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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Does anyone want to play curb ball with me :(


    YESS! Curb ball was fuckin sweet!!! Plus all you needed was a ball, 1 friend and a curb. Haha



    But I'd have to say that things like tag and the other mentionable are still around. There are a bunch of kids in my neighborhood and now that it's warmer out I see the basketball hoops going up kids on bikes ,playing football in the streets and yes, even curb ball! On weekends I hear kids out till about 9-10pm.

    So to answer the question, I don’t think they’ve gone anywhere, sure things have changed but I think we all have just grown up.

  2. I would say that a great opportunity to drive it would be to take it to Cup O' Joe. I'm honestly not trying to be a dick and deter you from putting on an event, but Clay has done a great job putting one together already, you just have to show up and enjoy.


    X 2 I live in the hilliard area and at 6:30-7:00am on Saturday it's a really nice drive out to that Cup O' Joe. Not to mention that if people start one on each side of town attendance will be low at all of the. Part of the whole Cars & Coffee deal is taking a nice little drive to meet up with Car people.

  3. Nick Cannon can be pissed for what was said, but it's a stretch to call Em racist for calling her names. He talks shit about Lindsey lohan, Sarah Palin, Jessica Simpson he’s even had songs about killing his wife! So Nick is saying that talking shit about women is okay as long as their not black!? Either way this will be failure. It’s almost a kamikaze move on Nick cannons part. He’ll get destroyed by Eminem, but at the same time Eminem will loose for going after him in another week ass beef.
  4. By hand?

    With machine? - what machine/ pads?


    Good question. I have an obitial (?) buffer, what works best as far as pads for that? If you can't tell I'm pretty much a complete noob when it comes to detailing. :( So I guess basically, how do I get rid of swirls in my paint and on my wheels?

  5. That really sucks dude I was really digging this project.


    Have you thought about, that if you really don't want to sell it that much than maybe it is important? Happiness is a pretty important thing brotatoe.


    Thats the problem i did think I could do that, but however not gonna lie but I have a CC and its sitting at 28.9% intrest. I got my first CC at age 23 and now I understand why I always paid cash for everything before.


    And I got a great deal on solving that problem from a friend and a buisness loan with a fixed looooooow intrest rate:cool: Im not in the gutter a bunch but I just wanna be out of it and in the clear before I start my career. School first.



    But I guess in life you must make sacrifices, Im not a person to say no Im a YES man. Ask people I party, race, boat, work or anything thats dangerouse and they will say the same. Im not happy but I understand that good things can come in time.


    Well it's all in how you look at it. The right decisions are often the hardest ones to make. I believe most people know what to do 90% of the time; it's just about being disciplined enough to make those tuff decisions... With that being said, G/L with everything else, if you are successful with school and work, later on you can afford to get another project car and have the funds to do it right!

  6. Sorry to inform everyone... but I will not be part of CR board meetings to discuss rules. This is because I will already be at my real job doing something similar... but for a paycheck.


    To be honest I cant take anything that goes on here seriously. There are way too many inconsistencies for me to even try. Just do what I do... tell yourself this place is a past time and call it a day. I will never see half of you in real life anyway so why the hell should I care? Type on your keyboards, start stupid thread, start good threads, have fun, e-battle, and do what you do on forums. Its really not that important people...


    It is too and important and you know it! Now battle me!!!! I called you a fag... did you NOT see that. I pretty much challenged your man hood and I even offered to fight you physically :lol: I'm drunk... true story. I love V8 Beast…. You’re fuckin sweet! And I only saw you in person twice, I don’t think we have formally met…. Hi, I’m Chris (aka Super_GTP) Haahhahah, oh shit I am drunk, I keep thinking and keep typing and it’s no good. Btut bottom line V8 Beast I like you… you’e okay in my book, I don’t care what sober me says…


    Anyway, let all just get along. Here are my thoughts… Never type what you wouldn’t say to a persons face. If you woulndnt challenge someone in person then way do eeet on a forum? Maybe because you’re a gay person…?

  7. Some of the mods have a false sense of entitlement. Hopefully the admins will step in at some point and get cr back in control. I didnt know the mods job was to protect our feelings.


    Explain in detail


    Post examples


    Mod powers are RARELY used on here. I can't remember the last time I gave someone an infraction, or for that matter banned someone. Seems like the only moderation that goes on anymore is V8Beast making a troll thread then feeling troll's remorse and deleting it, or Ben getting into a fight with someone then giving up on it and deleting it, otherwise everyone gets to do just about whatever they want because whenever we try to moderate, someone makes a thread in the kitchen BAWWWWing about how unfair the mods are. Which means either our hands are tied and we can't do any moderating, or we have to become nazi mods so people eventually realize thats just how it is and get used to it. Trying to be somewhere in the middle is what we try, and we get shit on from all directions for it.


    Why the fucks are you 2 queering up my already questionable thread with this Tom-foolery !?

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