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Everything posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. This is NOT my item, and I don't know anything about it. Saw it while cruising CL, and thought that it may be helpful to someone here. http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/1900292885.html
  2. Hey! You guys want me to jump in and kill this game, too? I'm just sayin'...
  3. The statements were generalizations of most liberal beliefs. But then, you know that. Deflect in an attempt to confuse. Shift the focus. Classic. Do liberals support abortion, but hug trees and want to save some obscure species of titmouse, in general? I think so. Do they claim to be more compassionate and caring, so long as its with other peoples' money? I think so. Do they scream against "environmental disaster", then hop in their petro-burning car to get around? Do they try to inflict their viewpoints on the entire community, ad nauseum? Because you want a compost pile in your backyard and are a vegan doesn't mean that thats what I want, so quit trying to force it on me. You want your freedom to live the way you choose, but want to take away my freedoms (what I eat, what I drive, the temp I keep my house at). Obama wants to keep the Oval Office at 75 degrees in the winter, but says that its wrong that I want to keep my house at 72, so we need to put higher taxes on the utilities (cap & trade) to discourage it. BTW, "you" isn't anyone in particular. It, too, is used in a general sense. I'm not going to go dig examples of each point I make. JRMiii uses this tactic, too, and I'm not going for it.
  4. CG2112 and the rest of the liberals, Technically, no, its not "at ground zero". But you're playing semantics here. Its right across the street. Same difference. Research the imam who is behind this "project". Its a deliberate move to slap America in the face. Liberal "tolerance" baffles me. I think you just like to disagree for the act of disagreeing and being a thorn in someones side. "We're accepting and open-minded. We accept homosexuality, but condemn the soldiers that protect that freedom. We support gay marriage, but think that traditional marriage is a sham. We support "green" projects and want to save the trees, but its okay to suck out a babies brain at 30 weeks old then vacuum it from its mothers womb. We support the right to bash religion because we don't agree with it, but don't support the other people's right to practice their religion (but again, "We're open-minded"). Oh wait, unless they're Muslim, then we welcome them in, just to irritate people like we do. Everyone is equal, everything should be fair. Whats mine is mine, and whats yours is mine, if and WHEN I want it. Everyone should be able to come and go across our borders freely, despite their motives. Etc etc etc. Liberals are actually much LESS tolerant than conservatives. I don't care if you're gay, but don't understand why you have to put stickers on your car to tell everyone about it. Is that your "identity"? Really? If you don't like my religion, thats fine. I'm not going to push it on you, but I'm not going to hide it or be ashamed of it either. I will protect it. This country is great because of the founding fathers. Brilliant men with an incredible vision. And liberalism is the complete antithesis of their visions. Hard work, individualism, and opportunity make us great. Liberals want none of that. They want to get paid to sit on their porch and mooch off of the workers, but still have the same lifestyle and resources as those workers whose paychecks they raid. Only in America do the "poor" have cell phones, flat screen TVs ("but its only a 32 inch"), cars, and plenty to eat. The welfare recipients aren't the ones suffering right now (but will soon, since Congress just raided welfare to keep all of their voting teachers employed, no matter what, so they can continue to push their socialism onto our kids), its the unemployed. People who want to work, who don't want a handout, and who are mortified at having to ask someone for food or help. Liberals claim to be exactly the opposite of what they are. They're more vicious, more cynical, less forgiving, and less tolerant than most other people. Watch Olberman, or SNL, or Maddow. They're hateful and "mean". They sound like middle-schoolers. "Did you see what she was WEARING??", "And that funny accent!", and "She said she can see Russia from her house. What a dumbass!" when in fact nobody (Palin) ever said that. Can't even discern between truth and their own comrades' attempts at "humor" (Tina Fey). It must be so simple to be a liberal. Facts don't matter, "feelings" matter. Sad. I like to think that we'll survive this administration/ congress because we ARE America. I pray about it every day.
  5. I've been receiving/ reading Mens Health magazine for about six months now, and my abs don't look any different than they did before I started reading it. What gives?
  6. Seems to me that the writer of the article had a beef about the budget cuts, and needed an example. Bikes cutting off a cop in a high speed chase? Reallllly? And the cop is going to try to avoid them? I don't buy it.
