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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. 1 in the last 8 years....hmmm, who has the over all winning pct??? Hmmmmm, and which school has the winningest record overall? Bet its not Ohio State. They're just a bunch of wannabe's.
  2. your link=Bad RequestBad Request
  3. Exactly. Hey, I was passed this little tidbit by a friend who is a big Buckeye fan..... "Mike Stoops: Multiple sources close to Stoops have informed us today that despite other offers, Stoops is locked in with Urban to be his defensive coordinator. " http://footballscoop.com/the-scoop/5182-saturday-november-26-2011#.TtHNsUP6vDg.twitter interesting twist to the UMeyer rumors.
  4. Put me in line too. Wife told me 'go for it'....!
  5. ^This^ right here is why I HATE most OSU fans. I figure its great to pull for your team, to talk some shit about it all. But bullsh!t like this is why I have to laugh at you. HAfreakingHA! Looks like it Gee, must suck to be you huh? LMAO.....shit goes around and its caught up with your 'picked on' Buckeyes, huh? My opinion is that was a game when its a shame one team had to lose. Hard fought, very emotionally played, I'm glad to see UofM break the streak. And for all you who want to whine about how Ohio didn't have this or that player, remember Michigan was playing with the same players that Rich Rod had when the Wolverines just plain sucked. The same players that for the last 3 years couldn't win if their life depended on it. I can't wait until Hoke has a chance with players he recruits to fit his system. And at the same time I hope OSU rises back up so that they can both represent the B10 and kick the SEC's butts. After 'The Game', that is....
  6. Yep, hope your doggie is ok, and hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Sometimes life throws a curve at us and it makes you realize just how thankful we should be.
  7. I got one of those HF table lifts. Great for the price. I just park my bike on it so it really doesn't take up much extra space.
  8. Meyer himself said there was no deal on the table, no offer and he has not signed anything. Now why would he lie about that?? Hmmm, come to think of it, he might just fit in at OSU.....
  9. WKRP Turkey Drop http://www.kewego.com/video/iLyROoafYtDe.html Happy Thanksgiving........you chicken pluckin turkeys.....!!!!!
  10. We are using an older Vega Sony 29"er in our br but its so bulky we have been thinking about going with a flat screen. Problem is the picture is so sharp on the Sony, I mean it rivals our HD 1080 (with a HD box feeding it) in the Living room for sharpness and picture quality. Even the installer (DirecTV) commented on how great a picture the Sony has, and its got its own non HD box feeding it. But the Toshiba 24" LCD HD 1080 for $199 at HHGregg sure is tempting....
  11. I saw Meyer on TV at the Mich-Neb game say he has not been offered, has had an offer or has not talked to anyone about a coaching position. Not sure whats in it for him to lie, but I guess we'll see.... I think Michigan is prime for giving OSU a good whupping this time around. But only if they don't get big heads with all the press they're getting.
  12. I got into a habit of writing up a little 'bill of sale' when I sold a used vehicle. It had the VIN, price, our names, date and SOLD AS IS with both of us (buyer and seller) and a witness signing the paper. There is a time period between when you sell a car, and when the buyer registers it, when the buyer could in fact drive the car and kill someone. That paperwork can save you a lot of legal hassles.
  13. States Rights- VOTE RON PAUL!! Think greed is a factor?? Congress: Trading stock on inside information? http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57323527/congress-trading-stock-on-inside-information/ The system is broke
  14. This has to be rhetorical, not a serious ??......Everything is about money.
  15. Oh I bet they got above 60 mph.....but not by much. The CBR rider was an experienced racer, but we all know the Honda could never get any traction for a decent hole shot. Plus the beard heated his tires up good which probably helped his launch time. And the beard. I kept expecting to see some critter come poking its head up at any minute....lol
  16. http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/1796981/f9b237b8/harley_vs_honda_cbr1000rr_fireblade.html
  17. Its a good start to campaign reform.
  18. Common sense just seems to pass you right on by, doesn't it? LOL
  19. Yes they are, especially for something such as a political debate. By not doing so they sway public sentiment and the decisions they make.
  20. You keep carping that Paterno deserved firing, when he was told a couple of guys are horsing around in the shower then tells his higher up, but the 28 year old adult man who walks in on the incident, AND DOES NOT STOP IT, GOES HOME TO TELL HIS DAD INSTEAD OF TELLING ANY OFFICIALS, OR THE POLICE, yet he can keep his job. BS
  21. Might be a good way to get sued. HD does not take copyright infringement very well. They must have this thing all written up and contracted closing all loopholes. I have heard of very small business's facing HD's team of lawyers for simply selling unofficial Harley stuff.
  22. Good points. Consider this tho-when (maybe it has happened) was the last time a company cut its overhead and then cut what it charges out? How many companies have left the country, because they could not afford the overhead here and yet what they charge for their jeans, or cars, remains the same, or still increases? So the col remains the same while wages are now falling behind, and with lower wages....yep, the gap widens. My wifes cousin has been a nurse for long time now. At one time she worked in a right to work state. She said her wages were about 20% lower than had she been working in a state without rtw laws. How did she know? She did her homework, and eventually moved to one of those states. Funny she claimed the col was very nearly the same, so she was money ahead. This was about 4 yrs back.
  23. Worry not folks! The ones behind the defeated bill have another brainstorm. Ohio becoming a right-to-work state. If they cannot break unions one way, well here's another try. Activists start effort to make Ohio right-to-work state "The amendment, to be titled the “Workplace Freedom Amendment,” comes from individuals who crafted and placed Ohio’s health-care amendment that passed overwhelmingly through Issue 3. But Ohioans just held a referendum on public employee collective bargaining and union rules, and the state’s current system was upheld when Issue 2 was crushed 61 percent to 39 percent." http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/11/10/right-to-work-amendment-planned-ohio-activists.html The Wage Penalty of "Right-to-Work" Laws "An analysis along gender lines reveals similar trends. On average, men in RTW states earn 7.8% less than their counterparts in non-RTW states; women in RTW states earn 6.8% less . Unlike previous research by Bennett (2001), we find that, even after controlling for regional costs of living, workers in right-to-work states earn less per hour. Particularly interesting is the affect on workers living in cities that are stretch across state line, placing it in both a right-to-work state and a non-RTW state. Seventeen out of 433 metropolitan areas in our sample (nearly 4%) spill over from a right-to-work state to a non-RTW state. Our analysis indicates that, in areas where a pure RTW state effect exists (i.e., no spill-over effect), the right-to-work penalty is larger. In fact, we find that living near a non-RTW state helps raise workers' wages." http://www.usw-608.com/history.htm So just be careful what you wish for...... you might just get it
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