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Posts posted by FZRMatt

  1. don't waste time with paying for car fax either. if someone can do it for free then ok. but that shit is a waste of money.

    for one, unless anything was reported to the police or dmv, you won't know jack shit.

    my bike will say it was purchased by me and that's it.

    but it's been crashed 4 times.

    Car Fax only tells you if there has been an incident that has an effect on the title (totaled, flood damage, etc). We had a van that was in a major collision before we bought it, but nothing showed on the Car Fax. It wasn't until I took it to a body shop and had it measured that we found out.

  2. ...the stupid buttons on the bottom have stopped lighting up in the dark, actually it's an intermittent problem. I have gotten three refurbished replacements, all end up having the same issue. I sent back the second refurb X on Friday. Called them Saturday to complain the one they just sent was doing the same thing. I told him it's BS because the other one is literally in the mail as we speak. He over-nighted me another (shipped Monday, got it yesterday.) He said he'd call me back to follow up and if I was having issues then they would upgrade me into a better phone. So first off, any ideas on what I should upgrade to if possible? And no iphones...

    Here is a video of my issue to see if you're having it also.

    Droid X Button Lights - YouTube

    How long did you have it before you started having the problem? I've had mine for a year and a half with no issues.

  3. i misunderstood the list setup they have going....they list columbus at 7, then in the paragraph say its the 8th most dangerous...and for the other cities they dont mention crime for most of them...so im not sure what they are using to determine what makes a department a "top" department lol....either way, the paragraph for columbus says its the 8th most dangerous, which is news to me! lol

    maybe you should apply for increased hazard pay now :)

    also - the discrepancy between forbes and your article could come down to the comment "of the 15 cities with a population over 700,000"...perhaps some of the cities listed in forbes are below 700k.....especially detroit? does anybody still live in detroit? lol

    My guess is that the difference is what crime is being counted. One may be only counting felonious assaults and homicides and another may be counting regular assaults, rapes, armed robberies ....etc.

    And I agree, we should go for hazardous duty pay when our dinner infraction expires. However, the fact of the matter is that we will probably end up giving up pay because we have cops negotiating our contracts and something we just shouldn't do.:)

  4. looking at it closer though...doesnt appear to be a "most dangerous" list

    looks like a list of the most advanced or well equipped police forces....personnel and technology wise...the comments only mention the size of the departments and stuff

    when you said most dangerous i found it odd that dayton wasnt included since i have read a few dangerous city lists and dayton is on most of them....plus, honolulu is on the list...and we all know nothing bad happens in hawaii lol

    I'm not sure where Forbes gets their data but the paragraph said the information was gathered from the FBI crime statistics. That information is taken directly from our reports. I am taking a stab and guessing they are including all forms of assaults, robberies, and homicides. The only reason we don't have a higher homicide rate is because we have kick-ass trauma hospitals. I would put our felonious assault rates up with any city in the country.

    *edit* just read where they get their info. Someone is incorrect. I did forget to mention that we are certainly not a technologically advanced department. We barely have cruisers that run. The one I was driving last night had 180,000+ miles on it.

  5. Really? I'd say an easy day of writing tickets' date=' stealing donuts, profiling minorities and "losing" evidence would be a cake walk compared to a bad day at my job. I could be wrong, though. :dunno:

    I'm not a fan of writing tickets, however, I do enjoy a doughnut from time to time (but I pay for every one). And finally, they say every stereotype is based in truth so I don't knowledgeable that it is profiling, it's more like knowing your audience. ;)

    (sniper.. don't be mad :p)[/quote']

    FZRMatt and Sniper_308 are good cops' date=' too.[/quote']


  6. Thing is I *was* following, and was told to break off.

    Most departments are scared to death of being sued. If they tell you to stay on the line and the "drunk" is involved in an accident and you end up getting involved/hurt/killed, thy are screwed because they told you to remain engaged in what was known to be a potentially dangerous situation.

  7. I find it absolutely darling that folks actually think the police are going to send someone looking for a drunk driver.

    If we aren't tied up doing something of more importance' date=' we absolutely respond. One of my best friends growing up was a California Highway Patrol officer who was killed on duty by an impaired driver. He had been married less than a year and had a 6th month old son as well as an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage. You can be damn sure I will respond.

    They have both times I called one in. Not sure why they didn't in Scruit and Brian's instances - as long as they see the erratic driving themselves, then...

    Maybe one of our fine LEO members could offer up their opinion?

    I had called in before I became an officer and had officers respond to pick him up. My guess is that they were short handed (holidays suck for staffing). Neither highway patrol or the counties have many deputies on the road to begin with. I don't know if you have heard the radio commercial about the "home invasion" in progress or not, but basically there are 2 deputies on duty and both are tied up on fatal crashes on opposite sides of the county. Meanwhile, a home invasion happens and there is no one available to respond. This could easily be a very real situation. Traffic violators tend to be low on the priority list in the whole scheme of things. The fact of the matter is that unless someone is following the drunk, they are extremely difficult to locate.

  8. I have a herniated T10, bulged L1/L2, herniated L2/L3, bulged L3/L4, L4/L5, and L5/S1. I have had work done on the L5/S1 to stop numbness in my right leg/foot. After that work and core strengthening, I have been able to ride my FZR with no problem. Most people think that riding sport bikes are awful for your back because it looks like it should hurt. The fact of the matter (for me) is that the only thing that hurts my back riding is a cruiser type bike. That type of bike (feet forward position) rounds out my back and gives me unbelievable pain! You may want to get a doctors opinion about it. However, I would explain why I need to know and how riding makes my back feel before letting him answer.

  9. There was no accident and no injury. Definitely a ticket issued.

    As long as it is a legal stop sign (size, shape, color) mounted at the regulation height, it could be citable. We just tend to stay away from private property. Even though we don't take non-injury or non-hit skip accident reports, I have still been ordered to.

    About 5 years ago I arrested a 17 year old for reckless op. on private property. He had been playing Grand Theft Auto all day and decided he wanted some food from Taco Bell. The problem is, he had absolutely no idea how to drive, and certainly not a stick shift. He stole his mom's manual Astro Van, was banging it through the gears, then rolled it over in the parking lot. On top of all that, he was drunk also.

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