and Welcome to CR, I’m sure if you stick around you’ll find something useful.
  2. So what do most of you run in your "race" cars? I'm about to upgrade the brake system on my car and was going to bleed out the master cylinder as well and replace the fluid. It’s no longer a street/ strip car, but I do drive a little spirited at times. After reading the above article I’m thinking about the DOT 4. I didn’t realize there was so much to break fluid.
  3. Sounds like a memory issue..


    reboot, its a (lack of) memory problem



    Yep, that solved it! I moved all my downloads off my PC and into my Drop Box now no more skipping! Thansk :thumbup:








    Blow on the...... i got nothing


    :lol: Nice try.

  4. So just yesterday all my Mp3's that I normally play in Windows Media Player have been skipping like a scratched CD. WTF!? They never did that before. I downloaded Real Player too just to see if they would skip there too and they do. I don't think its the file becasue they've never done it before so what could it be? I tried to google an answer, but nothing has work so far. Sorry, I'm not a computer guy so any help would be great, thanks!
  5. Just saw it on CNN somebody went to his house and found him un responsive What the hell is going on?


    Jay Leno, just wrecked a car and is in critical condition


    I could care less about Billy Mays, but Jey Leno!? proof or it didn't happen....

  6. Just got home from the Rave seeing it. Decent, but waaaaay too cheesy.


    Saw it tonight. It was good. The fight scenes were pretty epic, but that love crap was boring. I guess they needed something to boost the plot.




    It was a good movie, but I think I like the 1st one more.

  7. This kid I know legitimately has awesome tattoo'd on his wrist, as well as piglet on his opposite wrist. He said he got them simply for the fact that they were free :confused:

    I know a guy who had a pair of dice and a cherry tattoo'd on his hands becuase they were free... They looked like free tattoos too. :nono:

  8. Anger Management Services Anger Management Services



    1620 E Broad St

    Columbus, OH 43203-2072


    (614) 235-5219‎


    seek help


    Hahaha.... Hey, FUCK YOU ASS HOLE!!! You don't know me!! :lol:


    And I already box, 3 days a week.

  9. I used to have a temper. At some point I just stopped getting worked up over little shit. I cant tell you when it happened but I calmed down. I think everyone needs a little fire and passion towards something but getting in fights is not the answer.


    I can tell you from experience tho Boxing did not help my temper at all. Only thing boxing helped me with was after I lost my temper I usually did not get knocked out.

    :lol:, yeah , i guess if it comes down to it, I could say the same. I just have a new respect for hitting people now it's almost unfair. :D

  10. I know we all loose it sometimes, but who has a bad/ short temper and what do you do to correct it and why do you feel like you loose it?


    I'm asking because I have an evil temper. Ask most people who know me and they'll tell you I'm extremely easy going, I can roll with the punches and let a lot slide. But ask the people who have known me a while and are really close to me and they know every now and again I have a straight evil side. It scares me.


    Today I was working on something and my boss rushes into my office and says something then turns around to walk out. I said hey and started to ask him a question. Then he just leaves. For whatever reason, I just got pissed! I remember feeling extremely insulted and disrespected. I mean he clearly heard me, he just said his peace and left. So I walk down the hall and said “John! Don’t fuckin walk away from me, I asked you a question. Now turn around and answer me!” He looked at me with just shock… I didn’t care. I said “What you did was rude!” Well he answered my question then that was it…It may not sound that bad, but cursing in a professional environment at your boss over nothing is kind of a big deal. I mean I could get written up or suspended or hells at the wrong time loose my job and or credibility.


    What scares me is when I do, I don’t even give shit what happens. It’s calmed down over the years but has never left me 100%. When I was younger 17-18 I would get into fights. But most young men do I guess. Not goanna lie, I got the shit beat out of me for it sometimes. There was another situation when I was about 21 when I punched and choked the shit out of someone. He ended up passing out and it took a few people to pull me off. There is a lot of back round to that story, (no alcohol) some may say I did the right thing, but I don’t want to hurt people. I really don’t like that about me, but I feel like I may always have it. I’m 24 now and I’d say I may loose my temper once a month or maybe every 2 weeks if I’m really stressed... but when I do… it’s bad. :(. Since I’ve started boxing I think it’s gotten a lot better on the physical violence, but I still just get in a rage sometimes.


    So what do you do when you get upset?

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