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Everything posted by what

  1. They will also kill your ass dead if they don't like you, collision or not.
  2. Deer are a bigger threat, really. We murdered 1 every year or two with our cars in the 23 years I lived in VT growing up
  3. Chase will just call/text me if they think something is funky, as long as I respond everything is A-OK. Generally they won't call though since I travel so much for work anyway I guess their system anticipates it or something.
  4. Are there some 180's? If Jeff wants the 190's... Not sure I can fit them on my bike and still clear the chain. Want to go 50/50 on fronts if he has 180's available? I can pick them up this Sunday... I'm right next to Westerville/Worthington.
  5. If it rains overnight and will be cloudy but not raining Monday I probably won't go. If it rains early in the evening and isn't raining Monday and there's some sun I may still go. Pretty much if the track is going to be damp/wet I won't be going.
  6. Still looking pretty crappy Monday. I will make up my mind by Sunday afternoon. Still operating under the assumption that I'll be at the track until then. Desire to hit mid 1:50's is strong.
  7. Facebook live-stream it so the poor souls stuck at work can feel alive.
  8. Here's Fucking Racebike Cabin location (helpful map). Not sure where all you savages will be lodged but I'm guessing in the surrounding cabins.
  9. They let me waive the "late registration fee" on the 14th because I bought 4 certs last fall, so I don't think you have to have run 4+ days so long as you have paid for 4+ days.
  10. The biggest problem is that they let any joe-schmo onto the track and it's completely open. Imagine if track day organizers around here let anybody who showed up and paid $50 run on the track for 20 minutes with everyone else who did the same, ranging from pro racers testing/practicing to little timmy who just bought his first bike.
  11. 441 looks like fun. I wana go on the loopty loop!
  12. Yeah, we'll have to see how things look this weekend.
  13. Maybe those 40 neighbors could offer to buy the property from the current owner and make a nice quiet park instead of just complain about it.
  14. Honestly I'd feel safer on a public road at that point, at least then there's a center line and things are more predictable. Don't know if it would be any safer, but I'd feel safer.
  15. what

    Free loveseat

    are those ass marks free or do they cost extra?
  16. Yeah, but it's fine. I'd be able to see some new roads up north.
  17. The truth is, even if the gap was closed I wouldn't really care. I didn't ride it once last spring. More time to spend on all the other great roads and maybe find some new ones.
  18. :\ Sorry to hear you got beat up. Track bullies are the worst.
  19. what

    Need tires

    Sure, just load my car up with tires. $30/tire for transport to the gap. Give me all your tires. All of them. not a bad deal.
  20. The graphics director they had for the show got double booked so I had to take one of the events (another client just scheduled a rehearsal on the day of the event). I'm coming out ahead on this, I was initially told is was the 5th and 6th so I would have had to miss the track day. Only the 6th now.
  21. Just got booked for a show on the 6th so I won't be leaving until like 4am on the 7th now. Thanks, work.
  22. I will tell you that my boss's 2010 BMW was in the shop with $1000+ repairs needed about every month for the last 3 years. He just sold it and bought a Tesla. I think his mileage was around 100k at the end. Cant speak for how the car was maintained before he bought it though. He picked it up in 2013 I think.
  23. I'll take em, if there are indeed some 180's in there.
  24. Glad you're still on the mend. Longterm disability is only 60% pay? That sucks...
  25. Bruising or bone stuff? If it's iffy you should at least go get checked out by your normal doctor.
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