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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. He is a constitutionalist, he wants states rights, he wants to reign in big govt, and let me tell you, he speaks the plain truth, and can speak volumes of common sense. So yes, according to some of this, he might be considered unelectable.....to those who want slick talking presidents like Barry or to those who want their handouts, or to those who do not believe in our living constitution. Ron Paul hates minorities....hmmm, have never heard that one before. I do know he is against illegal aliens, is against all that goes with them, wants to secure our borders. If you consider that hating minorities, well I guess you are right.
  2. I remember him being Officer Gannon on Dragnet
  3. Wifes Grampa was there and survived. We have this journal he wrote in everyday on his way to Pearl. Thank you all that served.
  4. A perfect example that you cannot fix dumb.
  5. For $6500 it it sure should be. I'd go an old Macintosh for that kind of change.
  6. Was that here in Ohio? Years back a guy out in the Sierra's, evidently an area where there had not been a verified Grizzley sighting in many years, was up in a tree stand bow hunting when out of the blue a very large bear came up his tree. When it came upon him it became viscious and began tearing this guy up. In the ensuing broohaha the hunter began ramming one of his arrows at the bear's face and when he could, rammed it into the bears mouth down its throat. He ended up killing what turned out to be a very large silver tip grizz. This was back in the 70's, and when it happened the notion was that the grizzley was no longer in the Sierras of California. Guess they were wrong....
  7. Hmm, have a Hague unit in our home and when we needed them to come out they were jonny on the spot, no charge. Plus the unit works great and is very economical to use. Better than our previous Culligan or Sears softner units.
  8. Would that be the proverbial 'piece pipe'? Or the pipe for the piece.
  9. I was not aware of this... "NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The United States is awash in gasoline. So much so, in fact, that the country is exporting a record amount of it. The country exported 430,000 more barrels of gasoline a day than it imported in September, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That is about twice the amount at the start of the year, and experts and industry insiders say the trend is here to stay..." http://money.cnn.com/2011/12/05/news/economy/gasoline_export/index.htm?hpt=hp_t1
  10. After living in the frozen north for about 50 years I have had enough snow. Sure it looks purty, but like Bad said, its all the other bs associated with it.
  11. does that have ports designated for 'phono' and is it hdmi cable ready?
  12. I have thought many things that are senatorially enacted should first be voted on by the public the bills will effect.
  13. No one here. We can all give opinions though. But there is a whole lot more to all of this. My brother is a geologist. We have discussed similar things. He too says there is nothing to worry about in regards to our water. But, brother or not, his onus is finding oil and getting to it so I figure his opinion is a bit skewed. Just like the vid clip here, there seems to be some correlation between certain types of drilling and contaminated wells. As we have experienced through history, this kind of thing is not new. Water is something we should not, cannot take a chance on losing. Its our lifeblood.
  14. Maybe put some more details on it here, might help.
  15. A huge conundrum with a question like this. Our country needs to stop being so dependent on foreign oil. We also need jobs. But we CANNOT destroy any of our water surplus's. Zero. It is already becoming a problem elsewhere in our country. Without oil we can survive. Without water we cannot. So answering a question like this is not easy and cannot be given its due justice on a forum like this imho.
  16. we rode out to Sturgis then onto Salt Lake City and back through Colorado coming back home. Couldn't ride Beartooth Pass because of the snow at the end of June (it is closed until Memorial Day). All told we went about 5k miles. So instead of Alaska, this would be a great ride, but for me dirt roads are out of the question. There is enough grand beauty to be seen riding the blacktop imho. August might be good for Glacier Park, but when in the high altitudes you can darn near expect a snow storm anytime and considering how far north the park is, it would be even a greater chance of happening. But what the hell, eh?? We rode over Monarch Pass on Rt 50 coming back thru Colorado, elevation 11, 312 ft. Awwesome! Once we got past the Mississippi we rode 2 lane rds primarily. But we were gone for 16 days too. Would love to ride it again. I love mapping rides and would be willing to help with that if you need it. Maybe even ride along if things work out.
  17. I was General Mgr of a large Truckstop back in the mid 80's on into the 90's. Dad had been on OTR driver for 30 some years prior to that so he was focused on quality of the d fuel we sold. At the time Amoco, the brand we sold, was the df with the lowest sulfa content. Much less detrimental for d engines. Plus their gas was top of the line, only rivaled by Sunoco and Shell. Things changed a whole lot in the next 20 years, Amoco is BP now and I have heard the same chorus about the quality of their gas. Things I remember is that Citgo is bad, Mobil is bad. Problem is that we now have so many convenience stores with no flag (product -gas brand- designation) that its near impossible to know what brand of gas they are selling. Plus a station 'supposedly' selling, say BP, might in reality be selling whatever because of trucking issues getting the name brand gas to the station. Retailers are more concerned with 'credit card's accepted' than the brand or quality of gas they are selling. To them as long as no one complains too loud about their gas, that's their bottomline because it meaqns those pumps will keep pumping their liquid gold.
  18. Your deal at Penn State sounds like what the visitors went through going into the horse shoe. I even heard that from my eye Dr., an OSU alumni. He said he stopped going to the games because of the OSU fans being so out of control. That's totally out of line and should be stopped wherever.
  19. And based on what I have been told, NONE worse than OSU fans.
  20. He is a good coach, no doubt. And I also heard he was going to be Stoop's defensive coach, supposedly a done deal via Stoops. Who really knows. Personally I think Fickell should be given a chance and he would probably do a great job with a new offensive coach. BMiller is going to be great given a chance to learn. It makes me laugh how it appears OSU is groveling over UMeyers giving him all advantage in any bargaining for a job. Sooner or later we will hear what he is actually going to do Michigan got a great coach without dealing with the likes of big names like Meyer. So it can be done. Meyer makes me think of a coach who signed a big contract with, and promised himself to another school up north-Michigan State. Iirc, he left the next year for more money. When he left MSU, he really put the screws to them because he left them in a similar situation to OSU-needing to find a replacement at the last minute, ala Fickell. Just be careful OSU, what you wish for.
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