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Everything posted by what

  1. I just realized I am now the only single person in my office. Also, half of the current relationships are between co-workers. more free time to motorcycle for me. suckers.
  2. The SV had sonic springs in it. I liked 'em.
  3. http://www.boomblasters.com/killer-orca-whale-sounds-car-horn-p-200.html sound: http://www.boomblasters.com/sounds/killer_whale.mp3
  4. I dunno, I hope he gives it back before the weather warms up.
  5. hey, the 2nd place dude in the picture is wearing my helmet.
  6. clipon bars I ordered over a month ago finally showed up. after I completely forgot I ordered them.
  7. Do what I did and buy a cheap track bike to use 5 or 6 days a year. Or just take the white whale and blow people's minds.
  8. I looked sadly at my Triumph that's living outside this week under a cover. Next week it gets its own garage! Well, it gets to share a garage with the Duc and new car. Moving sucks, but then it doesn't.
  9. @Tonik trying to start fights. I was referencing MW. I was talking more about his speech mannerisms rather than his channel. Does he do a lot of stupid shit? Yep. Are his videos entertaining? They can be. He just doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed is all.
  10. Very true. I may pick up a second helmet for street next year, the Bell Star is not made for sitting straight up on a naked bike and I've heard Scorpion helmets are pretty comfortable.
  11. Poor Bautista, doesn't get a $1,000 helmet like Rossi or Marquez.
  12. dude sounds exactly how I thought he would. dudebrofratbro
  13. Craigslist is probably her best bet, although rent is pretty high near downtown for any place with a yard that isn't in murderville. If budget isn't an issue, Victorian Village, parts of German Village or Clintonville would be good places to look. That said, you can get downtown in about 15 minutes if you live in Grandview/Upper Arlington or up near Bethel/Dublin. Bethel/Dublin is probably the least expensive of the options in this post. Worthington is also a decent option and again, 15 minutes away from downtown give or a take a few minutes depending on traffic.
  14. heh, abate's main office is right next door to where I work. Small world.
  15. Grats man. Bonus center stand goodness. I think all my street bikes will get a center stand installed after having the Triumph, they are so handy.
  16. Think your 200hp cheater bike cares that your silly dunlops say they are a harder compound?
  17. If you keep buying soft slicks you're gonna be real proficient at changing tires.
  18. No more super tenere laser beams in my mirrors, now new deutschland beemer instead?
  19. When it comes to problems like that, there is no "helping" someone who doesn't decide themselves they want to change. And the amount of calories needed daily to maintain a weight like that (barring any medical issues) is absolutely ridiculous... like 20,000+ per day. I just read an article a few days ago about the english dude who weighed 990lbs and managed to lose nearly 700 of it over the last 10 years. Back when he was at his largest he was spending $150,000/yr on food alone. Of course, being in the UK, the taxpayers footed the bill. He was eating 20 bags of doritos a day as a snack FFS. At that point, it's absolutely the fault of the people bringing in the food. And yes, he tried killing himself by taking half a bottle of codeine, which just gave him a headache the next morning because the fat cells absorbed most of it before it reached his organs. That said, I'm down 7lbs this week. Thanks salad and Jimmy John's.
  20. Welcome. Ebay is probably your best bet for parts unless you order new OEM, then I'd recommend Bikebandit.com
  21. Bring your cold weather gear and have fun.
  22. If you don't mind driving to Columbus you're welcome to use mine It's even got a Baxley chock attached!
  23. the joke - it's a 5 speed gearbox shazzam
  24. I don't think he has any credit history, and his last few paychecks have been really light so places are refusing him outright or requiring him to get a cosigner. I wish he knew better than to ask me to cosign because it's just going to cause problems. Since I turned him down he now thinks I'm a selfish asshole who doesn't care if he's homeless at the end of the month. It feels like I've got an angry, estranged wife at home. My new place needs to open up ASAP :|
  25. I think it just depends on the place, I don't think there are any laws about someone cosigning from out of state.
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