My kids see riders on the street without lids and say "No helmet". I say that at least they have that right, even though it may not be the one I choose. Too much gubberment. I see riders with shorts, flip-flops, and sunglasses, and shake my head, but I USED TO BE THAT GUY. Lots of times. That was a long time ago, but at least I had the right to make that decision. I sort of agree with the Euro model of testing up to bigger bikes, but completely disagree with the aspect that we need government giving us more rules. I'm an adult. I'm an American. I pay my insurance premiums (health, life, and vehicles). I'm responsible, and I realize that I risk my life/ health/ livelihood every time I ride (and most of the time when I don't). I want the freedom to make my own decisions. That doesn't make me equal to a struck deer lying on the side of the road. I'm not forfeiting my rights, nor the services that my taxes pay-for by going for a ride.