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Everything posted by vf1000ride

  1. I'm strong enough that after I pull the disks off the inner spindle I normally just bend them into a taco. You just palm the disk, drive your hand into the edge of a desk and then squeeze. It bends the disk into a completely unusable piece of art. I keep the magnets off the read head to use on the fridge and around the house. You can usually hang a full size calender on your fridge with just one side of the magnet from inside the drive. Those things are ungodly strong.
  2. My first few guns where for target shooting. Then I got into collecting for historical value. Once I moved from the country to the city, I purchased some for protection. My collection ranges from a handgun that is only good to 25 feet up to a rifle with sights calibrated to 2,700 yards. A rifle that is 101 years old and pistols as new as last year. I like to joke with the guys at work that everyone in their own way stimulates the economy. I do it by purchasing dangerous weapons and keeping them out of the hands of idiots and politicians.
  3. I have the same pants as Nautical1, the Fieldsheer Mercury line. I have a Fieldsheer Congo 2 coat to go with it. http://ridersdiscount.com/street-gear/jackets-men/101064.php I've never wrecked in them but they are nice and comfortable on the long rides. Not as waterproof as they claim, the zippers leak. You do stay dry for about the first 30-40 minutes and then you can feel the water working it's way in. I leave the armor in them, once adjusted in the pockets correctly you forget they are even there. Normally if it's more than a 5 minute trip I ride with the most protection I can.
  4. Here is a link to Panchito's ride info for another airshow later this year (they are scheduled to this weekends also). They are asking $450 per person for a 30 minute flight. I would imagine this airshow will not be far off that cost. http://www.maam.org/wwii/ww2_rides_b25.htm
  5. It's possible it was an issue with the bar. His bike spends a lot of time strapped into a trailer going to track days and the such. No clue how many times he had it tied down with the CD's but it obviously stress's the bars in an unnatural way. I'm thinking any bars would eventually be damaged by strapping it down that way. My bike was next to his on the trailer when his bar broke so I got to see it first hand and neither bike was strapped down excessively tight. Made for an interesting time trying to figure out how to get his bike tied down again after the fact.
  6. The other thing to worry about with Canyon Dancers is that over time they will stress your bars and the bar itself will snap off. All of the force is loaded right on the handlebars. A buddy of mine had that happen to him last fall on the trip down to Barber for a track day. Half way there the whole deal came loose when one of his bars snapped right at the clip-on.
  7. http://www.biggerhammer.net/
  8. Make sure they didn't over/under torque the front axle. If they cranked it down and the bearings are making noise. It may not last long.
  9. Check your owners manual. Sometimes you may be able to do it yourself. I am pretty sure when I had my VW, there was a procedure right in the book on how to program the key to the car. Your Volvo may be the same, it's worth a look if you didn't already.
  10. I would vote for one of these; 10 inch M1905 bayonet. A little longer than what you want being it's a 10inch blade and 14 overall. It fits the rest of your requirements though. They are unnaturally tough, they can be used to open soup cans, ammo cans, cut through car doors. Comes in a parkerized non-reflective finish with hard Bakelite grips and a fiberglass sheath. They have a great reputation on the battlefield and I am sure that very few people that have viewed the pointy end are still around to tell you any different. :cool: Oh and if you really want to get medieval on somebody, you could always option for it's bigger cousin. The Pattern 1907 bayonet. This one gets a little farther from what you want as it has the dreaded wood grips. They are still a very dark blue an some where even parkerized. The blade is a very nice quality steel and is 17 inches long, 21 inches total length. They can be used for all the same things as the 10 inch M1905 above but with the 17 inch blade length you can stab the chicken shit criminal standing behind his equally worthless buddy. If the scum happens to be trying to jack your car, just push it right through the side and stick him while he is still in the street.
  11. Already out there. http://www.drivemycarhome.co.uk/
  12. My Sportclassic is 36-42 in the twisties. 3.5 gallon tank so not much range. The Triumph averages a little better, maybe 42-44 for the same conditions. Tank is bigger, you can do right around 200 per fillup.
  13. vf1000ride

    Norwalk, OH

    If there was a drag race going on I would tell you to stop at Summit Motorsports park and get a pound of ice cream. Their first open track day isn't until the 14th.
  14. I was gonna comment on my Duc also. I am around 220-240F at speed and normally see 260 when in traffic. I turned it off the one day 2 summers ago when I was stuck behind an accident on the highway and nobody was moving. Between the 90+ degree air temps and lack of airflow I hit 295F. I know around 310 it starts to yell at you so there was no use testing the sensor out. Ain't air cooled bikes awesome. And yes those are oil temps.
  15. Anyhoo, slingshot bad idea, crossbow worst. Baseball bat, machete, mace/pepper spray are all much better ideas. Suck up your pride if your truly afraid and call the police. It will certainly help your case in the long run and you do end up fighting your perceived threat. Worst case bust out the Being I don't know you from Jack I hold no ill will in your case. But in reality, you sound like a tool and maybe you need your shit kicked in to give you some perspective on things.
  16. Yep, he's the one. Ordered new mirrors for the bike also. Dang spending too much money here at the end of the month.
  17. Here is one from the side I took last fall. Having a total brain fart I never took one from the side this morning. I will have to pull it out tomorrow morning if I have time before work and get a new side on shot. I have had the exhaust ceramic coated since I took that last photo so the bike is looking much better.
  18. Sorry, these days I have been spending my money on the brass and lead commodities. Just as valuable and the end product can be used to procure gold, food and supplies.
  19. I have tubes in my tires so the standard plug kit won't work. I keep a can of sealant crap like this http://www.aerostich.com/threebond-seal-n-air.html It's smaller so it fits nice in my bike. I also have one of the co2 things like you are asking about and I normally carry 3 more co2 cartridges as spares. I don't trust the can of goo or the co2 to get me home but I hope they can get me to somewhere with cell phone service so I can call for a truck to come get me. So far, knock on wood, I have not gotten a flat so I can't really give a personal experience with either product. I can say that prior to getting this stuff for the bike I had gotten a packing staple in the rear tire. From the time I felt something wasn't right to the time I was pushing the bike was less than 3 miles. Lucky for me I was in my neighborhood when I gave up riding and started pushing.
  20. Just purchased a set of the cycle cat bars and mounts for my Sportclassic. I would have never thought that lowering my bars another 1.5 inches could actually make the bike more comfortable. They are a set of the multi-adjustable units, It allowed me to flatten out the angle and set them to a more natural position for my wrists. I took them for a short ride today (till I got cold) and I didn't have nearly as much stiffness in my wrists when done. If you have never looked at them you can check them out here. http://www.cyclecat.com/bar-mounting-systems Anyways, pictures (heck nobody read that stuff above right:p) Here are some with the factory clip-ons compared to the new ones. The factory ones are the top picture with the silver bar riser. The new ones are anodized black. And from the front Last two of the parts themselves.
  21. Motohio let me test ride my Triumph before I bought it. Now granted the bike was used and this wasn't my first bike purchase from them either. I have been down to them for the Triumph demo days when they had the truck and have taken one of their other Ducati demo bikes for a quick ride. I would think most dealerships will use the excuse you where given until they know you and build trust that you will bring their machine back in perfect condition and without the law chasing you back.
  22. Primus Sucks is actually one of their older slogans. Their music is really good if you enjoy a lot a heavy bass riffs. I will admit most of the music is very odd by mainstream standards but if your open to new music and really listen to it most of the stuff is pretty awesome.
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