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Everything posted by wantahertzdonut

  1. It's odd, but I swear I've seen this with a single round headlight and it looked even more bizarre. Then again I could be imagining it. This one looks like a surprised penguin. Get rid of the plastics and make it a streetfighter. That fixes every ugly bike right then and there. Hell, it might look cool without the rear plastics. Make the engine the focus. Then, up the power; as in double it.
  2. They really need to hold off on bringing out the Christmas beers till AFTER Thanksgiving. Bring it out now and I'm sick of it by Halloween!
  3. I'd ride down to zero if it weren't for ice. But I had ice on my windshield this morning and 36deg air temp, I drove. I'm not too happy. Generally it's 40deg+ for me. No ice at those temps unless it's still thawing.
  4. There's lots in the US that are just plain shitty drivers too! Trailer or not!
  5. I'd like to know the train of thought that goes through these people's heads before this occurs. "I'ma gonna get naked and run around the house! No, that's not good enough, I'ma gonna in the car! Alright! Well, now I'm hungry..." WTF?
  6. We have a gentlemen who sweeps metal chips off machines. He makes over $75k/year. He makes much more than I do. On average most of the old guys here (the only ones left because the layoffs have been by seniority) make about $30/hr. Plus they get time and 1/2 OT. I don't make that much if you divide my salary up to hourly. Nor do I get time +1/2. And I don't sit at my desk all day. I'm a test engineer, and I do all labor on my tests in the lab. This includes heavy lifting, working with hazardous chemicals, and working at heights up to 90' above the floor. Not work for a patsy. What I do isn't directly affected by our union employees, and I will state for the record that we have many good workers. But if there is something that I do need from them, the union's rules step in the way and prevent me from getting my job done. I take the blame for that. If anything, I need a union to protect me from our union!
  7. Wallet is always in my front pocket on or off the bike. I wear cordura armored pants over whatever I'm wearing when I ride so no worries about my wallet falling out.
  8. Thanks! The Mach is a 70. It's for sale too, great car, but I don't drive it. It's advertised in the FS section here if you'd like to read more about it.
  9. I dropped my asking price to $20k for anyone from OR that's interested.
  10. I'm all for 2. I'm not a fan of unions and my plant will be closing in the next year in large part because of the union's shenanigans. I'm salary and I'm out of a job because of the wankers on the floor. I see and understand the reason behind unions, but they way they operate is flawed. In my eyes, they either need to go, or need an extreme overhaul in the way the operate. As it is right now, unions have only managed to cripple our heavy industries. I don't think 2's passage will fix everything either, the entire system has flaws that need to be addressed. In any case, I will be watching the results of this one closely.
  11. Crap, Street Triple is what I meant to say. I was drunk when I posted that.
  12. That's certainly most awesome. I wonder what it takes to get out for a few laps?
  13. Thanks guys! It's unlikely unless I find a stellar deal on a Street Triple R, and drop one of the SV's. And sell my Mustang. We'll have to cross paths to get a photo with two. Nice RSV, BTW.
  14. I picked this beauty up Friday afternoon, 2008 Aprilia Tuono R Factory. A little over 3000 miles and great condition. I'll look forward to putting some miles on this thing come spring.
  15. For sale, 2007 Kawasaki ZZR600. A little over 8000 miles, overall good condition. The biggest flaw is someone did a terrible job trying to gut the pipe, and just hacked it up. It's still solid, but the outlet end of the can is pretty ugly. Other than that the bike is in great shape. This is my friend's bike and he's selling it to make way for an R1. $3500 obo. Seller's name is Andy, email him at queestidoor@gmail.com
  16. More people need to re-learn this. Especially since being polite usually screws everyone behind you in most instances.
  17. More letters must mean faster and cooler. Shall I show you my SVR650RR?
  18. I had a resident doe hanging out in my yard back in the spring, and there's a herd that stays somewhere in my neighborhood. I'm in the suburbs! The numbers need to be taken down, there's too damn many out there.
  19. I live in Fairview Park and can check it out as well.
  20. I relisted earlier this week, auction ends Tuesday night (10/4) http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200657619768&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  21. I may show up but just to get a set of tires. I got sentenced to New Jersey for an unplanned two-week work trip and just got back, now I'm playing catch-up at home and haven't been able to touch the bike. Plus the weather looks like shit.
  22. I've had them pass me in the same places. It's a bit of a wakeup since it becomes very obvious that it's not the bike. Plus if their bike can do it, so can mine. AND they don't completely walk me for at least a straight or two. I'm happy to follow more than lead, I'll learn much more that way. In all truth, I'd much rather be passed than do the passing. Better to learn from someone else than learn the hard way!
  23. I love my SV on the track. I've got under $2300 wrapped up in it after 3 seasons. It's only got a little work done to it but it's quick enough to have fun yet forgiving when I get in over my head. I've also read good things about GS500's, and having a go with a Bandit 400 would be fun as well. But B4's are getting old and hard to find.
  24. Thanks for the pointer, I'll remember that. I usually try to pass slower traffic in the carousel but always got stuffed by their slower corner speed.
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