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Everything posted by vf1000ride

  1. There is no milk crate, can't be him. Just some poser trying to be as cool.
  2. I'll be up there all 3 days. Not racing, just to enjoy the bikes and everyone else racing.
  3. The PR2 will get you great mileage and still be able to lean hard in the corners. I had them on my Duc and now also the Triumph. I switched to a power pure on the Duc only to do a track day last fall and will probably switch back to the PR2 when they wear out.
  4. I used to shoot CMP matches but haven't now in probably 8 years. It is one of the things that I would like to get back into doing now that I live in Ohio an the CMP is so darn close.
  5. I just got mine off Amazon. They seemed to have the best prices. http://www.amazon.com/HELLA-003399803-Supertone-High-Tone/dp/B0030YWM0Y/ref=pd_sim_auto_1
  6. Yep, figured that much out. Now waiting for a certain somebody to mention guns are bad. Thank you. I kinda figured due to the top of the magazine having the small extension but wasn't 100%. I've never seen what the kit's look like when they are out of a gun sitting next to it. One of these days I may have to add an AR-15 to my collection just so I can say I finally own one.
  7. So for the non-black plastic crowd. What is it?
  8. I don't think they will be quite as loud as train horns but I am mounting a set of the Hella Supertones to my bike while the motor is out.
  9. Gen3 likes a big hot tower of meat. Turkish kebab's are awesome.
  10. On a side note to that statement. The cheap gloves may not even last a full season of just wearing them. I have a cheap pair of Columbia gloves for the short trips out to dinner or just down to the corner for icecream. They last about one riding season with limited use and no crashes. My held gloves are now going on 4 years old and are in great shape.
  11. I wear the Held Phantoms. If they ever wear out I would probably step up to this model. I have been super happy with the comfort and design on the current ones I own and would hope the Titans are even better.
  12. A couple pictures I took last weekend out in Hutchinson KS. Who would have figured they hide a world class space museum out there. Lunar module (inside) Liberty Bell 7 recovered off the ocean floor. A fully assembled Titan II rocket that would have launched the Gemini capsules. I am working on uploading the rest of the pics to the following album. I will label everything as I go. http://s267.photobucket.com/albums/ii281/vf1000ride/Cosmosphere/
  13. Mine just came back up at 0230. Glorious air conditioner is doing it's best at this point.
  14. Ok, so not quite 150 years. Sears had there first print catalog in 1894. And being they used to sell guns you could at least enjoy your gun porn by candlelight by that point in time. . Looks like power is getting closer to my place. I ran out for some ice cream and the traffic lights are working 2 blocks closer than they were at dinner.
  15. Still no power at my place. Got my phone plugged into the car jumper pack to keep it charged. The oil lamp providing light and some truly un-needed extra heat. Gotta say it is rather ironic sitting down reading the Cabela's add that arrived today. Drooling over the muzzle loaders in the flickering candlelight. Almost let's you know what it must have been like 150 years ago when our ancestors did the same thing.
  16. I use some of the strongest protection you can get on a wi-fi router for when I am not home. It can guarantee that nobody will use the darn thing. Mine has a power button.
  17. Simple concept. Silver line around the neck of the lens is the Cannon budget lenses. A gold line is their middle of the road lens. A red line means it is their top end stuff. Anything with a red line is also called "L" glass and I believe Scuba is correct that it stands for Luxury. "IS" in the lens features means it has image stabilizing. "USM" is their high speed ultrasonic focus mechanism. It is also much quieter than what is used on the silver line lenses.
  18. I tend to end up with alot of motorcycle stuff. Latest fun has been trying some macro photos. And then throw in some time lapse also. 20 seconds with the shutter open.
  19. I currently have a EF-S 17-55 F/2.8 IS lens from Lensrental.com that I am running on my T1I. I took a ton of photo's in raw and can't convert the darn things on my netbook. Took this one of my normal walking around lens just a minute ago as a JPEG so I could upload it. I have been liking the low light ability and the large fixed aperture. It also gets great reviews as being better than some of the "L" glass lenses in the same zoom range. Can't wait to get home and view the pics on a full size screen. As a comparison, my normal lens is the 28-135 IS lens in the picture. It's not a bad lens when outdoors but it starts to show it's weakness indoors in low light.
  20. Boom, Headshot. Won't these people ever learn..
  21. Very cool on winning the shoot. I'm a member out there but haven't had a chance to shoot clays since they moved the pistol range. I have to get that on my list of things to do for next month.
  22. Ok, so the simple real world answer is. Hold your hand or throw a digital thermometer on the output line or the head/cylinder of a larger air compressor, something you could run an impact wrench or air nailer off of. The metal line between the head and the tank is usually the hottest. You are compressing air from ambient to 110psi and that is roughly in the same range as the cylinder compression on a motorcycle engine. There is no fuel involved so you are only dealing with the heat caused by friction and the compression of air. BTW, they get friggin hot so be careful.
  23. You can still pretend. When I flew the Learjet sim up in Canada I crashed it, I lasted a couple minutes before things went sideways. The instructor tossed me into a mean thunderstorm with 1 engine out. Then made the smart ass remark that I had killed all the pax. I replied he should be lucky I didn't barf on his fancy toy and asked him to set the thing upright so I could get out.
  24. Hey now, that's an idea. I am going out to Wichita to a Flight Safety course next week. I can call it an experiment and we can see if I can fly a sim better sober or drunk. I wonder if they would even let my non-pilot butt in a full motion sim? They may think us mechanic types are better at ground level.
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