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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. That's how Craigslist is, don't worry about it. Remember, no matter how many people DON'T buy it, it only takes ONE person TO buy it
  2. scared the crap out of me... I was worried that paying up promptly would mean I was admitting guilt in trying to commit tax fraud or something. I was like "I'm just gonna pay this ASAP and hope it ends there." So far so good.
  3. I paid cash... They didn't look into my bank records. They must have contacted the seller. Good thing he didn't give a HIGHER number, or I'd've had to pay MORE. I shouldn't have been so greedy as to put "free" as the price But yeah, this should pretty much answer everyone's question about what might happen
  4. why don't you open the crate and take out the parts? it's probably got 50 lbs of packing materials and several pieces that are heavy enough to add lots of weight, but light enough to move by hand or dolly.
  5. That's a shame 3K is a great price for it, you'll get it if you're patient.
  6. I use "Waze" for my iPhone... It'll show on-screen and give audible directions through earbuds, and it also allows users to tag where they see cops Waze has a pretty big user base, which makes it work better, since the more people that use it, the better it works. It keeps track of traffic as well as giving directions and telling you where cops are
  7. Whoops! HOw could I forget Pauly? He's definitely the first place you should call.... friendly, board member, knowledgeable, down to earth, and does a GREAT job. DucRX.com
  8. Josh1234

    Laser fun

    There's a huge business in engraving macbook covers. I looked but couldn't find a good place nearby when I first got mine.
  9. Hello from Lyndhurst (I grew up in Cleveland Heights). Ohio motorcycle is closest (address posted earlier in thread). I've been there and had good experiences. Rick Roush is a little further, and of course Iron Pony is down in Columbus, but will probably have the best ratings and recommendations
  10. Let's say that with one lane, we can fit 20 cars through each green light. If there's 2 lanes of traffic, SOMEONE will come to a complete STOP when it's their turn to go through the red light and wave someone in from the second lane. That amount of time could've got another car through. All of a sudden you're fitting in only 17 or 18 cars through each green light instead of 20 Or however many. The point is that merging last-minute instead of smoothly makes everyone else go slower.
  11. The reason all that traffic was moving so slowly was because everyone had to wait for the merge to happen... if everyone changes lanes early, you can just drive full speed... it's the merging that slows down the traffic. I hate when people use the empty lane to cruise past and then merge... Wait in line like everyone else... otherwise you're coming from behind me, merging in front of me, and causing EVERYONE to have to slow down & brake because YOU dart in at the last second (I don't care what kind of vehicle you're on). No matter where you merge, it's the same amount of traffic in front of the choke-point. The only difference is that you're impatient and want to shoot past everyone instead of waiting your turn like a good little driver/rider.
  12. Hahhaha, George Tsoukalis or something
  13. My GF loooves that song, hahah, I played her the cover. She strips to the Khia version for me.
  14. I watched that show a couple of times, but it got boring.
  15. Firstly, "Golden Balls" is an awesome name for a game show. Secondly, Game Theory is FUN! This is a short less-than-5-minute video that's definitely worth watching: http://www.businessinsider.com/golden-balls-game-theory-2012-4
  16. I'm gonna list my 04 YZF-600 starting at 4,000. You may now all proceed to make fun of me
  17. Or "Where I'm going doesn't matter... It's how I'm getting there that's the fun part."
  18. maybe a "base layer" type thingie from Starter will work.
  19. Seems to me you could modify the first & second ideas here and just put in one more pole...... All of a sudden the "the clubhouse" is a lot more fun
  20. Yeah, my knee-pits get nice and red after a ride, and the irritation is pretty bad. I try and smooth out the pants-leg so they're all the way down, but as I ride & bend my knee, the material bunches up and makes me Tips?
  21. In a month, that'll sell for 2500 on CL instead of 1500 now I'm kinda tempted to pick it up and flip it!
  22. I've used MultiMon for a long time... Love it.
  23. Cant wait until I post my bike for sale this summer at moron-high prices and you all make fun of me
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