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Everything posted by wantahertzdonut

  1. I plan on going. I won't sign up until I survive Beaverun with NESBA tomorrow however. I'll sign up Sunday and chime back in when I'm a definite.
  2. I'll just stick on what I have then, they're 3" tall. If they bitch, I'll make bigger ones. By the way, does anyone know if the photographer (Ray) will be there? He was absent at the last Motoseries date.
  3. What's the deal with numbers? I have some stick-ons but their notebook calls for 6" or larger numbers on the tail. I have a passenger seat which means numbers that big won't even fit. I'm bringing some tape to make numbers that are bigger than what I have, but are they going to pitch a fit over this?
  4. He carries a couple Dunlop street tires as well since the Dunlop trailer sells only the race-only stuff. I'm going to try airing up a bit this weekend at Beaverun and see if my results are any better. Plus it's going to be about 20deg cooler so I'll see what comes of it.
  5. I definitely am not ready for race tires and warmers. I only want something with more grip for trackdays. Warmers are way off, if ever. What I have now is a sport/touring compound, and the bike sees only a little street use. I'm not attached to the tires by any means, they can go on my street bike if nothing else. I may try higher pressure as a stop-gap. I just don't want to make them too hard for fear I'll lose my contact patch. I was running 28/28 but could try 30/30 at Beaverun this weekend and see what happens. The Bridgestone 03's are the caliber of tire that I should go for, but I'm kinda interested in trying a different brand just to try something else. I'll check out Q2's, I think those are the tires Todd was showing me.
  6. I would entertain M-O, but haven't done one of the twilight sessions before. Do you really have to do a few previous sessions at the M-O specifically previous to the twilight event or do they not really care? I'd hate to show up and then not be let on the track. For what it's worth I usually run I/Open at Fastrax.
  7. Don't know the pace, I don't have a timer. Bridgestone Battleaxe 020's. Both Todd and the Bridgestone tire guy (not sure of his name) said they're a problem. I was getting very slippery after about 12-15 minutes of riding. I got a tow behind Bill (don't know his last name, he's one of the racers and rides a red/white SV) and even he said I probably shouldn't try going any faster on them. More opinions are welcome on this. I can get by on what I have, but would like to progress.
  8. All signed up. Looks like I'm stuck in B, I was never given an option to pick I or B. I guess I'll just need to work my way out. Shouldn't be a biggie. See you guys there!
  9. I'm looking into signing up for this one even though it's late, but I've never been out with NESBA before. I created an account but was given no option for grouping (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Do they do that sort of a breakdown or do I have to start in B and work my way up?
  10. Had a great day yesterday except I discovered my tires really do suck. They were getting a bit melty. I guess I'll just have to buy some trackday tires finally!
  11. I'm hoping for dry, my tires are a nightmare in the wet! Although I guess I could learn drifting...
  12. I think I remember passing your tent with the banner at Beaverun last time Motoseries went out there, but never saw anyone under the tent when I was walking around. I'll try to memorize everyone's bikes and make some awkward hellos hoping I find the right people! I'll have a yellow naked SV650 and a faded green popup.
  13. I signed up for Saturday, I'll be in I/Open and showing up early Saturday morning. What's a good way to spot you guys? It would be fun to meet some people in person.
  14. I want to but I'll have friends in town visiting this weekend. Which sucks because I've missed a bit the last few weekends due to family being in town.
  15. We live in a state full of idiots that get even dumber behind the wheel. If he swerved into your lane to force you off the road, get his plate, pull over, and call it in.
  16. Had a great day, met a few people (not sure if they were OR members or not), and the bike ran well. The weather was great too. Can't wait to do it again!
  17. I might be interested, but my pace is on the slower end of the open/intermediate group with Fastrax. Too slow?
  18. What's the story behind it? I only ask because if I had to own a Harley, that would be the one. It wants to be a sporbike, it looks nice, and if most of the hardcore HD guys hate it, all the better.
  19. Yeah we've been getting lucky about 80% of the time and stayed dry when it was supposed to rain. I'll keep my fingers crossed that trend continues! Looks like I got lucky by signing up when I did too.
  20. I'm a little late in registering, but I'll be running in the open/intermediate group. I don't know what color my bike will be, (I'm hoping to paint it this week) but look for the blue Lexus wagon towing a trailer. You'll see me on the track as the slow guy on an SV with a yellow helmet and an eyeball where my headlight should be. I hope it's dry!
  21. I just bought one too, and wore it for the first time a couple weeks ago since my suit doesn't have anything built in. I figured it was something to get me by until I can afford a new suit with an integrated back protector.
  22. I wasn't able to swing the NESBA date. Had a really bad work week and was extremely tired, and I instead focused on getting my track bike reassembled since I keep getting pulled away from it during the week. I'll sign up for BR with Fastrax in the next day or so. I should have my bike wrapped up tonight or tomorrow at which time I'll be signing up.
  23. Oh man, that looks brutal. Did you hit the other guy's bike or him?
  24. I'm in if I can get my bike together. I've never done a day with NESBA, just Motoseries and STT. Is it any different? Should I be any differently prepared? I'll just be in for Saturday and I usually run Intermediate unless there's a very good reason not to.
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