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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Welp the wife has made part of the decision. She said if she goes for a ride she wants to be able to look around at the scenery on the back she said she can't do that riding her own. So one bike it is. The trailer has been brought down out of storage. Now we went fo a short ride up the road and back on the Z. Her words not mine "this isn't too bad"..lol Still leaning towards the connie but not 100% yet. Another reason for the connie is i might still be headed to the outer banks with my dads family for few days after and the wifey cant go. So that will give me the connie to ride there.
  2. So since Anker said FU on fixing mine I took matters into my own hands. Decided to see removing the idiot proof box that was my issue. Which is all it is. Keeps people from hooking up backwards or shorting it out or overloading it. So I bypassed the black(saftey) box on the cable and now it does work. I completely disconnected the battery on my wifes bike and started it with nothing but the anker. And it started pretty easily. Also tried it on the zero turn mower with no problems. Now i know ill have to be super careful not to reverse polarity, over load or leave it hooked up too long. But in an emergeny i guss it will work. I purposely left the negative cable shorter so they couldn't accidentally touch each other too.
  3. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I really don't. It actually bothers me personally more than what i care what others think..lol. not even sure why I care.
  4. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    So I guess too many options is better than no options at all but I'm kind of at a standstill. Original plan was for just me to trailer the Z down and ride when I could. Now the wife is going with me even though she is said stick with my original plan she doesn't need to ride she just wants to get out of the house. I would like to take her for a ride. The Z isn't exactly the best option for two upping especially since we've never done it before on the Z. We thought about taking her bike but with Logistics and the weather forecast looking like it does she's not sure she would even want to ride. She's not geared up for wet riding or really seasoned for it either on roads like those. The Connie is a obvious choice for 2 up but she dose not want to ride down on the back, she's not a long haul rider or passenger so she would have to take the car. So options are. 1. Stick to original plan take the Z (small trailer and car)and tell her see ya later when i ride(which she says shes fine with but im not). Maybe try out the Z on a couple 2up rides. 2.Take the Connie so we can 2 up, with two different ways it can be done.... a. Ride it down following her taking the car(which seems like a total waste of gas and just seems retarded) b. Trailer the Connie down. (I know I know, there will be so much crow to eat and goes against so many morals ive ever had about this bike) Only ever been on a trailer once in it's life over 5 years ago and that was similar situation. Again one bike is doable with small trailer and car. 3. Option 3 is borrow a firends bigger trailer and take the Z and my wifes bike. But have to pull it with the truck(instead of the car)which means more gas. With the the chance she might not even ride hers if we don't get nice weather. Now thabks to @NinjaDoc this is the forcast we have to contend with. So this i part of my decision making. 2 different weather web sites. Thabks a lot Doc.
  5. Im sure my Z is in the same catagory as yours but yeah its not new(8 yrs). But I do keep the same coverages that that banks require. Im sure area does matter.
  6. Gixxus Christ! I haven't paid over $500 a year for 2 or 3 bikes 2 riders and full coverage in 10 years. $390 right now for 3 bikes 2 riders full coverage and $500 deductable
  7. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I've never needed to be welcome to join in. Only required to be the butt of the jokes and everything has worked out well for me.
  8. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Then that's why I bring her. She will sleep in the same room.
  9. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Everyone likes her. That's why I bring her around. Maybe take the dislike people have of me and balance it out.
  10. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Me and the Mrs. are hardly a group.
  11. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    WHAT? Thought for sure you'd make it,
  12. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Where you staying? We have a room in London, Ky for Wednesday night.
  13. Did that right before my trip out west last year. Decided to put the new ones on anyway and hung the old ones on a nail in the garage to be put back on later.
  14. Bump to update first post with new current pictures taken today.
  15. Had Progressive. They jacked my rate for no reason. Went to Geico. Was happy no proablems. Even handled a claim perfectly. Riders offered me a stupid low rate. So I switched to them for one year. They jacked my rate WAY UP for no fucking reason. Went back to Geico and have been happy again for some time.
  16. Thanks...though that was in the copy and paste..done
  17. Well after a couple conversations with the Mrs this is where we are. She wants a Indian Scout and this one has to go first. Copy and paste ad from FB. As always little bit of a discount to friends and bubbys. FS: 2007 Yamaha V Star 1100 Classic $3300 Super clean, immaculately maintained. All fresh fluids and serviced. NEEDS NOTHING. Ready to ride. Low miles. Sounds great. Black Cherry Metallic and beautiful chrome. Vance and Hines Exhaust(also has stock exhaust that goes with it) Newer tires Touring wind screen. Highway pegs(not in pic) Heated grips Sissy back rest for rider and passenger. Leather side and rear bags Stibel air horn. Why are we selling? This is the wifes bike and she wants an Indian. Clean and clear title in hand. 11k miles $3300
  18. I guess you really can polish a turd. Just waiting on amazon to deliver the filter and yamalube tomorrow before i can put it back together.
  19. F#@k You Yamaha! And your idiot engineers. 40 plus min later i can finally get to the oil filter. Only after you remove the pin from the brake pedal to make room to take the header pipe and muffler off. Only to remove the fake chrome cover to be able to get to the bolts(with 2 extensions and a swivel)that hold the chorme plate on that hides the actuall oil filter cover. Taking care to wiggle thr actual oil filer housing cover off as to not damage the orings. Watching oil runall over the wire harness and brake line because there is no way to stop it. Only then can you pull the oil filter cartridge out to put a new on in. And you have to keep tabs on where each bolt goes since every fucking one of them is a different size. FU Yamaha FU
  20. 2talltim

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Yup you should quit. It's only money, they print it every day.
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