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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Chicago fired their GM because when the qualifying offers for some of their RFA's were sent in they were filed wrong by the GM. They almost lost a lot of good players. Thats why he got shit canned. If it as able to be sorted out then all of those players would have hit the free-agent market.



  2. I don't lift much at all anymore; most of my stuff is cardio and endurance driven but even when I was lifting I never used any supplement. I always was believed that you could achieve the desired results with a natural approach. I drank whey protein and a multi vitamin but as far as the other stuff, no thanks. Call me a pussy, but that just doesn’t seem safe. Some of that stuff will screw with your heart rate and can cause odd side affects. My thinking is that I’m working out to improve my heath and be active so why potentially fuck it all up with some supplement. That and I wasn’t trying to be a body builder so I had no desire to lift 500 pounds or squat 1,000. But hey, to each is own so if you’re happy with it or your review help others cool! At least you trying something and not just bitching about being over weight.
  3. By starve myself its to shrink my stomache back out of proportion I did it before and after I did it I would get full faster


    :nono: If you feel hungry eat! It's not a mystery your body feels that way for a reason, listen to it. By starving yourself your body stores more fat. Think of it like a survival mode . If you eat the right foods you won’t get that hungry feeling. By eating more often your body’s metabolism will pick up. Eat smaller more well balanced meals more often and you’ll start to loose weight.

  4. Not to bragg, but I've kept with it! I started boxing in the winter last year and fell in love with it. It's great cardio and some strength training. I've been hitting the gym (and other people) still about 3 times a week at least. I'm down to 192 pounds from... 212 I believe. But my body fat went from 19.6% down to 15.2%. I've got more room to improve since I've made almost no change to my diet. A little less beer on the weekend but that's about it.
  5. Is there a place locally that could make some sort of custom window sticker similar to this…



    My G/F is a huge Pittsburgh Penguins fan and she was pricing some cheap little ebay stickers to put on her car and I though, why not get one that covers the entire thing :lol: or at least the window. And the first thing that came to mind were the stickers that you see on the back of truck windows. I thought about a vinyl wrap, but it would need to be somewhat transparent so she could see out the back window. It would either be really cool or look really stupid, but I figured I'd at least look at the cost for her to find out. Thanks for any info!

  6. off topic today i was bored and running laser i had a guy get mad at me because i keep on hitting his radar detector with my laser.. all the way down the road.. ahh life was beautifull... and just FYI if your in my area i give 15 then sry...


    Damn. 15 is very gracious.


    X2! Where's your area? I got stopped and ticketed for 72 in a 65 at 7:30pm on a Thursday. WTF!?

  7. I'm kind of excited about it. The last 2 years they have been bringing in strong role players and now it looks like they're bringing in more talent this year. Mason needs to stay strong and they should be in a solid spot for the playoffs next season. I don't know about the Cup in a few years though, call it bad timing but Chicago looks like their going to be a force here the next few years and Detroit always seems to be in the mix with good young guys. It’s hard to stay at the top even if you keep your team the same. So much can happen from one season to the next. Either way we should at least be in for some better CBJ hockey!
  8. It's really not that much... $2,500 for 2 people and they put you up in hotels along the way with food and drink. What would you spen on a typical vacation to travel? I'm thinking about the same. Of cource the down side (if you want to look at it that way) is that you have to run your car the entire time. And of cource there is the whole speeding ticket deal. But hell, it would make for a great 1 time trip/ experience. I doubt it would be the same the 2nd time around.
  9. Umm, yeah it's going to be fucking raining all day. And as cool as it sounds to meet at a park and hang under a shelter with a bunch of dudes I just met...just meet at QS&L and save everyone the confusion. Why drive to the park then to QS? when it's just going to be raining. And face it, even if the rain lets up for a bit it's still goanna be wet, cloudy and muddy out. Raining = QS&L . Here is the radar...




    See you at QS&L around 3:30- 4:00ish!

  10. dig race from a curb would be easier, but that works too.



    i will also heely race anyone that wants a roll race


    Whats your trap speed? This actually sounds fun lets do it!!! When and were?

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