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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. This some how got me thinking.... My dick is large enough that I can just suck it myself....does that make me gay? I mean, I alway tell myself when I'm close and I never swallow pluss it's not like I do it to other guys. So maybe you just need to get a bigger dick and SUCK IT!
  2. Hmm... I work on the same floor as you and Paul so I wonder if this will be resolved by the time I get to work this evening. Did they evacuate the whole building?


    No typical protocol for a BOMB threat is to just evacuate one random area of the building instead of the whole thing. :nono:

  3. Okay, so I'm looking for your hardest workout! The catch is that it has to involve a medicine ball, and a wall. Sound easy enough? I'm not sure how common it is, but at my gym we have a "Wall Of Pain" it's just a wall and medicine balls. A few examples excersises are...


    1.You take the ball (15-20 pounds for me), face the wall about a foot or 2 out, bring the ball back over your head and smack it against the wall for a minute.

    2. Face the wall about a foot or 2 out and toss it up agains the wall for a minute.

    3. "Up and Outs". You put your backs against the wall and squat like your in a chair, then take the 20pound ball and extend it up over your head, back down to your chest then out in front of you... for a minute.


    I need to find an exercise that is actually doable and is a good work out but is just hard as hell and makes you feel it! It can envolve jumping, squats whatever it just needs to involve a wall and a medicine ball. :D Thanks for the help!

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