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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Chances are if you mod you car or have had it a long time you get your fair share of squeaks and rattles from your dash when you drive, especially if it’s an older ride or you’ve had to take the dash off a few times. Well I’ve had this annoying issue for a while now and I’m glad to say that I’ve found a fix. It’s kind of… ummm… a back yard mechanic fix, but hell it works!


    Just take whatever is squeaking off the car in my case it was the center console. Since all it has are a few clips that snap into place you can’t really tighten anything up, so take some weather stripping and cut a few 1 inch strips and apply them between the clips. It’s nice because the stripping is already kind of tacky and sticks right to the dash parts but not too sticky so if you need to adjust the placement you can and don’t have to worry about scraping glue off your dash pieces. Once you have all your strips in place just reinstall your dash piece. The weather striping makes it tighter to put into place and it’s made of sponge/ foam material so you won’t get that annoying rattle or squeak. I did this last weekend and after a week of driving the car all the squeaks are gone. Like I said, it’s kind of hokey but you can’t argue success… can you? :D





  2. jointly-rented condo with some chick who wasnt his wife


    found shot multiple times in her place on the couch, not running to the door or anything, just chillen on the couch


    dead women found next to him on the floor with one shot in her own head and a pistol laying next to her



    do the math


    Yep, that's my first thought too. The Escalade that was registered to her AND McNair and had the address listed as McNairs restaurant. Humm, now why would you do that?

    His own brother didn’t know anything about this “Friend”

    The Police said that they are NOT actively looking for a suspect at this point based on the evidence found at the crime scene. Hummm….


    Now add that to all the things you mentioned and well…. IF it is true, that sucks ass. 1. The Girl was only 20! What a waist. 2. McNair left behind his family…

  3. If you guys wanna see some fireworks go to whitehall on country club road there's a carnival for the kids and when the big mortors hit you feel it in you chest. RED WHITE BOOM was weak if I didn't have kids I would never go


    We use to go to the Whitehall ones when I was a kid. They didn't have it roped off very well and you would get hit with the mortor shells as they fell out of the sky. A few people got hurt pretty good back in the day. Aaahhh, good times!

  4. Some people just lead rediculous lives.. Discuss.



    Posted by a member of the MR2 Spyder forums, I laughed for a good 30 minutes at this video.


    He's just livin the dream man! :lol:



    I know that guy pretty good from the spyder forums. He has made a couple of silly videos, but if you want to see the best one, this is it by far:




    Hhahaha... Yeah I didn't know wher he was going with that but well done!

  5. that's kind of how I feel.... unfortunlatey ours just lays there and has issues breathing and most of the time has trouble keeping her eyes open. I think we probably caught it alot later than one would have hoped.


    so from what I'm reading we could have 2-9 months with her still?


    It depends on what type of cancer it is. Certain types of cancers are more aggressive then other and are found in particular parts of the body. From what I understand lung cancer in Dogs is most often a slower type. Were something like liver cancer is more aggressive. That’s not to say that you can’t get an aggressive type of cancer in the lungs it just statistically the type of cancer that can develop in the lungs is a slower type. So unless they biopsy the tumor to find out what type it is you can’t really say how fast or slow it will grow/ spread. As for how long your dog can live… I don’t know. I’m sure it depends on a lot of things. After we were given the 2-4 month timeline we started acting like he was already dead and not enjoying him. We made the decision to stop all treatment and just let whatever happens, happen. All we wanted was a happy pain free dog who was still enjoying his life. When that ends for him or your dog I can’t say… All I can do is enjoy the time we have together.

  6. Would you really? Im curious because people say that alot but would they/you actually do it if someone offered the trade?


    I dont think i would offer my left or right nut for anything.


    V8kilr, that is a beautiful supra get it!


    Hells yeah, maybe not for that car... But I'd give my left nut for hummm, a Ferrari 430 or 360 spyder.



    BTW, that's a clean ass Supra! Have fun looking for your next car.

  7. Yep, actually my 14 year old doby was diagnosed with lung cancer in Oct last year. Prior to that he had a tumor on his spine that caused him to loose function of his back legs. We had it removed and the Dr. said that it may take him several weeks to walk again or even worse, he’d never be able to use his back legs. The damn dog defied everything and walked out of the hospital. Then when we took him back they found a very large growth and then a bunch of small growths in his lungs. We tried chemo for a few weeks since my G/F works at MedVet (other wise it would have been too expensive). It didn’t really help much and we had to keep him on a bunch of meds to help fight off the side affects of the treatment so we decided to stop the chemo. Then about a week or 2 later we have him looked over and find that he has another cancerous growth on his spine again… The doctors said he had about 2-4 months to live so we decided that we would just try and keep him comfortable until the time came. It’s been 9 months after his first diagnosis and 5 months longer then they gave him to live and he is STILL alive! :D… He’s slower now and stumbles every now and again on the kitchen floor. But he still runs along the fence out back and barks at kids on the playground. He still jumps around when I get home from work and he’s happy to see me. I worry about him and just hope he’s happy. I tell myself that if he stops playing or barking then his time is up… But I kind of just hope he passes on his own so I don’t have to make that call.
  8. I've always wanted a Reticulated. How large was your Burmese ?


    I've owned two true South American Boa Constrictors, two Ball Pythons, and an albino Cornsnake. I haven't owned a reptile for years though, and to be honest I don't really miss it. It was a cool experience though.


    I had one for about 3 years, that mofo got to be about 14ft when I had to get rid of him. He was cool when he was a manageable size, they kind of have this oil spill type reflection on them. He was pretty mild mannered. In the wild they get to be somthing like 20+ feet... no thanks. I also had an Amazon tree boa he was mean as shit. It didn’t matter how much I handled him, he would bite me every chance he got.

  9. ...only reason why hes all being butt hurt is he just put a 6.0l an heavy cam in hsi car an i beat him on street tires :bangbang: so hes a little bitter haha





    Hahaha, ouch. How as te race to the 60ft mark? :p

  10. I wonder how the ride quality in the car is. When I mod a car I look for performance gains and then styling. If something can make me faster or handle better and look good at the same time great. But why would you spend an honest buck on making your car perform worse? Seriously, lets spend $$$ to take away value on my car. If doing that had ANY real useful advantage I would say… okay. But just to look fucking stupid? I don’t get it?
  11. ... oh shit im actually under 400 haha 320 bucks an ran 12.8s bitchessss then i spent 150 on dragradials last season so technically 470. but bolt on mods 320 bucks...


    Well fuck me... Add an extra 0 to your numbers and that's what it took for me to run 12.7's. :nutkick: :(

  12. I paid 3k for a GTP then traded it a year later for an S10 Xtreme, drove it around for 5 months then sold for 4k, and if I could have afforded to wait longer I would have got more for it. That GTP was an awesome car but bottom line it was a FWD automatic that cost too much to go fast. So in the end I made a profit, which was a small stepping stone to getting a car that I REALLY wanted all along.


    Moral of the story? Trading cars is sweet if you use it to your advantage. Oh, and FWD sucks


    Very well put and I third the whole FWD being ass part...

  13. no it doesnt its a blast... i drove mine to work today an ran it straight into the piller in the parking garage.. haha vroom BAM!!!!!! hahahaahh


    Hahaha, why di O have this very clear image of you just slaming into shit in your car, then hiting 270 in rush hour and just swirving at people. Al for a good laugh. Beaters FTW!!!

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