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Everything posted by what

  1. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    The place is always packed, I bet they're doing ok.
  2. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    It was ok. My guess is any restaurant wont last long in tellico though unless its cheap burgers and fries.
  3. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Delauders is a step above every BBQ I've had around the country. I'm a little bummed we weren't able to get the brisket the day we went but that's what I plan to do this year. Gotta bring you uninitiated masses over too. You'll get the hunger and will never want to miss another trip down to the Gatlinburg area ever again. @jacobhawkins @DerekClouser @TimTheAzn @Blitz @ShortyMoto @kbrok
  4. what


    hook motorcycle up to roller, join race, show the world full-dope lance armstrong aint shit.
  5. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Malees in Scottsdale AZ
  6. Yeah they make a good bit of stuff for the Grom - https://kosonorthamerica.com/tag/honda-grom-parts/
  7. Koso makes quality parts for Groms, can't speak for their other offerings. The new cam that's going into my Grom in the next week or 2 is a Koso.
  8. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I think there are 2 cabins booked or in the process of booking at Fontana right now.
  9. Sure haven't. I need to buy some leftover 2018 certs though at some point.
  10. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    They are pretty relaxed on the dragon, honestly. I've passed them going 45 before knee down and they didn't give a shit. If you cross yellow or are being dangerous, they will throw the book at you though. If that's true about GA then Blood Mountain is going to be a real shit show the way people ride up through there. I doubt the back roads will be bothered with much though, not enough $$ for manpower.
  11. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Would be pretty hard to get one on a Grom. I would probably frame it as an achievement.
  12. The blue and silver is sharp - those are my favorite R1 colors.
  13. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Nah I plan to explore this year. I won't be running the GA loop but everything else is fair game.
  14. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    There will be a few of us with only Groms I think. You're welcome to try to keep up through the tight stuff 🤣 New cam and valve springs ordered Saturday, my Grom should be around 14 whole horsepowers after Kerr ports it.
  15. Even the Fiestas are fast little cars, that and the Focus are what they use in WRC as a base.
  16. Yeah, remember, these are only the dummies that either pulled over or crashed.
  17. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Booked our cabin today - looks like $136/night for a 1 queen 2 twin Hemlock. Comes out to about $105/person for the whole stay with 4 people in the cabin. PM me for my cabin number - I booked one of the ones we usually get.
  18. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Just got a response - I'm going to guess with the seemingly limited attendance this year we won't be able to get a group rate. We would need to reserve 5 or more cabins or 10 or more lodge rooms in order to qualify for a group rate and a contract would been to be signed. I will be booking a cabin for myself and my group at Fontana. I'm going to try to get one of the cabins we usually grab but I will post up the cabin number once I book in case anyone else wants to try to book one nearby.
  19. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I sent Marie at Fontana an email asking about group rates/cabin blocks. I'll post up what I find out.
  20. Trophy trucks are awesome, Raptors are trophy truck lite. I'd own one if I wasn't poor.
  21. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Hoping to get $5500 from CL/FBMP, realistically looking for around 5. May work a deal if an established forum member is interested. I don't want to go a whole lot lower though, especially with spring right around the corner. bike is...
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