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Everything posted by what

  1. I've got a card too, but they payroll deduct any charges put on it that aren't pre-approved. On larger events we will do a thing called "Crew Meal" where everyone pitches in $20 and then you order whatever you want except alcohol. 2 people last year got a 2 drink maximum policy put in place because they ordered $500 in scotch for themselves like assholes. Generally we end up at pretty nice places in a private room. Every other meal is good luck chuck, unless it's provided by the client as a lunch/dinner buffet or something in the ballroom/meeting space. BUT! we discovered and snuck into the employee cafeteria, which has a $3 at-cost buffet for all resort staff. score.
  2. Big Bucket of Shame Est. 2017
  3. Mine has to wait till next week for its bath. All washes were closes by the time I got back to Columbus sunday.
  4. It's based on geographic location so it's pitifully low compared to the resort prices we are stuck paying. At least we get SOME per diem though.
  5. Stuck in a Gaylord property where everything is about 300% more expensive than it should be. $15 hamburger for lunch that should be $5. Here for 7 days... There IS a movie theater right next door with IMAX though. Maybe I'll go see the new star wars or something if I get some time off.
  6. 70 in Nashville today. Or so the weather app says. #indoors4ever :|
  7. Maybe it's red and white. Pretty sure the fire chief has red and blue on his truck in upper Arlington though.
  8. I dunno, the fire guys around where I live have red and blue, so do ambulances.
  9. He needed red and blue lights, that's the standard for emergency vehicles. Yellow or red only could be anything.
  10. I didn't notice him until town. I thought it was an unmarked cruiser who caught me in one of my moments of weakness. Then I thought maybe a mailman, or a lead car for a wide load. Anyhow, he wouldn't have gotten around the car + truck in front of us anyway. :/
  11. Cops like that little stretch of 800 just south of 70. I've seen people picked there before a number of times. Killerkaw, Tim, his friend and I were getting headlight flashes like crazy from oncoming traffic all along that stretch. I'm guessing the saw the rolling shit storm of flashy blue lights. Guy must have been pulled over just ahead of us... we weren't going fast, lIke 60-65 behiND a bunchanged of cars. If you guys were going Mach retard you would have been a lot further ahead of us.
  12. I like that it's still got a boxer engine. What does it use for propulsion, the exhaust from the cans?
  13. little bit chilly on the way back but other than that, great riding with you folks today.
  14. bump. Front turn signals are back to stock.
  15. Missed the ride today because of work so I'm going to make it to this ride, god dammit. All my shit is already out on the couch from last night's prepping. **Meet you guys in Mcconnelsville at noon then tag along for the loop after? I'll probably circle around and head back through Mcconnelsville when you all break off north to head home, depending on how many hours of daylight are left at that point.
  16. New gopro sticky mounts are pretty cheap. I think you get 6 to a pack - 3 curved and 3 flat for $20. https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-Curved-Adhesive-Mounts-Official/dp/B009PK9UWA
  17. I'm only always working sometimes.
  18. I'll show up whenever as long as I'm not at work.
  19. might be gradiation things happening that late in the spring. or sports. it's an idea though.
  20. It's an information hierarchy problem. The architecture of the whole site sucks really bad.
  21. It's on their website behind a whole bunch of clicks. Whoever does their website needs to go to website school.
  22. Doesn't sound like a bad plan. Is there room for trailer queens to park/unload?
  23. That sucks man... illness like that just plain sucks. Not much else to say about it.
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