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Everything posted by what

  1. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    Start with full fuel, run 100 miles on tank 1, stop for tank 2, run 100 miles, finish on fumes and 6.3lbs lighter for that extra speed boost!
  2. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    I think the grom could make it with 1 fuel stop.
  3. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    We can make a start/finish somewhere in SEO if you want, Justin. 1 single 200 mile lap. I bet I could do sub 4 hours on the grom, maybe even hit mid 3's once I put slicks on it.
  4. That bike's forever home is the track now The Grom is my only street legal bike, which tops out at 61 going downhill. I did this mainly to keep myself out of trouble since the only adrenaline rush I get any more requires rubbing hard parts together at full lean. I'll leave that open to everyone's own interpretation. We were down there on the same weekend as them for 1 or 2 trips. The majority of the people on the minis don't spend much time actually riding, they go dick around in gatlinburg or pigeon forge and keep the cops busy. They schedule a ride to the dragon with like 1,000 minis which I like to sit and watch... because that is for sure a cluster. I'll have been racing the grom for 2 months leading up to the gap so I should be able to scoot through 99% of the people there no problem. There were 1 or 2 fast guys there last time but that was about it. Everyone else was wearing elmo and cookie monster helmet masks and taking selfies of themselves riding like dickheads. If you want clean passes through the gap though, it's probably best not to schedule on top of the hooligan mini crowd's event. Room rates will probably be higher and overall harder to find that weekend as well because of the amount of people.
  5. Sounds like a positive move, congrats Tony.
  6. I can't keep up with anyone on here anyway, I might as well go away.
  7. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    Clean enough for a race. Race lines and ideal lines are different depending on the situation anyway, as I said before. Gotta make yourself bigger like a peacock through every brake zone and corner if someone is right up on you 🦃
  8. Groms, Z's, other random small bore bikes and little 2 strokes. There's an event that's been run the last few years by a company called MNNTHBX called The Smokey Mountain Crawl, but they decided to move it to Barber this year and people are rebelling. Since the only street legal bike I will have is the grom, I'm planning on going down and having some fun on the tiny bike.
  9. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    You forgot religion. @TimTheAzn Up over the off camber left, I'm braking until apex then neutral throttle until I get over the crest. No thanks to lifting the front wheel at that angle - I run to the edge of the track anyway with throttle. I've had a number of pucker moments chasing drive through that corner as the suspension unloads. Obviously in the low 40's I can make up time in every corner, but right now for me there are other sections that will give me more time with more margin. I suspect as I transition to slicks/dot race and warmers I will be able to carry more speed and feel a bit better about it as well. Q3's could probably get me to 1:36 or so but I'd rather not push them that hard Thanks for the video, Dan. I'm always looking for low 30 videos, but they are few and far between.
  10. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    T4/5/6 (technically 7/8/9 on bikes) is one of the sections I was mentioning with respect to carrying speed. T4 is the fastest out of those 3 corners, but not by much. T6 is a drive corner and T5 is neutral throttle. You are slowing down for T5 almost immediately after you roll on after the apex in T4. You can really crank on it on T5 after/as you crest the hill, then point and shoot through T6. I am WOT through 6/7, slightly roll off before 8, roll back on for a split second to carry me to T9 brake zone then it's WOT all the way to the 200 sign before T11. Carousel is technically a point/shoot corner on the 1000, however if you take that line during a race you are asking to get passed on the inside, effectively killing any benefit you would get from the extra drive down through 13 and onto the front straight. You can make a pass happen on 13 but it's tricky and has to be set up prior to going into carousel. I apex a bit later through T1 because my entry is a bit later, giving me better drive down to the T2/3/4 chicane and into keyhole. Keyhole is another point/shoot double apex like carousel. I need to follow Mark through there a few times to see what he is doing, since he shot by me like a rocket ship my last day there this season just after leaving the corner. My guess is he's just carrying a shitload more speed through the corner. I still don't trust the patchy surface but I guess I need to stop being a sissy. My slowest section is probably through keyhole... if I can get that sorted out I should be able to drop into the high 1:30's, which will be nice. Being -60lbs next summer will help as well, already 15 down since thanksgiving.
  11. what

