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Everything posted by what

  1. I'd like to clarify that my initial response was that "I would like to come to PIRC, however, it is a race weekend so I can't make it." Didn't know people had hurt feelings.
  2. what

    Mid-Ohio 9/17

    Let's plan on Tuesday.
  3. Not sure anyone has that view. Mini racing is fun and if you don't come have fun with us you suck is what we all get together and chant every full moon and eclipse, though.
  4. what

    Mid-Ohio 9/17

    I don't have anything on my work schedule for Tuesday so that may work. Monday is pretty much DOA at this point because of the hurricane's path. Almost considering calling up Gwen and seeing if they would reschedule to Tuesday/Wednesday. They can't possibly run during the remnants of a hurricane, no matter their normal weather policy...
  5. and for them, the sumos are small bikes. same concept. ultimately seat time is seat time no matter what you're on. clearly you don't want to mess with minis and thats fine but thinking you've reached a level of mastery where you would see no benefits from racing them on a track is doubtful. beyond that though, it's just fun
  6. lol and yeah, the sv was a good choice for sure.
  7. not saying one is better than the other but both big bikes and minis have their own challenges. the top racers train on small bikes for a reason. and if we want to get technical with my analogy, riding on the street would be the rock gym
  8. to be fair, that's like a free climber standing at the base of el capitan and saying they've already found the limits at the local rock gym so they will only climb everest.
  9. what

    Mid-Ohio 9/17

    Not lookin good friends. Stupid hurricanes.
  10. Now if only there were places you could take it to and track progress, like a paved race track but smaller. Hmmmm
  11. what

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    So now things are different?
  12. what

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    all the new electronics seem pretty worthwhile. also, don't trail brake using the rear brake. :p
  13. rough one, something on the track? the guy in front of you nearly lost it too...
  14. Got one, thanks all. Feel free to keep this alive for your own cert purchases.
  15. Foothills should be open the full length soon too I think, if it isn't already. The dude who owns 129 photos told me that he was hearing sometime in September a couple months ago.
  16. Thanks guys. @whaler - I'll get back to ya in a day or 2.
  17. Anyone have any certs for sale? Full day? Need that A bump. 😁
  18. Will be a whole new experience for you on a sportier bike, Tim. Just don't get too wild Have fun on your trip Kent!
  19. I tried calling Thursday and Friday to get the info you were asking for regarding the cert and nobody answered the phone. Gwen told me Wednesday that walk-ups would be fine for Monday but who knows if that has changed since then.
  20. dual temp, not sure. they are chicken hawk
  21. forecast says rain every single day up at the track except for monday :p
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