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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I know the Kitchen is where women belong, but I didn't realize that if you posted in it, you became a winy bitch! Seriously there have been 3-4 threads in past 2 days about people getting their feelings hurt on CR and being treated unfairly…:nono:


    Gregwheel , you’re a shitty salesman and an even worse realtor

    SpaceGhost, You take this shit too personal mang, it’s not that big of a deal…. (Don’t Ban Me… :p )

    Wanna Play… Well you’re foots hurt so I forgive you.


    The worst was that V8 Beast fag! I mean first he wines about being short in one thread then start another to complain about how no one loves him enough to get banned. That’s bush league man come on. I expected better, and your pimp hand is strong… I doubt it. More like your wrist is limp!



    P.S. The above comments were meant to poke fun at a situation that I’m sure everyone realizes is completely fucking stupid.

  2. Truth of the matter is, if there are any MODs here, unless they let you do what ever you want on here we will be abusing our power. It's all a matter of opinion and everyone's is different. I think Anthony wants people here that he knows are here everyday, and will put in the time and work that is required. And it does take time. I don't think you can be a "good" Mod and not login daily. I login sometimes just because I feel like I should, almost like work. I might as well have some fun or read some funny stuff while I am here right?

    You have a point, I guess I just don't get all bent outta shape when a mod says or does something so I don't see what the big deal is anyway.

  3. Let's take suggestions and assign odds! The Mods here are running amuck and enforcing the rules! The nerve of them. Which mod is tomorrows victim?


    Here is my public service announcement for the day, if you have a problem with a mod, PM an Admin and make your complaint like an adult, when you start a rant in the kitchen you lose your credibility the minute you click "new thread" there. The more you know......


    What if you're a mod who's angree with a member, does the same public service announcement still apply?

  4. I weight 150lbs and I will take on anyone, who wants it?


    You weigh 150lbs... I could verbally assault you and give you a concussion...



    I'm 5'3'' 189lbs of lean muscle, who wants some!!!!!


    I'm 190 at 13% Body fat. I've got 2 sets of 18 oz gloves... LETS DO THIS!!!!

  5. hisnew stuff isnt as good as the old... BUT i do think he is great lyrically... seriously there isnt a bunch of people that can flow like he can


    He hasn't made a good album since The Marshal Mather LP...Maybe even on the 8 Mile soundtrack. His flow is still better then most but I can't stand listening to him anymore. And his content is very repetitive.

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