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Everything posted by what

  1. He said girlfriend, not wife. I sprayed my Grom's insides with slippery liquid, finished the new paint job on it and Jacob tossed on my new raised rearsets while I wasn't watching.
  2. Welcome to the site and welcome to the hardest addiction to kick in the world. Right, @NinjaDoc?
  3. The media is always right, how would they have any integrity otherwise? And the initial argument I heard for letting this earplug business fly was to intentionally exclude earphones and only allow earplugs.
  4. With revenue on the line for the state on this bill I'd guess it won't see much opposition. Also looks like some corporate/energy sector related lobby proposals on there too. Also, I noticed this in the last iteration of the bill but when did it become headphones and earplugs as opposed to just earplugs? I thought initially they were opposed to headphones as they are seen as a potential distraction.
  5. My q3+ rear lasted almost 8 track days and close to 1000 street miles. Kinda crazy. May be because Mid Ohio's abrasion level is actually negative so it heals tires rather than harms them. I'm hoping to get 2 days. And maybe 1 more if I can flip. Need to read up on that though.
  6. ^Salty bike for a salty pauly. I decided to give Q4's a go on the CBR. Curious how many days I will get out of a rear. $340 total for a set from pony right now if you include the rebate from dunlop. If you need tires and like dunlops, buy before the end of April. Good rebate deal going per set.
  7. Triple wont be getting ridden by me anymore, it's getting sold soon. I'll be trailering the grom down to seo for fun times.
  8. looks to be almost 60 a few days next week. sadly my grom won't be back together for a couple weeks though, head is still out being ported.
  9. I need to do my taxes. I've only been getting like $300 back each year, hopefully I won't owe this year.
  10. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    potato cannon
  11. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    So it looks like the drag strip event moved to Friday. Anyway we will be doing the tour de mini, whatever that entails.
  12. Mastodon in Columbus 5/29. That's right, Columbus not Cleveland.
  13. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'd try calling a few times a day at different hours. I think I called around 11am when I booked this year's cabin.
  14. I think they were a combination of street and street + trackday guys. I'm sure it varies bike to bike, just like every Italian manufactured vehicle. QA is not one of their strong points, hehe.
  15. Mid-O is a bit of a gamble though because of the track surface, whether or not you have a good time depends highly on the unpredictable ohio weather. If you do choose mid ohio, make sure it is warm and dry on the day you go. Other tracks dont really share this problem. It's a great track when conditions are good.
  16. From N2 - a number of people ride with them on the forum: https://www.n2td.org/faq/ Different orgs have different rules, but overall they are fairly similar. Really it's just about showing up, accepting you're gonna be slower than a lot of the people there, and focusing on learning and having fun. Also remember to bring shade, something to sit on, some form of hydration maybe some bananas and some sodium to help stay cramp resistant and not get dehydrated. I can down 2 bottles of water after every session all day long and never have to pee, it creeps up on you fast. A video I found that might be helpful? I didn't watch all of it:
  17. I've heard horror stories of valve clearance issues every 1500-2000 miles on 2010-2015 RSVs/Tuonos. Supposedly with the 2016 revision all of that was solved and the service interval was brought up in line with the Japanese bikes.
  18. That might be Blitz's old Tuono 😶 I wouldn't touch an Aprilia made before 2016 btw. Maintenance nightmare from everything I've read.
  19. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'll be in Townsend Friday and possibly up at the drag strip event Saturday. A few of us with Groms this year.
  20. down 15lbs since last weigh-in 3 weeks ago. plan to bulk up with moosels then drastically cut back on calories seems to be working.
  21. not a lot of time to rest on that track.
  22. Bought the high comp dome head piston not long after posting this morning... that's going in next week when it gets here from Japan. Lol...
  23. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    They didn't seem too organized before either. If they are selling out of food that means they are doing ok lol
  24. "But what's happening?" - Stiffer(dual) valve springs going in to help deal with the increased lift from the new cam and raised rev limiter (by 3,000 rpm) however, the head is getting ported first. Considering tossing a high comp piston in since the jug is already loose and it would be a super easy swap.
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