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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Funny you should mention that theory-I think its very plausible myself. Now with the latest round of sanctions and accusations from the NCAA maybe people will realize the real problem probably lies with the AD and the compliance office leadership. I also have thought it would be just like Paterno, knowing his run was about done anyway (prior to the scandal) , to offer himself as a scapegoat. "Fire me, its whats best for the University." Just as long as you pay me what I have worked for 60 years to get. I see Joe hired an atty, probably to protect himself, but it might also be to make sure he gets his pension, which he should get.
  2. You violate your contract, you are fired. Your it issue with work computers is a different issue totally. Think of Richard Jewell. The media jumped into his accusations and when it was over he was ruined.....and proven innocent. The system is broke. Sad day indeed for CFB, even sadder in Happy Valley. The media wins again and the victims are still victims.
  3. Apples and oranges. Tressel intentionally broke the rules. Paterno followed the rules. Big diff. I talked with someone who is in a similar job and his contract clearly states that he is required to take matters like this to his upper management, and it states, not to the police. Of course no one really knows what Paterno's contract states. Yet, lets react based on the media's buildup of it all. Once again we let the media dictate our actions and reactions. And just what did firing Paterno accomplish? Nothing positive. It also puts other coaches on alert-they are liable whether they follow their contract or not. The system is broke and this helps prove that.
  4. Cool, where do I send the bill???
  5. Yep, its a sick joke. Like joking about your mother being raped. Nothing at all funny about either.
  6. Vinyl. Gorells have a 50 yr warranty. Window brands can be geographical, lots of non big name manufacturers out there anymore. I've done some online shcecking and these come highly recommended being rated higher than RBA's (Replacement By Anderson), or Pellas, or Polaris or Simonton's. Was just looking for some feedback from someone familiar with them.
  7. Yep, things are gonna get interesting......
  8. Anyone had any dealings with these windows? Am looking at replacing our windows and one contractor has proposed installing these. Most I can find online about them gives me the impression they are pretty darned good. Anyone?? thanks
  9. Just park legally, those parking tickets ($50) can get expensive.
  10. Oh there's skanks riding on HD's too.....I've just never seen any that nasty....lol This one bike had a huge rear tire. and the passengers cheeks were hanging out beyond the sides of the fenders....lol Might be that I got caught behind one in (mostly) stop and go traffic through town. Almost seemed like that mammoth crack was talking....
  11. Dude, I was in Myrtle Beach and the ugliest, widest, nastiest ass's I EVER saw on the back of a bike were riding passenger on the crotch rockets that were coming in from the north. Gross doesn't even come close on the nasty scale. Big black, wide, fat, giggling exposed assmeat......YUK!!!!!!!
  12. Iirc the class cost was $100 but since my wife also took the class at the same time they knocked off $20. We both used our .40 Taurus Millenium for range time and the target testing
  13. Ehh, I just scanned it. Some people are just too much. Yep, HD's are different than other bikes. To each his own. Just ride, be safe and make it back home in one piece.
  14. Did he smell his fingers after?.....bwahahahaha
  15. Real ethics and character in people is nearly impossible to find anymore.
  16. Behind 'strings on the compressor. Waiting for pics....
  17. So a headboard, footboard, side rails, bunkboard and mattress? How much?
  18. Retracting a bid on the final day used to be a big no no with ebay. I know the rules have changed since I began there over 10 years back, but I have had people retract at the last minute before, and when other bidders were offered to buy if they wanted, everytime, those bidders never even responded, so I had to go through re listing it. Its total bullsh!t for the seller when it happens, but guess its ok based on what I am reading here. I hardly ever deal on ebay any more just because of this type of stuff. Craigslist makes it way too easy.
  19. Global warming=disrupted weather patterns with more extremes either way. NOT necessarily warmer weather.....I love the misconceptions of what GW means, whether GW is a real phenomenon or not.
  20. Did anyone know that each state has laws about carrying large amounts of cash through their states? If you are caught carrying amounts over that particular state's limits you can be open to further search and seizures.
  21. Kind of how I feel about my old model 37 20 ga pump. 5 lbs of hunting sweetness.
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