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Everything posted by what

  1. what

    RENT for a week

    Well, we can rule out the "I was busy riding" excuse at least.
  2. People who like giant potholes hidden in the shadows under every overpass and maniacs in beat-to-shit 20 year old hondas with a spoiler on the hood and trash can on the exhaust pipe.
  3. That was just yammie being a retard. The road they were on is a driveway/access road into a gated community in Austin with a 30 mph speed limit. Pretty stupid to be going that fast around a blind corner in the wrong lane on purpose, especially in a residential neighborhood.
  4. what

    Obama was right.

    Thought maybe something had come up in the news today or something. /shrug People are generally fine with anything so long as it's their side that's saying/doing it.
  5. what

    Obama was right.

    did I miss something?
  6. did somebody say hot sister?
  7. I'm going. I had myself transferred off of a job that weekend so I could watch people play motorcycles. I may camp... I need a tent and bag though.
  8. I've grown wary of mailboxes... lol. I've nearly hit my head a few times.
  9. https://heatst.com/culture-wars/portland-burrito-business-forced-to-close-after-getting-hounded-for-cultural-appropriation/?mod=sm_tw_post&utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark No tasty burritos for the PC police.
  10. Adding to this, I try to stay more towards the center of the lane on blind left hand turns and not get close to the center line. I don't want to be leaned into oncoming traffic...
  11. what

    Tough 9 Days

    Glad she is doing well. Heart-related stuff is a bitch.
  12. Talked to my buddy, got more info. Sounds like just an idiot kid - he (kid) drew a picture of a gun with a note "don't come to school tomorrow" and left it laying around. My buddy made it sound like a threat was called in when I talked to him yesterday.
  13. shhhhhh, you promised you wouldn't talk about what happens after dark.
  14. I think it was the same deal as your student. I'll ask my buddy tonight.
  15. Hope they find out who swatted him and send them the bill + a warrant. Also, a buddy of mine who is an IT guy at a school in Boston had the same thing happen at his school yesterday, except management didn't tell the faculty or staff that there was a potential threat until after they had arrested the kid and school had ended. Needless to say, people were/are pretty pissed off because the kid was walking around the school freely for about an hour after the threats were called in and nobody had any idea.
  16. Lol. (@Danimal - This is all to trigger Tonik. I really am happy to bring your tire down to you.)
  17. I bet @Tonik could bring them down to the gap and meet you there with them.
  18. ordered new gel grips to replace the slippery oxford heated grips that have never worked. also thinking of doing this:
  19. Damn dude, excited to see it together and moving.
  20. Why? Sounds like you get the rest of the day off.
  21. QFT I think he hibernates 51 weeks of the year, only to emerge for a one week migration to Tennessee every June.
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