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Everything posted by what

  1. Yeah i'll check with Mike. Lord knows I've had him check on enough stuff for me without me actually buying anything in the past few months.
  2. Probably skin to make sure he's staying tough enough to ride with more than 1 day old tires.
  3. I just want something that works and wont break in half and tip over the bike.
  4. Yeah, I was looking at eBay and didn't see any. I'll check wera classifieds. I have a vortex rear stand that is pretty good quality so I don't think the front would be bad. If I can't find a pit bull.
  5. Iron Pony lied to me. Says "Pit Bull front stand from $84" on their site. What they meant was that "The fork lift to head lift converter is $84 and fuck you for thinking you could get a Pit Bull stand for $84 you stupid asshole but thanks for dropping by." Well I guess I'll just get a vortex front stand for $84 from someone else. Dick heads.
  6. they all seemed pretty short yesterday when I walked past the rack. There were maybe 10 suits that I saw. maybe some available that I didn't see? I'm 6'6 and fat though so not much fits well.
  7. This guy thinks he will get more happiness out of a woman that makes him get rid of his motorcycle than the motorcycle? Sounds like he's about to make the biggest mistake of his life.
  8. Uh oh, bunch of cops with their flashies on over by where they found that DB next to iron pony a couple weeks ago.
  9. so i discovered something amazing last night... the amazon tire gauge GLOWS IN THE DARK! who cares if it's accurate, I can see that fucker after the sun goes down.
  10. I have no idea what's happening in this thread anymore but my pressure gauge got here just now and it even came with 4 valve stem caps for free. Pretty solid $15 buy.
  11. Looked at the bike, went to REI and looked at the service costs, looked at the bike again. I want to get it set up this year but the way my schedule is looking this spring/summer I don't know when the hell I'd have time to ride.
  12. Judging from the likes, at least 1 person on this forum is a size queen.
  13. To be fair, a matte black shirt with a gloss black print works out pretty well. Idea for your U-TUBES channel merch. Bam.
  14. lol... god dammit. Amazon saved the truck nuts as a search and now it's popping up in the stupid fucking advertising bars on different sites. YOU'VE REALLY FUCKED ME THIS TIME, JIM.
  15. I've just resigned myself to looking at the pretty yellow-orange light for the next 100,000 miles.
  16. You mean the performance meter? I always try to keep it all the way to the right on the highest number so I am getting the best performance in all my vehicles.
  17. No, I think the sensors are going bad. They are battery powered and only last a certain amount of time. Honda, in their infinite wisdom, sealed the battery inside the unit so you have to replace the entire thing on each wheel. The light goes off every now and then randomly, I'm guessing when the battery has enough power to kick a signal back to the computer. The recommended tire pressure for the Element is between 32 and 35 psi cold, which is right where my tires are (33 front, 35 rear for trailer weight + cargo in back). As a motorcyclist you should know that we are all OCD about tire pressure :|
  18. the TPMS light is stuck on in my new(tome) car. It's driving me nuts. Oh, and thanks Joe. I've been meaning to pick up another one of these.
  19. I thought I weighted my inside leg but now thinking back, it's always my outside calf muscle that starts to tell me that I'm getting worn out on the track. I guess I'm weighting the outside peg without thinking about it? I'll have to consciously work on this I guess, since I'm not sure.
  20. ok, don't click that link at work. or do. whatever.
  21. not digital, can't read it. also, what are those weird circles on the walls of rooms with all the numbers and 2 sticks pointing at them?
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