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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. I have been told that riding in Hawaii means being ready for rain....at any time. Supposedly pop up showers pop up nearly everyday.... Have fun
  2. A side note here.....not sure how medical expenses are for FF retirees here in Ohio, or whether its a jurisdictional issue, but where we came from there were many retired FF's with many chronic medical issues which came from oji's. Because of the economy there retiree benefits were cut back, including medical benefits. What ended up happening was a lot of devoted FF's who managed to make it to retirement with their broken bodies had to suffer along without much needed meds and or treatments. I am sure retiree benefits fit right in with the Ohio issue.
  3. I knew a guy with a touring Harley that used to strap a full set of golf clubs to his backrest so he could go play golf. LOL
  4. They're not? They don't take wild animals and cage them up? Last time I checked zoo's were just that. Lots of penned, caged wild animals.
  5. Based on what I am hearing I'm thinkin its going to get repealed.
  6. Funny I remember committee members and voting block members being moved around so that the votes all swung with way Kasich wanted. If someone wasn't on board with Kasich, he or she was simply moved to another committee and an 'agreeing' politician was simply installed as their replacement. Sounds pretty questionable to me. In addition there was little to no input from or working with any of those groups directly affected by these changes. Reminiscent of the way Obama's health care bill was shoved down our throats. Repeal and re create the necessary legislation. SB 5 is only partially right.
  7. Yep, think its time Opie unleashed on the guy who ultimately is responsible for John Teller's death, Opie's first wife's death, and now the death of Piney. Opie is the one who would tear his azz up. Now we'll see just which way this all gets stretched out to....This season is pretty good imho.
  8. Yeh, I noticed that after posting....lol....I hate that when it happens
  9. You all down here don't even know what winter really is. 'Cept maybe those up near the lake. Down here, 10" of snow and its a major catastrophe and everything shuts down. LOL. The school down here has used up most of their weather days before Christmas! Crazy....
  10. Weird............my mom winters in Florida but leaves her fridge out in the garage full with nothing ever freezing, and thats up in Traverse City, Michigan. It gets a whole lot colder up there than anywhere around Columbus, for sure.
  11. Nothing new or surprising about that. All manufacturers buy globally anymore. Its bs, but what do you do, walk?
  12. Hob, its typical. Everyone has an automatic defense mechanism they use when attacked, justifiably or not. These anti social mediums we use, phones, internet....etc only commonly serves to give those who fit the 'flight' portion of 'fight or flight' the balls to 'fight' back with their mouths or keyboards. The day of good customer service is nearly gone and with it any portion of 'I give a sh!t' from even company owners.
  13. Juice is a b!tch rat and needs to be exterminated by the club, right before Clay pays for killing Jax's father John. But this is TV and they will play it to the hilt before anything is resolved.
  14. I am constantly being reminded how small this world we live in, is.
  15. I have to agree with you on this one Punk. But still cannot back SB% on the few merits it currently has.
  16. Here's an easy to read synopsis of the bill as it now stands. http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/analysis.cfm?ID=129_SB_5&hf=analyses129/s0005-prop-129.htm
  17. Punk, I am sure most anyone will say certain parts of this bill are good. And no the good parts probably do not reach far enough, but it is a start. I just cannot go along with pushing through a bill that has points in it that make no sense for both sides. If they can spend the time and money to get it partially right, why not follow through and make it all right? I voted for Kasich and for real change. But one solid point I do not agree with is not allowing a third party, one totally divested of any bias to one or the other side, to make the final decisions when 2 sides do not agree. So let them have their union if they want it. Re write the contracts if necessary. I found it disturbing, when the anti group gained a foothold with gaining signatures for the upcoming vote that the Pro SB5 side suddenly was willing to sit down and possibly make this work with some tweaking. Why weren't they willing to do this from the onset? Instead they locked out the opposing side and rammed through what they wanted while ol Kasich hired his people and gerrymandered the required votes (not geographical lines) to ensure what he wanted would pass. Re write the effing bill.
  18. I would bet that cutting the pop. down like that would improve the ratio of Leo's to civilians. Based on what I have seen in Columbus, or what my wife sees (she drives up there everyday) very little equip violation tickets are written, or failures to use turn signals, speeding, or lane violations....most of which we see on 270 which is probably not the CPD's jurisdiction...but who would know. The wife drives it during peak morning and afternoon drive times and tells me she rarely sees a patrol car, but all sorts of the other illegal stuff going on constantly. Seems we could do with more Leo's per citizen rather than less.
  19. I agree parts and pieces of this bill are for the good of the state. Parts are bs. I am not one to go along with passage of a bill that could have been corrected before being passed. Much like the HC bill. Both sides are using propaganda to convince people 'their' side is right. Very typical. Teachers for instance do need a means of getting rid of non performers. But what to do if it effects those teachers remaining on the job by increasing class sizes, or inhibits resource availability. How do civil union's handle employee problems? Progressive discipline? Are people actually 'termination proof' because of their union membership? In the IBEW it doesn't work that way. Slugs don't work plain and simple. At least where I am from. I just think its better to screw this bill down and do it the right way instead of passing a halfaZZed attempt that just creates further problems which will need to be resolved. Kasich caught his 'oops' too late and his opponents were done talking and its going to the ballot, where it probably should have gone in the first place. Its a step in the right direction just needs to be tweaked here and there.
  20. What 'business practice' does SB5 concern itself with in terms of comparing it to what Japanese execs make? You want to look at this SB in the black and white which is not all bad. The fact that American execs take home much more of the pie that their Japanese counterparts represents a lot of money these corps. would have otherwise-Amer vs Japanese. That is where my point is. Am I saying we should conduct business the same? Not what I was addressing. You want black and white, well a comparison like that also has to be in black and white. No business practice but rather pay structure.
  21. Try reading my entire post. I admitted my error...here let me help you..
  22. No Outcry About CEO Pay in Japan "That's because most Japanese chief executives don't earn anywhere near the big paychecks of their Western counterparts. CEOs at Japan's top 100 companies by market capitalization earned an average of around $1.5 million, compared with $13.3 million for American CEOs and $6.6 million for European chief execs at companies with revenues of higher than $10 billion, according to an analysis of 2004-06 data by Towers Perrin, a Stamford (Conn.) human resources firm."http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/politics_pop/index.html http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/feb2009/gb20090210_949408.htm I did some digging back when and this article is somewhere near the date I was doing the digging concerning this issue back during the Bush days. It says '11 times' instead of '10%' so I suppose my memory fails me a bit, but the point is still the same. "Turns out that American executives compensation rates are quite different from those of the rest of the developed world. In Japan a typical executive makes eleven times what a typical worker brings home; in Britain, 22 times. In America...." http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/executivepay06.html
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