    Lawyer Advice

    Weren't my wedding
  12. It looks like the mini weekend will be the 8th/9th. I'll probably head down that Wednesday though... maybe Tuesday if I can swing it. This should have no bearing on the OR meetup though, this is my own thing.
  13. Well, I think this year I'll be going down for the Mini rally the first week for June. If this gets scheduled for another time I may make 2 trips down if I can. Who knows.
  14. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    The only time you'll really see liter bike lines differ from 600's is in the tighter stuff that opens into straights. Entry might be a tiny bit later on wider corners but not noticeably. The biggest decider is what comes after each corner. I'm not going to square off my corners if I'm just going to be slowing even more for another turn right after the initial one. It's more beneficial to carry the speed through the first and then square the second if that opens up into a straightaway afterwards. Of course this is all ideal lines under ideal conditions, which goes out the window in an actual race unless you have no traffic in front of you and nobody pressuring you from behind.
  15. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    It depends on the corner.
  16. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    Once the front wheel leaves the ground, that's the max amount of drive a person is going to get. I have to work on drive, but honestly that/braking zones are where I'm passing everyone unless they are really slow and I can get them on the outside in a corner. I generally don't like chancing an off-line corner pass at mid ohio though because grip can be iffy out in the sticks. Pitt is going to be a bit different I feel. Hopefully Izzy will be retired from active duty before we head to Pitt. At this rate though, archeologists 2,000 years from now might be digging up a fossilized half put together Daytona out of Iron Pony's buried remains. Poor @jacobhawkins
  17. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    The internet says it's refraction from light traveling between a substance/substances with two different levels of transparency which causes vibration, resulting in a haze/mirage. In the case of the exhaust, it would be hot air mixing with cold ambient air. Light travels faster/slower through things depending on how dense they are and with the cooler air being slightly denser than the hot air, you get the visual distortion.
  18. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    Hence the weight advantage comment. Drive wise, the cbr has the advantage but not by much up to about 90. Of course, if you ever came to the track with us the many times you've been invited you'd have experience with both bikes, but alas, you don't.
  19. what

    Hey Tpoppa

    She's quick for her age. Up to about 90 it accelerates just as fast as the CBR1k. Granted Jacob has about a 150lb advantage going for him, but it still surprised me.
  20. what

    Lawyer Advice

    For all your lawyers or armchair lawyers on this site - There was a wedding back in mid June, where a wedding photographer was paid for their services, contract signed, etc. There was a delivery date in the contract of up to 2 months for color corrected/edited photos from the wedding. As it stands now, the photographer has only sent 2 sample photos (within the last week), and will not release the unedited photos. This is 6 months past the event, 4 months past deadline outlined in the contract. The photographer is threatening legal action (harassment/threats of violence, which are 100% false - all contact with this person has been captured) against the person in contact with them if they continue to contact them about receiving the photos, and now refuses to answer calls or emails. It seems they want to just disappear with what they were paid and not have to worry about any sort of consequence. My guess is this person is some kind of addict, but I won't get into that. What is the recourse here? Currently "dear so and so" letter has been sent to this person by an attorney (which has been ignored), a lawsuit is being filed in small claims court against this photographer, asking for everything that was outlined in the signed contract (which is pretty much null and void at this point, being 4 months past the final delivery date) as well as/or all unedited raw photos from the day of the wedding that this photographer posseses. If the photos never materialize and/or payment is not returned, would they be on the hook for criminal fraud/grand theft charges? $500 and above is a federal charge in the state that this person operates, and where the wedding took place, the photographer was paid significantly more than this. All communication was done via email/internet, which I think also qualifies this as federal since it is over state lines, if I have read things correctly... but I'm not a lawyer so who knows. Any advice would be helpful. I can outline more of the situation or go more in depth into aspects if needed. I won't be saying names or locations though since this may turn into a thing. *** I should add that the end goal here is to get the photos, however possible. Sending this photographer to jail and/or hitting them with a lawsuit isn't really the goal but we are looking at anything that can be used as ammunition against this person in order to get them to send the photos. Really we are looking to scare them into handing everything they owe over, editing and color correction on the photos doesn't matter since we can just do that ourselves, probably better than this photographer. The photographer is refusing to release the raw photos, citing the contract, which is why I bring it up. The thing should already be void since we are 4 months past the delivery date, right? Legally anyway.
  21. Yeah I dont know wtf man in the box was thinking, unless there was a legal reason for the move.
  22. You going to the official one at Barber or the unofficial one yet to be scheduled?
  23. Wu-Tang and Busta would be proud.
  24. what


    Maybe. It was more feeling like I was getting stabbed in the guts though. Still getting a twinge of pain here and there. It should be gone soon though. At least it wasnt norovirus.
  25. what


    Had 3 slices of pizza. They must have used old cheese or something.
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