  7. "Chicks dig small bikes": Its the opposite of the Hummer theory. Guys with lil' junk drive Hummers in order to compensate. Guys on little bikes have nothing to prove. FLAME WAR ON!
  8. Is it in the yard, or the garage? Cuz I'm thinking its a good possibility if its in the garage, but if its in the yard, I'm walking. Oh, and I can do $30/ wk. If its in the garage, of course.
  9. Mental note: No need to ever go to the Foxhole... Ever. Never. Uh uh. Nope.
  10. Yeah, its out of the way for most folks,I'm thinking. Trying to get the game northward, and couldn't really think of anything interesting in that general area. If this doesn't get tagged soon, can I replace it or "pass the ball", i.e. post that anyone can post anything, kind of a "reset" on the game? I'd hate for this to stall.
  11. If this doesn't get tagged shortly, I've got an idea for another one, but its back near Cinti.
  12. Check the muffler throw-out bearings. Common issue.
  13. Exit 64 or 65 on I-71. Outlet mall exit. As if you didn't know....
  14. The Indy's at MO are amazing. Saw them many years ago, after having been to the AMA races for years. The cars blow the bikes away as far as speed. Was walking through the pits, and one of the teams was sorting out carbs/ FI or something. Walked behind the car, and my eyes started burning immediately, from the exhaust. Wicked. Cool.
  15. There is no logic in most of the courts anymore (i.e. a supreme court justice who has never ever been a judge at any level. Huh?). I have no faith in the courts nor justice system. The rule of law is overridden by politics and personal agendas. The cops should be held to a higher level of scrutiny and accountability, shouldn't they? Marines pride themselves on character. Not sure that police do... To give respect you have to give respect. China is a police state. This sounds like the start of one. When you can't "police" the police, its a problem.
  16. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2008566,00.html
  17. I picked up an electric Brinkmann at Home Depot two weeks ago. $69 and super easy. Bought ribs at Sams (3 full racks for about $25), and have been experimenting. Happy with the smoker, but for the third rack I marinated them overnight in the fridge (good recipes at allrecipes.com and of course food network) then covered them and cooked them in the oven for 3-4 hours at 220. Then put them on the grill for about 30 minutes, with some bbq sauce on them and let them crisp up a little. I'm NOT a cooker, but was VERY happy with the way they turned out. The smoker really does get the "smokey" flavor into the meat, in the early stages of the cooking. In short, for ease and volume (you can put at least three slabs on the smoker, and maybe more. It has two racks), I highly recommend the electric Brinkmann. Check the reviews of it online. Jeff
  18. "Pushing my limits to keep up with the group" grabbed my attention. Thats rarely a good thing. If you don't use it, and don't have a sentimental attachment to it, maybe its time to let it go. Sounds like it may not really fit your needs down the road, anyhow. Flip side is that bikes are selling for relatively cheap right now, and it may not command now what it might in the future. But then, the economy could get even worse with all the new taxes and regs coming down the road. The Max appeals to a pretty specific set of riders. Tough choice. If its just sitting most of the time, and you're paying insurance and registration on it, you need to weigh that cost/ benefit ratio. Best of luck.
  19. Katrider, Post something up if you'd like. Next tagger can take their choice of location. Again, I wasn't trying to hog the game (though I do enjoy playing. Gives me a reason to get out and ride...), just wanted to get it moving again. Seems like us down in SWO aren't too motivated. It would be cool to do a "chain tag" where one rider would go out, get photos of their bike at 3-4 different locales, then post up, and the following tagger has to get all 3-4. Jeff
  20. Classless? Yes. Do I care? Not so much. This was as far north as I was willing to go.
  21. How do I post larger photos???? Okay, I'm not posting this one to be a Tag hog. It seems that the tags are sitting for awhile, so am going to try to help get this moved.
  22. Theres a house just north of Blanchester, on 123, that has a homemade sign out front. Advertises seat re-covering or something like that. Anyone had any experience with the guy, or know the number? I have a cover, pan, and foam, just need it installed (can't find the right length of airgun staples...). Thanks
  23. Yeah, I was just playing around. Long Live Lemmy!
  24. Elvis: I gotta know: How does a speed triple equate to the B-King??? I mean, whats the correlation there? J
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