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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. I heard American Pickers was on their way to this guy's house.....
  2. Like the rest of the world is in tip top shape financially. NOT. I keep hearing this weak reason to continue paying these top level people too much money. Iirc in Japan their exec's cannot make anymore than 10% more than their highest paid hourly worker. A pretty good rule if you ask me.
  3. The way I see it is the devil is in the details of this bill. Outwardly, yes civil unions collective bargaining needs reforming since the monies come directly from citizens. But when 2 sides attempt to agree on something, and cannot, is it good to have the 'arbiter' be one side that is arguing their side? Anyone can agree this is good, but if it were you this happened to I'm thinkin you might think differently. This is just one portion of this bill that I see as ludicrous. Like the inane HC bill congress passed, if its not right in its entirety how can it it be 'better than doing nothing'? Imho that kind of thinking is part of why we are in the spot we are in both locally and nationally.
  4. I have been listening to the new reports although we all know the media morph's things to sensationalize a story. The LEO reporting this to the media has skillfully avoided addressing the owner's death, so not sure where all the 'real stories' are coming from, but I would be highly skeptical of rumors. Criticizing someone like this 'because he had exotics' that potentially could get loose, well Zoo's are about the same thing. And they have killer animals get loose too. Should we condemn them too? Hearing the Leo talk it is obvious his aim is to get rid of that compound, all of the animals and would love to see all these types of animal sanctuaries eliminated. Imho his personal agenda is focusing his aim at killing them all. And its the animals that are taking the full brunt of it all while the potential killer of the now dead owner may very well be sitting drinking coffee laughing at us all. But we'll probably never know the 'real story' instead we'll be spoon fed what authorities want us to believe.
  5. According to a gun review I read, it sounds like the Springfield is smaller than the g-23. Capacity with the sub magazine on the Spr is 9, 13 in my g-23. Barrel length on the Spr is 3", the g-23 is longer. Best way to tell of course is a side by side comparison but I'm thinking the Springfield is smaller. It is considered a 'sub' compact, the g-23 a 'compact'. Glock's g-27 is their version of a sub compact. just sayin.....
  6. dl-.18 mpbs ul-.11 mpbs ping-40 ms
  7. I have this software that will copy and burn any movie and eliminate all the 'junk'. Guess it wouldn't do a blu ray dvd, huh?
  8. Or those blue xenon bulbs......shouldn't be allowed on passenger vehicles
  9. If it was smaller than my g23 I might be up for a trade...
  10. Because you could, even temporarily, blind, or disorient oncoming traffic and cause them to cross the centerline. Best to flip it to low's with oncoming traffic. I had a buddy in high school that would intentionally cross the centerline and play chicken with someone who refused to turn their hi beams down. He ran more than one vehicle off the road that way.
  11. Might have a friend, who is a member here although he hardly ever logs on, interested too. How long till its too late?
  12. Recieved the package-Very nice. Charged the system up on both units, and during the charge read through the directions. Even considering I am no techno it was simple to install and the bluetooth works great, the fm radio too. So here I am walking around the house with my helmet on, listening to everything....lol. This seems to be a great system and I have no doubt it will work on the bike as well too. Thanks Mike Mike
  13. hmmmm, 4g or 3g.....when I bought my latest phone I was told that for the most part 4g is only available here and there so most of the time you cannot even take advantage of it. 3g is everywhere.
  14. Yep, asking a question like the OP did is like asking 'Chevy or Ford', or 'Republican or Democrat'.....lol
  15. ohiomike


    Ohhh, yeh I remember that thread....lol thanks
  16. I ordered one of these the other day. Seems easy enough, and am waiting for delivery. Will pass on a report on the units performance... Mike is easy to work with as is Riders discount. I have purchased from them before and it went great! Thanks Mike!
  17. ohiomike


    uhhh, 288?? ftfy???
  18. ohiomike


    It can be fun. When we first moved here I was driving across it in my S 10 and when I hit the tops of some of those hills wherre the other side just falls off, I extended my suspension all the way until the tires came off the ground, then back down with a sudden !slam!.....lol Whoever graded that road musta been drunk...lol
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