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Everything posted by vf1000ride

  1. For aluminum parts, https://www.amazon.com/Birchwood-Casey-Aluminum-Black-Finish/dp/B00V511GPG
  2. I voted for Sue-doo. Just because when I get to explain it to the uninitiated at work I tell them it's the text only precursor to Siri. Sue do this, Sue do that, Sue get me my darn updates.
  3. I know your pain brother. The best I can do is look at mine from the doorway to my garage. Till the doctors tell me I can walk on my rh leg again I can't even get into my garage to be near it. Friggin crashing sucks. I'm off work and all the time in the world to ride and I am stuck sitting in the recliner waiting for my hip to heal. The frustration is real.
  4. I can honestly say I haven't purchased anything recorded in the last 5 years. I'm not happy with the sound quality. I have been buying a ton of older stuff though as the recording quality and the production value seems better to me. Frack I'm getting old.
  5. Welcome to the dark side of owning an Italian mistress.
  6. Just for the fun being you posted pictures of your heads. When I had my motor apart last summer I did basically the same thing you did. I also tossed in new valve guides also as mine were on the very edge of the limits and didn't feel like going through all the work again any time soon.
  7. I crashed back on Sept 13th. Got to spend the first 8 days at the University of Tennessee's trauma center down in Knoxville. I came back up and spent a little over a month at a local rehab/assisted living center on the east side of Columbus. Just came back to the house on Thursday last week, it's so nice to be back home.
  8. Forgot to mention, as much as I didn't add a piece of the bike to the tree of shame at the Gap store. My buddies did hang a piece of my fairing in the tree that stopped the bike so I could start my own tree of shame on this road. It's always awesome when your friends have your back like that.
  9. Pants were a roughly 8 year old pair of the Fieldsheer Mercury overpants. They were a closed weave (originally waterproof) heavier overpants with pretty good armor in the knees and hips. Coat was the Icon Compound line, Shoei helmet, Held Phantom II gloves, Sidi st-air boots.
  10. Well, I kinda alluded to it but didn't want to bugger up oldschoolsdime92's thread about buying his Sprint. Now that I am home and not trying to do everything from my cell phone I guess I can tell my story for you guys. I crashed the heck out of my Triumph Sprint last month while down riding the Dragon area. Long story short, while riding Cherohalla Skyway, about 15 miles south from Tellico Plains I was watching too much scenery and not enough of the approaching downhill decreasing radius righthander that kicked my butt. Panic braked and did not let off enough before leaning into it. Locked the front tire and lowsided across the oncoming lane and hit the uphill side of the mountain, got super lucky with no guard rail,oncoming traffic or cliff to fall off. It was just me and the dirt thank goodness. I don't think my buddies got any pictures but they say I left a nice pair of black skids before any of the hard parts hit. Bike ended up resting in a tree, I was in the ditch about 10 feet from it. Ended up spending 8 days at University of Tennessee's trauma center in Knoxville and a little over a month in a rehab center. Just got home today and it is so nice to be sitting on my own furniture again., Injuries were, broke both bones in my right forearm right at the wrist. Was not compound but my hand was displaced from alignment with my arm by 1.5 inches. It was noticeable through my riding gear. One small 2x4 inch section of road rash on my RH calf were my textile pants wore through. Dislocated and broke my RH hip, the ball on the femur is good but I broke out a piece of my hip socket. Other than a couple bruises, that was it. I have all kinds of new metal plates to hold my wrist and hip in place till the bones finish healing but luckily pain is in check. I got lucky and the riding gear did as much as I could ever hope for, no head neck or back injuries. Sorry to preach but wear your gear folks. The textile pants didn't hold up as well as leather but they are a whole crap ton better than blue jeans. I probably wouldn't have a calf on my right leg if I was wearing armored jeans. The sad pictures. I was already on the way to the hospital by the time these were taken so you can see the gear they cut off me in a few of them. The dirt was my path, the tree in the background is what stopped the bike.
  11. I was heading out to Tellico Plains to grab lunch, maybe 10-15 miles from town. Was just a random corner that should have never been an issue if I wasn't sight seeing.
  12. Had a moment last month where too much scenery down on the Cheroholla Skyway was being looked at and misjudged a downhill decreasing radius turn. Lowsided into the mountain, bikes toast. I'm on the mend and should be ready for the spring. Luckily had all my gear on and a bunch of buddies on the ride to take care of things with the bike while the doctors got to work on me.
  13. Well, being I had a minor setback with my red Sprint. It looks like you guys will get to fight over if the blue or silver ones will officially be fastest again. Good luck with the new ride, they live up to the hype.
  14. I've been on the internet longer than most, my search engine game is strong.
  15. Beef bung rings qty 3,000 Pinwheels qty 72 so quality doesn't matter.
  16. Sorry, yes, progressive house music, not techno. Techno would imply it was the same sounding music produced 10-20 years earlier. To me it sounds like what The Chemical Brothers or The Crystal Method was doing back in the 90's. The same repetitious beat repeated for 5 minutes with very little musical value and minimal if any vocals. Only good for night club mix tracks or booming car stereos to annoy the neighbors at 2AM when your drunk.
  17. This is why you should buy a bike with soul. The standard Japanese inline 4 has past it's prime. You need to get a triple or a "V" motor of any cylinder config so that it sings to you when you ride it. If you need techno to cover up the sound of your bike, you just need a better bike.
  18. I always vote for raw sound, unless it's all wind noise because people don't know how to use their camera.
  19. I skipped Win '95 and 2000. I went from Win 3.1 to '98 to Millenium (oh fark did that one suck) to XP and have been running win 7 now happily.
  20. The cool aid man got a summer job as a cop.
  21. It's hurdles, and she did make the Australian team so she will be there.
  22. vf1000ride


    Any lifted spirits Tonik had built up are now thoroughly squashed. Be prepared for angry Tonik again for the foreseeable future.
  23. Track days bro, chicken strips are only for street riders bro.
  24. Longer version, was driving like an asshat.
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