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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. True but they have tavaris jackson. Too much alike


    Naaa, if Vick can get back to half of what he was the Vicking would be a real theat. Could you imagine having Peterson and Vick in the back field? :bangbang:

  2. I know spark plugs have different heat ranges but will a set of stock plugs out of a 3800 motor work in a Saturn SC?. The only reason I ask is I have my mom's car for a week while she's on vacation and I thought I'd tune it up and clean it for her. But before I going buying new plugs I have a brand new set from my 3800 will they work... I know I'm a cheap bastard :lol:
  3. Well, their's was more accurate than ours. What the fuck is wrong with us? lol


    Yeah their calendar was fuckin sweet. Too bad everything else about their culture sucked ass, that's why their all dead. But +1 for tracking the days.

  4. Yeah, The first time I heard him cry and say good bye to football I thought... "You know what, good for him. I liked him, always stuck with the Packers and was a good guy." Now I he's just being selfish, does he think his the first player to ever re-think retirement!? Get the fuck on with it already Brett.
  5. Old guy? Rahal letterman sticker on the back? Pretty sure me and mojoe saw that same car the other day but I don't know my ferarris at all. Looks like the same car from the back.


    Whoever we saw was driving slooowww.


    Nope. no sticker that I could see and he was haulin ass at one point.

  6. STEELERS!!!


    Now that there's all the pre season action going on I'm really looking for football season, NFL & College. I don't follow football down to the high school level or know the names of all 53 players and I don't plan my weekends around games either. But I love football and hockey!

  7. Grab a drink....












    Fight with girl in parking lot....










    There was some other stuff in there too, but I can't remember...Happy Birthday!

  8. i belive your in the wrong section friend. prk has its own area douche nozzle


    It's there too. You back in c-bus now? You owe me a race...



    Well fuck it. I'll show up at Sloopys around 7:30 or so, maybe I'll see some of you there.

  9. That looks like a group of people I never want to hang out with.


    Hahaha, that's exactly what I thought too!



    Why was the little kid soo pissed? He didn't have a problem with his brother fighting before he got knocked out. The guys filming it should have been the ones who got their ass kicked.

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