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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. meh


    I don't know if that was sarcasm or not, but I'm going to have to agree. At the risk of sounding like a fag, I'm goanna say that she is getting a little played out. She's fuckin hot don't get me wrong, but shit! When is enough enough? Seriously, you mean to tell me she is that fucking good looking that you'd rather watch her get out of bed and eat a damn sammich VS watching some other chick? Megan Fox is a 9.5 on scale of 1-10 but shit, you people act like she is the sexiest thing evar! OMFG Megan Fox I just came in my pants…. (Puts on flame suite)

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  2. Why did you quote him? Are you afraid your post may have ended up in another thread and people would have no idea what your talking about?:cool:


    Because I wanted to put the emphasis on the part where his tire went rolling by him. That's why I quoted him and put that part in BOLD. Jeeeze, those drugs really got a hold on you huh. Don’t be doin’ drugs while on CR, shits is for real here! :p

  3. Irony god is pleased with this thread. hE calded n tolded mi sow


    Thanks for pointing that out :thumbup:


    BTW this thread does NOT deliver IMO. And the Twinkie looks like a big piece of garlic bread. Hahah

  4. After a grueling evening of finishing up a research paper, I had little sleep in preparation for work today. I wake up late and frantically hop in the mammoth Jeep to head on my way. I travel about a mile or so away from home, when I feel a little wobble and decide to slow. Suddenly, the Jeep drops a few inches on the driver's side and I think "Shite, a flat tire on my way to work." I begin to pull to the ditch on the side of the road and eventually come to a stop, only something was wrong. As I halt, an aluminum wheel wrapped in a rather large mud tire travels past my now-crippled Wrangler. I ponder "Hmm, that's rather odd."

    Somehow, all 5 lug nuts had come loose and I was only able to retrieve one. I did not have my jack with me, so I had to wait an hour for a tow. I have used donor lug nuts from the other wheels and my spare until I get to the store to buy more and torque them down. The caliper, pad and rotor seem unaffected but I'm still a bit worried that something more was damaged. :mad:




    :lol: Given that you're okay and not too much damage was done, that's funny! I had the same thing happen to me on my way up to Norwalk on summer to race. The car got really loud and wobbly and I thought SHIT a flat. But nope, 3 of my 5 lug nuts flew off and 1 of my wheel studs was broken. :( I replaced all 5 wheel studs just to be safe. Now I'm super paranoid when it comes to torquing down the lug nuts.

  5. Hamming it up for a stupid picture is fine by me. At least the kid is alive to learn from his mistake.




    Your friend did something MONUMENTALLY STUPID. Much as I hate to say it, I don't think he got fucked up enough to completely teach him the lesson he needs to learn, and I predict that he will have at least one more MONUMENTALLY STUPID wreck before he really changes his driving habits. I hope I'm wrong.


    This is my friends Z28 he crashed on the way home from prom. it happened around 2am



    let me see if i can figure out what is wrong here. you are 17. your friend went to prom, which leads me to believe he is 17-18. he was trying to drive a car that is too fast for him. it was 2am, after prom, drinking involved? hum...i get it now.




    Yes you guys are right because you know this kid personally. I'll admit the picture looks like stupid, but come on now, you don't think a crash like that didn't scare the shit outta him enough to learn? Give the kid a break.

  6. I'll say that's a good deal! A 32K mile z06 is hard to find under $28-30K, let alone one that has upgrades. now people can argue that the mods take away from the value but still... I wish I could find a deal like that around here. And while I'm wishing, I wish I could take advantage of a deal like that.
  7. So if I force the shocker on someone I should lose my index, pinky, and middle finger.... Well thats cool. I guess the next time I use that hand I could use my thumb and ring finger and call it a stunner.. (copyright pending)


    :funny: you've been on a roll lately, way to step your game up! :lol:


    And yeah, only if there is solid evidence and without a doubt proof would I agree that the punishment fits.

  8. I have worked with networks for about a decade. I work for a Silicon Valley Manufacturer and really love the environment. I get to see just about every kind of environment and I get to fly around the world on a regular basis.


    I am rarely told I have done a good job, I don't like to hear that. I figure if I suck I should be fired and if I am doing a good job, it is why I was hired.


    Yeah I agree with that for the most part. i don't need to hear that I've done my job everyday. But it does feel good to know that you have a positive impact on things and that peopel notice.


    I find my job very rewarding. As a Recreational Gynecologist, I only see patients for good things and it's fun. I don't deal with all the bad that a normal OBGYN would be up to their elbow in (pun intended). When I meet with a client, there is an understanding and a since of pride that I put into my work. When they leave exhausted and tell me they enjoyed their visit, it just makes me want to show up for work everyday. I take the time to stay up to date with the latest techniques in my trade, by visiting many well known web sites that are updated daily. I also take the time to research and experiment on my own time. The gratification never gets old. I see myself doing this for a long time.


    I see what you did there... Well played! ;)

  9. I just hate doing the same thing week in and week out, shit's boring. And recently my Dept got changed around. I use to work with only 3 other people who were pretty cool work friends (everyone I work for is 40+ years old so not much in common outside work). But it got switched and now I'm alone, which SHOULD have meant I run my own dept, but Nooo. All I heard was results results results and you'll go far. Well i gave results results results, and when the time came, they split up my people and gave me shit. Now I have to report to someone who doesn't know WTF is going on. The worst part is I'm all alone. I literally work in an office by myself and don't work with anyone else and my "Manager" oversees another Dept so she never bothers me...It was kind of cool at first, but it sucks coming into work everyday and only people I take to are people I pass in the hall. I can't share or talk to anyone else about what I do because I'm the only one. I get paid really well and the benefits/ time off is good, but I just want a challenge and someone to share the good and the bad with... That's why I'm on CR M-F's hahahah.
  10. How many of you really enjoy what you do for a living? Do you find your work challenging and rewarding (other then pay). Do you trust and believe in your employer? Do you like the people you work with and the environment you work in? I understand that its work so you’re not going to enjoy it everyday but do you enjoy it 90% of the time?


    If you do truly enjoy what you do, how did you wind up in your position? Was it by just moving up in a company, or was it something you’ve always want to do?


    If you DON’T enjoy your job, why do you stay? Is it just because of the money or are you worried you can’t find other work?

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