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Everything posted by what

  1. In for a cottage or double queen.
  2. Cleveland choking hard. And I hardly know shit about baseketball.
  3. My guess is burnouts @ the gap store.
  4. His jacket says "Death or Glory" Fitting... http://www.killboy.com/#!prettyPhoto[1]/https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/p960x960/18815158_10155402631798140_3142988270344285523_o.jpg?oh=88196662d84b6f2e0e6b918c1e276f68&oe=59A95FC5
  5. Uh huh. We could have been the knee-down crew on the dragon this year, but nooooo
  6. Some fun from Friday. **Video is unlisted/not public, this is the only way to view it. My speedo is broken and it's in KPH.
  7. Got home around 1:30, unpacked and repacked for my 6am flight tomorrow morning. Great riding with everyone this week.
  8. Flip a coin. There's 11 pages of people recommending things.
  9. @Tonik If you don't see me by the time you want to leave (8:00), don't wait around. Not sure what time I want to wake up and won't know until morning.
  10. I can bring my front stand, was already bringing rear. I have all my tire-change gear with me (spoons/rim protectors/jack stands for balancing/etc). Was trying to sleep until 2:30 this morning then head out around 3 but woke up around 12:30 and couldn't get back to sleep... there's no down-side to getting to the gap a little early. @NinjaDoc - see you there.
  11. Trailer loaded and most of the car. Ready to roll out at around 3am.
  12. I've never run the track so I don't know the situation. I guess I'm just wary of paying full price on opening day of a "new" facility. /shrug
  13. I don't have a balls t-shirt. Guess I can't ride.
  14. Looks like some rain/thunder on Thursday at Fontana. May want to keep an eye on the area and see where the storms will be so we can pick a route to (hopefully) avoid them.
  15. $180/day on an untested repave and possibly no safety track... hmm :|
  16. Good thing we have our very own SV650 test rider here that made sure the engine will go 120k+ hard miles before it starts burning oil so long as it is maintained.
  17. You don't want white, you want the '17 FZ-10 neon green and decepticon grey version.
  18. Sounds like a good time, also like a gathering of unicorns. Somehow I doubt its existence except maybe in a cave in North Korea.
  19. Anyone want to check out my sister's wedding venue while we're in Suches? It's looking like the wedding will be the week after next year's June Gap Trip. 2 weeks in the Smokies, where do I sign up? https://www.google.com/maps/place/Montaluce+Winery+%26+Restaurant/@34.6222555,-84.0601951,12.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x885f6f0acd98802d:0xb534d9eafe4aa74a!8m2!3d34.563803!4d-84.057946
  20. Oil + filter change done on the Triumph.
  21. Looks like a lot of gravel driveways on that road. Be careful
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